What People are Commenting
Singer Nun, Scorzelli Cross & Viral Reel
St. Alphonsus on the Our Father
Here is my newest blog post, St. Alphonsus de Liguori on the Lord's Prayer, taken from his book on the Holy Mass.
Frank Rega
Here is my newest blog post, St. Alphonsus de Liguori on the Lord's Prayer, taken from his book on the Holy Mass.
Frank Rega
Scorzelli Cross
Good afternoon,
In one of your articles you mention the Scorzelli cross, instituted by John xxiii, and subsequenyly was condemned by Pope Benedict XV, but you do not mention where or when specifically. Do you know in what encyclical or alias he condemned this art style?
Very respectfully,
TIA responds:
Good evening G.R.,
There are two small imprecisions in your question that we must first note:
TIA correspondence desk
In one of your articles you mention the Scorzelli cross, instituted by John xxiii, and subsequenyly was condemned by Pope Benedict XV, but you do not mention where or when specifically. Do you know in what encyclical or alias he condemned this art style?
Very respectfully,
TIA responds:
Good evening G.R.,
There are two small imprecisions in your question that we must first note:
- As far as we know, the Scorzelli cross was not instituted by John XXIII. It was commissioned by Paul VI in 1963 and used for the first time by this Pope on December 8, 1965.
- The Scorzelli cross has not been condemned to date. It was Albert Servaes’ Way of the Cross that was condemned. One of the Stations of this Way of the Cross, the Crucifixion, seems to have inspired Scrozelli to make his cross.
TIA correspondence desk
Opinion about Fr. Michel Rodriguez
Dear TIA,
If you have information about Fr Michel Rodriguez I would appreciate your opinion, please.
I understand that the Bishop of Amos has disallowed his messages.
TIA responds:
Dear L.M.,
We do not know if we are speaking of the same person. We know a Fr. Michael E. Rodriguez who was incardinated in the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, and his Bishop gave him a period of sabbatical for discernment. The reason for this was that Fr. Rodriguez decided to say only the Tridentine Mass and refused to say the Novus Ordo Missae. As far as we know the sabbatical continues indefinitely.
We had the opportunity to meet Fr. Rodriguez several times and he made a very good impression on us: sound doctrine and well oriented. However, we have not had news about him for some time now.
We do not know whether he went to Canada and the Bishop of Amos said something about him.
If this is the priest you are referring to, the Bishop’s restrictions were imposed on him because he remained faithful to the Mass of St. Pius V. Therefore, Fr. Rodriguez acted perfectly well.
TIA correspondent desk
If you have information about Fr Michel Rodriguez I would appreciate your opinion, please.
I understand that the Bishop of Amos has disallowed his messages.
TIA responds:
Dear L.M.,
We do not know if we are speaking of the same person. We know a Fr. Michael E. Rodriguez who was incardinated in the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, and his Bishop gave him a period of sabbatical for discernment. The reason for this was that Fr. Rodriguez decided to say only the Tridentine Mass and refused to say the Novus Ordo Missae. As far as we know the sabbatical continues indefinitely.
We had the opportunity to meet Fr. Rodriguez several times and he made a very good impression on us: sound doctrine and well oriented. However, we have not had news about him for some time now.
We do not know whether he went to Canada and the Bishop of Amos said something about him.
If this is the priest you are referring to, the Bishop’s restrictions were imposed on him because he remained faithful to the Mass of St. Pius V. Therefore, Fr. Rodriguez acted perfectly well.
TIA correspondent desk
My Reel Which Went Viral
Dear Tradition in Action,
Salve Maria!
I wanted to let you, as well as your readers, know about a recent internet success.
On April 15, I made a reel on my Instagram account Retrograde Convert about writing the custom of writing the initials S.A.G. on mail to invoke the protection of St. Anthony.
The caption for my reel was a direct quotation from TIA’s article about the S.A.G. custom, and I tagged Tradition in Action in the reel as well.
To my surprise, the reel went viral! As of today (4/23/24), it has 1.6 million views, over 46,000 likes, and over 23,000 shares on Instagram. I also went from 21K to 24.6K followers within just a week.
So, every person who saw this reel (according to my “reel insights,” this reel has reached over 973K Instagram accounts) will have seen the tag of Tradition in Action, and if they read the quote, they will find the link to TIA’s website as my source.
Something interesting — the reason why I made this reel was because I promised St. Anthony that, if he helped a friend find her lost keys, I would make a post about him. Shortly after I made this promise, she found her keys! So, had she not lost her keys, I never would have thought to make this video which has now gone viral. St. Anthony is clearly a powerful intercessor!
In Jesu et Maria,
Isabel Camacho
P.S. - I have uploaded the reel to YouTube Shorts as well, so that those who do not have Instagram may watch it without needing to make an Instagram account: See here.
Salve Maria!
I wanted to let you, as well as your readers, know about a recent internet success.
On April 15, I made a reel on my Instagram account Retrograde Convert about writing the custom of writing the initials S.A.G. on mail to invoke the protection of St. Anthony.
The caption for my reel was a direct quotation from TIA’s article about the S.A.G. custom, and I tagged Tradition in Action in the reel as well.
To my surprise, the reel went viral! As of today (4/23/24), it has 1.6 million views, over 46,000 likes, and over 23,000 shares on Instagram. I also went from 21K to 24.6K followers within just a week.
So, every person who saw this reel (according to my “reel insights,” this reel has reached over 973K Instagram accounts) will have seen the tag of Tradition in Action, and if they read the quote, they will find the link to TIA’s website as my source.
Something interesting — the reason why I made this reel was because I promised St. Anthony that, if he helped a friend find her lost keys, I would make a post about him. Shortly after I made this promise, she found her keys! So, had she not lost her keys, I never would have thought to make this video which has now gone viral. St. Anthony is clearly a powerful intercessor!
In Jesu et Maria,
Isabel Camacho
P.S. - I have uploaded the reel to YouTube Shorts as well, so that those who do not have Instagram may watch it without needing to make an Instagram account: See here.

Posted April 23, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Ave Maria Purissima !
I read with sadness, but with no great surprise, the story of Suor Cristina. Was she ever truly a Spouse of Christ. I doubt it. She showed a desire for the world which no true Spouse of Our Lord. would have. Perhaps, when this desire manifested itself, her superior should have disciplined her and forbidden her all contact with the world. This may have brought her to heel for a time, but I wonder if that desire for approval and acclaim would not have manifested itself more strongly at a later stage.
There is of course, a very good reason why in former times convents were surrounded by high walls. Nuns and Religious Sisters live lives which are completely contrary to the spirit of the world. Their life of obedience, chastity and purity is a difficult life, full of self-restraint and self-sacrifice. They are constantly under attack from Satan, for whom the corruption of a Spouse of Christ is an occasion of great celebration. In former times, if Nuns had to leave their convent for any reason, they travelled in cars which had curtains on the back windows to block out the world.
A former classmate of mine who became a Nun told me how on one occasion, she was sorely tempted to draw back the curtain when visiting a city she had never seen before. Her travelling companion, also a Nun, immediately suggested they recite the Holy Rosary to defeat Satan's attempt to corrupt them.
In today's liberal times even in convents, poor Suor Cristina never had a chance. Judging by the photographs, she seems very much at home in immodest garments and at making suggestive poses. We must pray for her and pray for an end to these liberal times which are causing such destruction in our Church. Pray also for those sincere and zealous Nuns who resist so strongly the temptations of the world.
God bless you all at TIA.
Yours faithfully,
C.P., Ireland