Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Hindu 'blessings' & dances at an ordination in Rodez, France
On Sunday, December 9, 2012, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Rodez, southern France, was filled with an unusual number of people. From throughout the region and country, and even from India, people came to assist at the promised show. For the priestly ordination of Deacon Francis Dominic, an Indian and naturalized French citizen, the local Bishop had promised to beat his previous records in "inculturalization."
Indeed, François Fonlupt, made a bishop only two years ago by the special choice of Benedict XVI, was a priest known for his progressivist orientation and eccentric initiatives. This time, Bishop Fonlupt took advantage of the ordination of Fr. Dominic to make a gargantuan display of the assimilation of Hinduism into the Catholic cult.
About 15 young women dancers were brought to perform Hindu dances at the Cathedral before, during and after the solemn ceremony of ordination. Then, two of these women "blessed" the religious authorities with the bindi, which is a red dot placed on the forehead between the eyebrows to prevent bad luck and bring prosperity and fertility. This Hindu practice of the bindi is a homage to the goddess Parvati, a wife of the god Shiva; the color red represents the goddess Shaki, the divine force or vital energy.
This new show of Bishop Fonlupt accustoms the Catholics of his Diocese to profanations of sacred places, religious syncretism and superstitions, and initiates them to the dark errors of Hinduism. Without a doubt, this remarkable addition to his record in inculturation may favor him to be chosen Archbishop of Toulouse ... or even to be invited to Rome to direct the Congregation of Divine Worship...
Above, one of the females dancers places the bindi on the forehead of a Bishop from India who was present at the ceremony; below first row, dancers enter the central nave of the Cathedral; second and third row, another group performs before the altar to the great joy of the clergy present.
In the fourth row, two of the women cross the presbytery to "bless" the Bishops present and Deacon Dominic, who can be seen at the left in the picture in the fifth row. In the sixth row, the Bishop, assisted by altar girls, ordains Fr. Francis Dominic. In the seventh, another group of dancers enters the presbytery to sprinkle it with rose petals. In the eighth row, Bishop Fonlupt in a gray suit and Fr. Dominic, already without a collar, smile at the cameras while displaying two Hollywood-like depictions of Our Lord embracing boys.