Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Cardinal Tauran at the Golden Temple in India
On November 15, 2011, Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, visited the Golden Temple, the center of Sikhism in the city of Amritsar, State of Punjab, India. Sikhism broke away from Hinduism but kept many of its concepts. Its philosophy supposes that God is immanent in the human soul and is released by a process of meditation and asceticism. The sikhs also consider as gods the 10 main gurus that were heads of their religion since its foundation in 15th century.
In the photo above, to the right of sikh head priest Granthi Gyani, we see Archbishop Salvatore Pennachio, Papal Nuncio to India, Cardinal Tauran, and Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata, secretary of Tauran's Pontifical Council. The Catholic Prelates are wearing white turbans on their heads and saffron orange scarfs characteristic of those who are initiated in Sikhism. We also distinguish on the forehead of Tauran the red mark of a Hindu-Sikh "blessing."
Below first row left, we see the three Prelates posing with priests of the Sikh temple; at right, in addition to the three Prelates we find Indian Bishop Anil Couto, the last seated person in white at the right in the photo. Second row, another shot of Cardinal Tauran in Hindu liturgical apparel; for easy identification, we post photos of Cardinal Tauran in the third row left, Archbishop Pennachio, third row right, and Archbishop Celata, central insert down.
This visit to the "holy place" of Sikhism is another step that advances the progressivist plan of establishing a universal religion, and deepens the apostasy of the Conciliar Church from the Holy Catholic Church.
/445_Tauran02.jpg) Photos from India Express, Jago Punjab, Emmannu.com & Internet |
Posted November 27, 2011

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