Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Provincial of the Divine Word performs Hindu dances
Fr. Joachim Andrade, above, is the Provincial of the Society of Divine Word in south Brazil. In this picture he is perfomrning at the opening Mass (February 26, 2012) of the Seminar for Consecrated Religious Life, under the direction of the Conference of Brazilian Religious (CBR). Fr. Andrade is from India and has been in Brazil for 20 years.According to information posted on the magazine of the CBR website, the goal of this opening dance was to put the assembly "in tune with the art and culture of his people."
The priest explains: "My presentation is in tune with this seminar. Hindu art shows that it is possible to take this ancient Eastern culture and insert it into our search for God, since mysticism and spirituality are above religions. To bring expressions of another culture to the liturgy is to give our celebrations a universal openess."
What Fr. Andrade did not mention is that those dances are ritual acts of worship made to the false deities of Hinduism, and that to mix them with the Catholic liturgy is a serious step toward religious syncretism, one of the characterisitics of the Panreligion.
Below, photos from another performance of Fr. Andrade in 2009.
To watch the video, click here.
Last row, a photo of the Council of the Society of Divine Word in south Brazil, taken from its website.
Photos & video from a Brazilian reader & Missa aos Domingos

Posted July 1, 2012