What People are Commenting
St. Anthony’s Seal, Sterilization & Rampant Lion
St. Anthony’s Stamps
As I came to your webpage, I was thinking your organization might have a stamp (the kind with ink, not a paper stamp to lick - although that might be good, too) to put on the back of mail with the "St. Anthony, guide" image (SAG) that I saw on Instagram. (I took a screen shot and will include it at the bottom)
I went to Catholic school for 8 years but had never heard of this. I send out cards to people who need cheering up and I would love to have an ink stamp to put this on the back. It might be something you might like to add to your shop.
TIA responds:
No we have neither the ink seal nor the paper/glued stamp. But thank you for your suggestion. We may have one in the future.
TIA correspondent desk
As I came to your webpage, I was thinking your organization might have a stamp (the kind with ink, not a paper stamp to lick - although that might be good, too) to put on the back of mail with the "St. Anthony, guide" image (SAG) that I saw on Instagram. (I took a screen shot and will include it at the bottom)
I went to Catholic school for 8 years but had never heard of this. I send out cards to people who need cheering up and I would love to have an ink stamp to put this on the back. It might be something you might like to add to your shop.

TIA responds:
No we have neither the ink seal nor the paper/glued stamp. But thank you for your suggestion. We may have one in the future.
TIA correspondent desk
Forced Sterilization Recanted
In a landmark decision, Japan’s Supreme Court has ordered the government to pay damages to people who were forcibly sterilized under a now-defunct eugenics law, ruling that the practice was unconstitutional and had violated their rights.
The Eugenic Protection Law, in place from 1948 to 1996, allowed authorities to forcibly sterilize people with disabilities, including those with mental disorders, hereditary diseases or physical deformities, and leprosy. It also allowed forced abortions if either parent had those conditions.
Just for kicks Google Monsanto and eugenics. They include geoengineering, COVID, vaccine, eugenics.
In a landmark decision, Japan’s Supreme Court has ordered the government to pay damages to people who were forcibly sterilized under a now-defunct eugenics law, ruling that the practice was unconstitutional and had violated their rights.
The Eugenic Protection Law, in place from 1948 to 1996, allowed authorities to forcibly sterilize people with disabilities, including those with mental disorders, hereditary diseases or physical deformities, and leprosy. It also allowed forced abortions if either parent had those conditions.
Just for kicks Google Monsanto and eugenics. They include geoengineering, COVID, vaccine, eugenics.
The Bishop of Rome
Dear TIA,
Thank you for the analysis of the recent Vatican document, The Bishop of Rome, by Atila Sinke Guimarães.
It strikes me there is “a gap in the market” for a pithy tongue in cheek résumé of the main documents of the Second Vatican Council, setting out the real intentions of the reformers and stripping away the sentimental flummery and deliberate ambiguities.
For instance it has recently occurred to me that the post-Vatican II supposed search for unity was never genuine. It was intended and has functioned as a mechanism to undermine and destroy the Church as part of Ratzinger’s ‘Razing of the Bastions.’
The second Vatican Council in practice has attempted to impose a ‘fifth mark’ on the Church, so that it is now apparently ‘One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Vague.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
TIA responds:
Dear N.S.M.,
Thank you for your kind words about the analysis we posted by Atila Sinke Guimarães.
We believe you would benefit from and appreciate the series of short videos that Mr. Guimarães is making to summarize each volume of his 11-volume Collection that analyzes the letter and spirit of Vatican II.
So far, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4 and Volume 5 are available on the Tradition in Action Media channel.
We hope you will enjoy them.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you for the analysis of the recent Vatican document, The Bishop of Rome, by Atila Sinke Guimarães.
It strikes me there is “a gap in the market” for a pithy tongue in cheek résumé of the main documents of the Second Vatican Council, setting out the real intentions of the reformers and stripping away the sentimental flummery and deliberate ambiguities.
For instance it has recently occurred to me that the post-Vatican II supposed search for unity was never genuine. It was intended and has functioned as a mechanism to undermine and destroy the Church as part of Ratzinger’s ‘Razing of the Bastions.’
The second Vatican Council in practice has attempted to impose a ‘fifth mark’ on the Church, so that it is now apparently ‘One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Vague.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
TIA responds:
Dear N.S.M.,
Thank you for your kind words about the analysis we posted by Atila Sinke Guimarães.
We believe you would benefit from and appreciate the series of short videos that Mr. Guimarães is making to summarize each volume of his 11-volume Collection that analyzes the letter and spirit of Vatican II.
So far, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4 and Volume 5 are available on the Tradition in Action Media channel.
We hope you will enjoy them.
TIA correspondence desk
Not Worthy of the Rampant Lion
Hello TIA,
Salve Maria!
I spent the last three weeks reading through The Defense on the Ultimatum to Expel Atila Guimarães from TFP and it brought me to tears multiple times. There was nothing particularly sorrowful in the defense itself. I was distraught with righteous fury against the TFP for abandoning the fight that Prof. Plinio championed his entire life.
The incredible amount of detail Atila put into the defense is masterful and proves just how capable he is at debate and dialectics.
It also proves how there is no room for debate: the TFP abandoned everything that they originally stood for and Prof. Plinio marked their fate with these ominous words: "We have no right to not bring this work to its end or we will lose the state of grace. [It is] a very grave sin." (Serra Negra, December 5, 1982, 1st meeting, p. 5).
I am more motivated than ever to continue to learn and to fight for the cause of the Counter Revolution and to do the work that the TFP should have done. I encourage all supporters of TIA to consider reading this work. It is over 250 pages long but, read in short bursts, it is certainly doable.
The feeling of anger and sorrow will be immense as you imagine what thousands of men could have done had they stayed true to their ideals, had the leaders of these groups continued to carry the flag and be worthy of the Lion, and had Prof. Plinio's teachings been fully formed in them.
I collected many wonderful quotes and this is one of my favorites from Prof. Plinio. I hope that it inspires those who feel hopeless in this fight to keep going.
Dr. Plinio:
"It was a merited suffering, but it was a curious thing. God, when He punishes and the punishment is accepted, in His goodness, He gives it the character of an ennobling trial. And it is as if one leaves the scourging with a title of nobility in hand. It is His mercy. One enters as a culprit, in the condition of a slave, and leaves the pillory with a title of nobility in his hand, as if he were His son. For example, I have an admiration for the penitential psalms of David, something beyond words. But what is it? The soul feels itself passing from the condition of a culprit amidst the moans and sobbing tears of the penitential psalm.
"But, in those trials, there was something that was preparing you precisely for a hundred types of detachment, a hundred types including patience... let me even say, above all patience. They were the senseless, brutal trials denying the best of what you were trying to do. You found the muddiest and saltiest deception inside the chalice where you had the right to find the best [wine]. And [it went] on, and on, and on. I see this perfectly.
"But, with all of this together, Our Lady thus prepared for you a first moment [the beginning of work], which is just the appetizer to I do not know how many other works. But the point is that, in the fratempo [intermediary time], yet other things can come" (Serra Negra, June 16, 1983, 1st meeting, p. 9).
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria!
I spent the last three weeks reading through The Defense on the Ultimatum to Expel Atila Guimarães from TFP and it brought me to tears multiple times. There was nothing particularly sorrowful in the defense itself. I was distraught with righteous fury against the TFP for abandoning the fight that Prof. Plinio championed his entire life.
The incredible amount of detail Atila put into the defense is masterful and proves just how capable he is at debate and dialectics.
It also proves how there is no room for debate: the TFP abandoned everything that they originally stood for and Prof. Plinio marked their fate with these ominous words: "We have no right to not bring this work to its end or we will lose the state of grace. [It is] a very grave sin." (Serra Negra, December 5, 1982, 1st meeting, p. 5).
I am more motivated than ever to continue to learn and to fight for the cause of the Counter Revolution and to do the work that the TFP should have done. I encourage all supporters of TIA to consider reading this work. It is over 250 pages long but, read in short bursts, it is certainly doable.
The feeling of anger and sorrow will be immense as you imagine what thousands of men could have done had they stayed true to their ideals, had the leaders of these groups continued to carry the flag and be worthy of the Lion, and had Prof. Plinio's teachings been fully formed in them.
I collected many wonderful quotes and this is one of my favorites from Prof. Plinio. I hope that it inspires those who feel hopeless in this fight to keep going.
Dr. Plinio:
"It was a merited suffering, but it was a curious thing. God, when He punishes and the punishment is accepted, in His goodness, He gives it the character of an ennobling trial. And it is as if one leaves the scourging with a title of nobility in hand. It is His mercy. One enters as a culprit, in the condition of a slave, and leaves the pillory with a title of nobility in his hand, as if he were His son. For example, I have an admiration for the penitential psalms of David, something beyond words. But what is it? The soul feels itself passing from the condition of a culprit amidst the moans and sobbing tears of the penitential psalm.
"But, in those trials, there was something that was preparing you precisely for a hundred types of detachment, a hundred types including patience... let me even say, above all patience. They were the senseless, brutal trials denying the best of what you were trying to do. You found the muddiest and saltiest deception inside the chalice where you had the right to find the best [wine]. And [it went] on, and on, and on. I see this perfectly.
"But, with all of this together, Our Lady thus prepared for you a first moment [the beginning of work], which is just the appetizer to I do not know how many other works. But the point is that, in the fratempo [intermediary time], yet other things can come" (Serra Negra, June 16, 1983, 1st meeting, p. 9).
In Jesu et Maria,
Posted July 16, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Thank you for everything you do and for spreading the truth.
I appreciate your hard work and commitment to the Faith and fighting for it.