What People are Commenting
Chivalry, Head Covering & New Canonizations
Chivalry: Heroism & Sublimity
Dear TIA,
Yesterday a friend sent me the following quotation from the writings of Kenelm Henry Digby, who converted to Catholicism after studying medieval history and literature:
"Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic and generous actions and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world."
Digby's words are elucidated here.
In Christo,
Yesterday a friend sent me the following quotation from the writings of Kenelm Henry Digby, who converted to Catholicism after studying medieval history and literature:
"Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic and generous actions and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world."
Digby's words are elucidated here.
In Christo,
Head Covering for Women
Dear Tradition in Action:
I have been following your site and emails for years, and they have been instrumental in shaping my faith and that of my family. Because we have come to trust your opinions as well founded, I would like to ask you a question about head covering.
It is my understanding that all female saints wore head coverings regularly, and I think that Our Lady, pinnacle of womanly appearance and appropriateness, has never appeared without one.
Should those women who truly seek a return to tradition revive head covering, not only at the church but in daily life? What history and advice can you share on this topic?
TIA responds:
Dear K.H.,
Thank you for your kind words on our work. We are rewarded knowing that you are a daily reader of the TIA website and that it has offered some benefits to you and your family.
We think you might enjoy the series on head coverings we posted on TIA.
In the final article, Mr. Goodman distinguishes between the practical and the ideal, which reflects TIA's opinion.
Some of our young ladies have taken to incorporating a head covering of various sorts at times into their clothing, but it is not the rule or general practice. For public functions, often they wear their hair up in traditional, simple and beautiful styles. Their choice to use head coverings in daily living simply reflects their desire to prepare for the Reign of Mary and a society that again reflects the fullness of Christian principles of modesty and decorum in both the Church and civil society.
We hope this is of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
I have been following your site and emails for years, and they have been instrumental in shaping my faith and that of my family. Because we have come to trust your opinions as well founded, I would like to ask you a question about head covering.
It is my understanding that all female saints wore head coverings regularly, and I think that Our Lady, pinnacle of womanly appearance and appropriateness, has never appeared without one.
Should those women who truly seek a return to tradition revive head covering, not only at the church but in daily life? What history and advice can you share on this topic?
TIA responds:
Dear K.H.,
Thank you for your kind words on our work. We are rewarded knowing that you are a daily reader of the TIA website and that it has offered some benefits to you and your family.
We think you might enjoy the series on head coverings we posted on TIA.
In the final article, Mr. Goodman distinguishes between the practical and the ideal, which reflects TIA's opinion.
Some of our young ladies have taken to incorporating a head covering of various sorts at times into their clothing, but it is not the rule or general practice. For public functions, often they wear their hair up in traditional, simple and beautiful styles. Their choice to use head coverings in daily living simply reflects their desire to prepare for the Reign of Mary and a society that again reflects the fullness of Christian principles of modesty and decorum in both the Church and civil society.
We hope this is of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Change of Canonizations
Hello TIA,
Salve Maria!
I am doing a new series of videos on canonizations after an inspiration from Our Lady. I looked online and was curious if TIA had made any formal analyses of these two documents:
I skimmed online and found these two documents that seem to be the official changes to the canonization process.
The reason I ask if there have been any formal inquiries into these documents is because I did not see a definitive article on the website that referenced these documents so I am curious if TIA never bothered to post about them because the analysis of the so-called 'saints' was enough proof that the process had changed. If this is the case, then should I forego my journey into the root of these documents and just stick to revealing the errors of the saints?
In this document, there is great detail about the change of the martyrdom process as well as the bishops conference: here.
If this article and these two points are the main ones I should start with, then I will stop bothering to reference the original documents.
In Maria,
TIA responds:
Hello N.B.,
Salve Maria!
Since the new 1983 Code of Canon Law abolished 141 of the 142 canons that regulated the processes of beatification in the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the Conciliar Popes can do practically whatever they want to make a person a blessed or a saint.
Thenceforth the other documents appear to us as part of the progressivist “folklore,” that is, they establish arbitrary rules for a procedure that lost almost any continuity with the past. That wise ensemble of rules that oriented the Catholic Church for centuries was basically dismissed. For this reason, we did not analyze the new documents.
TIA correspondent desk
Salve Maria!
I am doing a new series of videos on canonizations after an inspiration from Our Lady. I looked online and was curious if TIA had made any formal analyses of these two documents:
I skimmed online and found these two documents that seem to be the official changes to the canonization process.
The reason I ask if there have been any formal inquiries into these documents is because I did not see a definitive article on the website that referenced these documents so I am curious if TIA never bothered to post about them because the analysis of the so-called 'saints' was enough proof that the process had changed. If this is the case, then should I forego my journey into the root of these documents and just stick to revealing the errors of the saints?
In this document, there is great detail about the change of the martyrdom process as well as the bishops conference: here.
If this article and these two points are the main ones I should start with, then I will stop bothering to reference the original documents.
In Maria,
TIA responds:
Hello N.B.,
Salve Maria!
Since the new 1983 Code of Canon Law abolished 141 of the 142 canons that regulated the processes of beatification in the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the Conciliar Popes can do practically whatever they want to make a person a blessed or a saint.
Thenceforth the other documents appear to us as part of the progressivist “folklore,” that is, they establish arbitrary rules for a procedure that lost almost any continuity with the past. That wise ensemble of rules that oriented the Catholic Church for centuries was basically dismissed. For this reason, we did not analyze the new documents.
TIA correspondent desk
‘Conservative’ Poland Showing Its Colors
Hello TIA,
Re: 3 Years in Jail if You Offend LGBT
This was a real shock for me, and quite upsetting to realize how quickly the façade of conservatism crumbles in society today. I read this in Lifesite news:
Poland’s new liberal government has published proposed legislation that would criminalize public criticism of LGBT ideology as “hate speech,” with three years in prison for what the government deems “insults” against a person’s “sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Last week, the Polish Ministry of Justice published a draft amendment to the nation’s penal code, expanding the scope of its “hate speech” laws to include “sexual orientation or gender identity.” Conservative Poles have denounced the move as a power grab aimed at silencing public debate on LGBT issues, in particular Catholic teaching on sexual morality and marriage, which punctuated the pontificate of the Polish Pope John Paul II.
I guess we should not be surprised, because the Poles adore JPII, whose Theology of the Body and moral teachings (the WYD Woodstocks, etc.) are not conservative e at all. It will all lead to accepting sodomy, as it has elsewhere throughout the West and the Americas.
Still, very sad to see this move.
Re: 3 Years in Jail if You Offend LGBT
This was a real shock for me, and quite upsetting to realize how quickly the façade of conservatism crumbles in society today. I read this in Lifesite news:
Poland’s new liberal government has published proposed legislation that would criminalize public criticism of LGBT ideology as “hate speech,” with three years in prison for what the government deems “insults” against a person’s “sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Last week, the Polish Ministry of Justice published a draft amendment to the nation’s penal code, expanding the scope of its “hate speech” laws to include “sexual orientation or gender identity.” Conservative Poles have denounced the move as a power grab aimed at silencing public debate on LGBT issues, in particular Catholic teaching on sexual morality and marriage, which punctuated the pontificate of the Polish Pope John Paul II.
I guess we should not be surprised, because the Poles adore JPII, whose Theology of the Body and moral teachings (the WYD Woodstocks, etc.) are not conservative e at all. It will all lead to accepting sodomy, as it has elsewhere throughout the West and the Americas.
Still, very sad to see this move.
Bad News on SSPX
Re: Former SSPX US district superior admits in court to abusing seven boys
This is VERY bad news, indeed. What is particularly disturbing is that the Superiors continued to put the molester Fr. Rostand in places of importance and around children, despite his admittance of having “attractions” to children:
“In fact, Rostand attested that he informed the SSPX via letter in 1998 that he had an ‘attraction’ to children. He stated that he informed the SSPX about this again in 2000, then in 2006 and 2013.”
Then in court, he admitted that he molested boys between 2002 to 2018.
So what did Bishop Fellay do? He made him U.S. District Superior for the traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) from August 2008 through August 2014.
It is so incredible that it is almost unbelievable, except Rostand is admitting all this quite openly and desiring punishment. The prosecutors are seeking ONLY a sentence of four years monitored living and a permanent ban on exercising activity with minors. This is NOTHING, He should be making penance for the rest of his life, as in the past.
Re: Former SSPX US district superior admits in court to abusing seven boys
This is VERY bad news, indeed. What is particularly disturbing is that the Superiors continued to put the molester Fr. Rostand in places of importance and around children, despite his admittance of having “attractions” to children:
“In fact, Rostand attested that he informed the SSPX via letter in 1998 that he had an ‘attraction’ to children. He stated that he informed the SSPX about this again in 2000, then in 2006 and 2013.”
Then in court, he admitted that he molested boys between 2002 to 2018.
So what did Bishop Fellay do? He made him U.S. District Superior for the traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) from August 2008 through August 2014.
It is so incredible that it is almost unbelievable, except Rostand is admitting all this quite openly and desiring punishment. The prosecutors are seeking ONLY a sentence of four years monitored living and a permanent ban on exercising activity with minors. This is NOTHING, He should be making penance for the rest of his life, as in the past.
Posted April 18, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I would to thank Mr. Phillip Mericle for his article "Pope Upends Catholic Education." It makes me long for the good-old-days when Catholic universities pursued truth which ultimately leads to Holy Mother Church and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The truth is not fad ideas and theories. I particularly liked his phrase "the bellicosity of Bergoglio’s Marxist-Miserablism." Keep up the good work.
As an aside, my family recently watched a 1973 film "The Catholics." Story of Irish monks trying to Keep their TLM. It is interesting and somewhat prophetic. Worth a watch
God be praised in ALL things
Deacon D.L., D.O.