Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pagan divinities worshipped in a Catholic Church
The stained glass window above is placed in St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Buffalo, NY. It depicts pagan divinities and offers them as objects of worship for Catholics.
From top to bottom: In the first two panels are God the Father and God the Son with outstretched hands. Moses, as a representative of Judaism, and Mohammed of Islamism are pictured together as equals in the third panel. Over the turban-covered head of Mohammed is the crescent.
In the fourth panel, the falcon-headed figure represents a divinity of ancient Egypt, Horus, the son of Isis. The dancing nude figure to its right is the Hindu divinity Shiva. In the center of the bottom panel is Buddha.
This window is part of an ensemble built in St. Ambrose Church to celebrate the teachings of Vatican II. Until now, the purpose of stained glass windows was to present scenes from the lives of Our Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints, as well as epidodes of the Old and New Testaments for the devotion of the faithful.
Now, one see windows offering pagan divinities for the veneration of Catholics inside of a Catholic church. It is a deliberate affirmation of the error of religious Indifferentism, according to which all religions are good and lead to God. Another consequence of Vatican II.
Posted February 5, 2006

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