Homosexuality and the Clergy
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Kudos to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual Law
Reporting on a piece of good news for a change, I want to congratulate Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni who, facing intense hostile Western pressure, signed an anti-homosexual bill into law on February 24, 2014. Such an action, which once would have been viewed as routine in the Christian West, is denounced today as “draconian, offensive and an affront to basic rights” by world leaders – secular and religious. (1)
The law in question imposes a 14-year prison term for anyone entering into a same-sex relationship, as well as a recommended 10-year sentence for anyone found to support homosexual clubs, meetings or parades. Public displays of affection by homosexuals and lesbians are also forbidden.
After he signed the bill, President Museveni gave a speech lecturing Western countries on their arrogance and immorality. It was refreshing to hear the President of a country speak frankly and honestly about the moral destruction the sin of sodomy wreaks on society. It was something I thought could no longer happen. His courage gives a smidgen of hope to the forces of resistance against the LGBT onslaught of pro-homo legislation being imposed by the highest juridical and political authorities everywhere.
Museveni’s speech after the signing further enraged the pro-homosexual media and forces. The African President said unabashedly what today’s Church leaders shrink from, describing homosexuality as what it is – terrible and “disgusting.”
A very confident Museveni, who has been in power for 28 years and is up for re-election soon, criticized “arrogant and careless Western groups” who “come into our schools and recruit young children into homosexuality and lesbianism.” He displayed outrage over the open exhibitionism of sexual acts coming from the West. Such people should be punished, he argued, “to defend our society from disorientation.” (2)
By the way, for those Catholics infected by liberalism who may be shocked at his statements, there is nothing new in them. Before Vatican II, this is what the Catholic Church always taught and did to protect society and raise the youth well.
As for possible international sanctions imposed as retribution for his action, President Museveni was indifferent. He noted that Uganda – the most populous country in Africa and a major oil producer - “does not need aid because aid is in itself a problem.” By way of note, the United States buys 70% of Uganda’s oil and depends on this African nation as an important U.S. ally in counter-terrorism in East Africa. Notwithstanding, Secretary of State John Kerry did not delay in issuing a statement against the legislation, calling it “a tragic day for Uganda and for all who care about the cause of human rights." (3)
President Museveni replied: "Outsiders cannot dictate to us. This is our country. I advise friends from the West not to make this an issue, because the more they make it an issue, the more they will lose. If the West does not want to work with us because of homosexuals, then we have enough space to ourselves here." After he affirmed this, a loud applause burst from the audience. (4)
Finally, he addressed the feeble argument that homosexuals were born that way. He justified his action by quoting a study he had commissioned Ugandan scientists to make. Their findings demonstrated that homosexuality was not a genetic condition, but a choice, a learned moral and social behavior. "No study has shown you can be homosexual by nature. That's why I have agreed to sign the bill," Museveni said.
"We reject the notion that somebody can be homosexual by choice, that a man can choose to love a fellow man, that sexual orientation is a matter of choice," Museveni continued. "They should rehabilitate themselves and society should assist them to do so." (5)
What the West is doing is nurturing the homo culture and lifestyle. What Uganda resolved to do is to “discourage the trends” and encourage those with the homosexual inclination to correct their bad tendencies. The law President Museveni signed is a good way to do this.
The Church’s shameful stand
Before Vatican II, the Church’s stand on homosexuality was clear-cut and unambiguous. The action of President Museveni would have been supported and applauded since it followed the general lines of legislation in all Catholic nations. The Bishops would have stood as a bloc behind Ugandan Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwango, who approved the law, reversing his position from 2009 when he opposed a similar bill.
Today, things are sadly quite different and much more confusing. Catholics are instructed to believe that homosexual inclinations are only “disordered.” At the same time, we are now being told to respect the homosexual, affirm their rights, and avoid any type of discrimination based on “the inviolable dignity of man.”
As a result of this rickety position preached by the conciliar Church, there has been more criticism than support for the Ugandan Bishops’ backing of the recently passed law against homosexuality.
Pope Francis’ representative to Uganda, Papal Nuncio Archbishop Michael Blume, expressed his shock when the Parliament passed the bill, and publicly affirmed the Church’s opposition to the bill. Shortly afterward, he issued a statement saying he would be working with Uganda’s Bishops on the matter.
It seems his interference is having its effect. The Uganda Bishops’ are already starting to retreat from their good position. Msgr. John Baptist Kauta, secretary general of the Uganda Episcopal Conference, is now saying that the Bishops are reserving judgment on the new bill since they are “for compassion” not penalties. (6)
It is not difficult to find Bishops who are publicly adamant in supporting the homosexual platform. “The Catholic Church does not want homosexuals to be treated as criminals,” affirmed Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, one of Pope Francis' top advisers. He justified his position by citing Francis himself: “The Church stand is, ‘Who am I to judge them?’ as the Holy Father has said.” (7)
This shameful position of Francis found a precedent in Benedict’s stance during the 2009 debate over the earlier version of a Ugandan anti-homosexual law. While the bill was being discussed, the Vatican legal attaché to the United Nations publicly stated that “Pope Benedict is opposed to 'unjust discrimination' against gay men and lesbians," a statement clearly aimed at the Ugandan bill.
Along the same lines, Ireland’s Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has gone so far as to say that “anybody who doesn’t show love towards gay and lesbian people is insulting God. They are not just homophobic if they do that - they are actually Godophobic.” (8)
An ironic turn of events
For Ugandans, the bill represents their country’s principled stand against an international campaign to import homosexuality and “gay rights” into their country and destroy the traditional family.
In an interview with a CNN report, President Museveni stressed that the influence of Western lifestyles risked destroying family life. His intention in signing the bill was not politics, he continued, but to stand up for the truth, “the truth for our country and our society.”(9)
Uganda is not alone in its good stand against homosexuality. The Ugandan move comes after Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan signed a similar law providing 14-year jail terms for homosexuality. In fact, this crime against nature is prohibited and punished by jail sentences in 38 of Africa’s 54 countries.
There is a sad irony in this situation. Once Catholic Europe sent her zealous missionaries to convert Africa and instruct them in Catholic Morals. Who would imagine that today those same countries must be the ones to lecture an immoral, debilitated West and a confused, tolerant Catholic Church?

A confident President Museveni of Uganda signs the anti-homosexual law
After he signed the bill, President Museveni gave a speech lecturing Western countries on their arrogance and immorality. It was refreshing to hear the President of a country speak frankly and honestly about the moral destruction the sin of sodomy wreaks on society. It was something I thought could no longer happen. His courage gives a smidgen of hope to the forces of resistance against the LGBT onslaught of pro-homo legislation being imposed by the highest juridical and political authorities everywhere.
Museveni’s speech after the signing further enraged the pro-homosexual media and forces. The African President said unabashedly what today’s Church leaders shrink from, describing homosexuality as what it is – terrible and “disgusting.”
A very confident Museveni, who has been in power for 28 years and is up for re-election soon, criticized “arrogant and careless Western groups” who “come into our schools and recruit young children into homosexuality and lesbianism.” He displayed outrage over the open exhibitionism of sexual acts coming from the West. Such people should be punished, he argued, “to defend our society from disorientation.” (2)

Ugandans across the country demonstrated in favor of the pro-family law forbidding sodomy
As for possible international sanctions imposed as retribution for his action, President Museveni was indifferent. He noted that Uganda – the most populous country in Africa and a major oil producer - “does not need aid because aid is in itself a problem.” By way of note, the United States buys 70% of Uganda’s oil and depends on this African nation as an important U.S. ally in counter-terrorism in East Africa. Notwithstanding, Secretary of State John Kerry did not delay in issuing a statement against the legislation, calling it “a tragic day for Uganda and for all who care about the cause of human rights." (3)
President Museveni replied: "Outsiders cannot dictate to us. This is our country. I advise friends from the West not to make this an issue, because the more they make it an issue, the more they will lose. If the West does not want to work with us because of homosexuals, then we have enough space to ourselves here." After he affirmed this, a loud applause burst from the audience. (4)

Society should rehabilitate, not encourage, homosexuals, affirms Museveni
"We reject the notion that somebody can be homosexual by choice, that a man can choose to love a fellow man, that sexual orientation is a matter of choice," Museveni continued. "They should rehabilitate themselves and society should assist them to do so." (5)
What the West is doing is nurturing the homo culture and lifestyle. What Uganda resolved to do is to “discourage the trends” and encourage those with the homosexual inclination to correct their bad tendencies. The law President Museveni signed is a good way to do this.
The Church’s shameful stand
Before Vatican II, the Church’s stand on homosexuality was clear-cut and unambiguous. The action of President Museveni would have been supported and applauded since it followed the general lines of legislation in all Catholic nations. The Bishops would have stood as a bloc behind Ugandan Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwango, who approved the law, reversing his position from 2009 when he opposed a similar bill.

Opposing 'gay parades', above in Johannesburg, or 'gay marriages' below, also permitted in South Africa
As a result of this rickety position preached by the conciliar Church, there has been more criticism than support for the Ugandan Bishops’ backing of the recently passed law against homosexuality.
Pope Francis’ representative to Uganda, Papal Nuncio Archbishop Michael Blume, expressed his shock when the Parliament passed the bill, and publicly affirmed the Church’s opposition to the bill. Shortly afterward, he issued a statement saying he would be working with Uganda’s Bishops on the matter.
It seems his interference is having its effect. The Uganda Bishops’ are already starting to retreat from their good position. Msgr. John Baptist Kauta, secretary general of the Uganda Episcopal Conference, is now saying that the Bishops are reserving judgment on the new bill since they are “for compassion” not penalties. (6)
It is not difficult to find Bishops who are publicly adamant in supporting the homosexual platform. “The Catholic Church does not want homosexuals to be treated as criminals,” affirmed Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, one of Pope Francis' top advisers. He justified his position by citing Francis himself: “The Church stand is, ‘Who am I to judge them?’ as the Holy Father has said.” (7)
This shameful position of Francis found a precedent in Benedict’s stance during the 2009 debate over the earlier version of a Ugandan anti-homosexual law. While the bill was being discussed, the Vatican legal attaché to the United Nations publicly stated that “Pope Benedict is opposed to 'unjust discrimination' against gay men and lesbians," a statement clearly aimed at the Ugandan bill.
Along the same lines, Ireland’s Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has gone so far as to say that “anybody who doesn’t show love towards gay and lesbian people is insulting God. They are not just homophobic if they do that - they are actually Godophobic.” (8)
An ironic turn of events
For Ugandans, the bill represents their country’s principled stand against an international campaign to import homosexuality and “gay rights” into their country and destroy the traditional family.
In an interview with a CNN report, President Museveni stressed that the influence of Western lifestyles risked destroying family life. His intention in signing the bill was not politics, he continued, but to stand up for the truth, “the truth for our country and our society.”(9)
Uganda is not alone in its good stand against homosexuality. The Ugandan move comes after Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan signed a similar law providing 14-year jail terms for homosexuality. In fact, this crime against nature is prohibited and punished by jail sentences in 38 of Africa’s 54 countries.
There is a sad irony in this situation. Once Catholic Europe sent her zealous missionaries to convert Africa and instruct them in Catholic Morals. Who would imagine that today those same countries must be the ones to lecture an immoral, debilitated West and a confused, tolerant Catholic Church?

The West has capitulated to the new morals imposed by promoters of homosexuality
- Los Angeles Times, “Uganda anti-gay law called 'abhorrent,' 'deeply offensive,'” February 24, 2014
- Daily Monitor, President Museveni's full speech at signing of Anti-Homosexuality bill, February 24, 2014
- Ibid.
- The Guardian, “Uganda politicians celebrate passing of anti-gay laws,” February 24, 2014
- Ibid.
- National Catholic Reporter, “Ugandan bishops reserve judgment on new anti-gay law,” February 26, 2014
- National Catholic Reporter, “In rare public split, Catholic bishops differ sharply on anti-gay laws” February 13, 2014
- Ibid.
- CNN online, “Ugandan tabloid prints list of 'homosexuals'” February 25, 2014

Posted March 3, 2014