Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Fr. Freeman and his Hindu-Buddhist meditations
No, this is not a Judo headlock. What you see, above, is just a manifestation of unity of thoughts shared by the Dalai Lama and Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB. This photo was taken on January 12, 2013, at the Central University of Tibetan Studies in Sarnath, India.Fr. Freeman, an English Benedictine, is a disciple of Fr. John Main, OSB, who incorporated Hinduism, as well as Buddhist elements, into Catholic meditations. He called it a return to the method of the Desert Fathers of the early Church. Actually, it has nothing to do with those times, it is just another attempt at syncretism promoted by progressivists.
Following the steps of John Main, Freeman founded the World Community for Christian Meditation, which is found today in more than 100 countries.
Below first row, Lama and Freeman continue their exhibit of original poses for photos... In the second and third rows Dalai Lama seems to indicate who is the inspirer of his religion. Fourth row, Lama holds hands with rabbis and wears a Jewish yarmulke.
More data on Freeman, here; Lama and Freeman in Manchester, here; Lama promoting Freeman, here
Photos from the Internet

Posted April 20, 2014