What People are Commenting
Knights of Elias & Gigantic Manifestation
Contact Knights of Elias
Knights of Elias' 'short' video, A Flavor of Protestantism is a jewel of clear, concise and powerful resistance.
I suggest a bit slower and with contact info at the end.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your support.
The contact for Knights of Elias is here.
TIA correspondence desk
Knights of Elias' 'short' video, A Flavor of Protestantism is a jewel of clear, concise and powerful resistance.
I suggest a bit slower and with contact info at the end.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your support.
The contact for Knights of Elias is here.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Bethlehem
Dear TIA,
Thank you for recording this history of our missions in California and Our Lady of Bethlehem.
Is there a DVD available of this wonderful history of Our Lady of Bethlehem?
I find it so inspiring and would like to present it during our annual St. Joseph’s festival in March.
Thank you.
Yours in JM
TIA responds:
Dear J.M.,
Unfortunately we do not have it on DVD. However, you may recommend the video to those interested. It is easily accessible to anyone who has a computer, cell phone, or TV screen connected to the Internet.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you for recording this history of our missions in California and Our Lady of Bethlehem.
Is there a DVD available of this wonderful history of Our Lady of Bethlehem?
I find it so inspiring and would like to present it during our annual St. Joseph’s festival in March.
Thank you.
Yours in JM
TIA responds:
Dear J.M.,
Unfortunately we do not have it on DVD. However, you may recommend the video to those interested. It is easily accessible to anyone who has a computer, cell phone, or TV screen connected to the Internet.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of La Leche
Thank you for the article Our Lady Conquistadora and the Catholic history of the west coast of the U.S.
I would just like to encourage you to look at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida dubbed by President Kennedy as the “Sacred Acre” just before his assassination.
This mission was established in 1575 by Admiral Pedro Menendez and the first Mass in America was said on the shore by Fr. Francisco López Mendoza Grajales, O.F.M. This is a beautiful place and I have heard miracles have happened to infertile couples who make a pilgrimage there.
Thank you for your website. I learned a lot about the Catholic faith and history there.
TIA responds:
We appreciated your mention of Our Lady of La Leche. We will look into it along with the link of this shrine dear to John Kennedy, which we did not know.
Regarding the role of Fr. Francisco López and Admiral Pedro Menendez in St. Augustine, we have already dealt with them in articles here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you for the article Our Lady Conquistadora and the Catholic history of the west coast of the U.S.
I would just like to encourage you to look at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida dubbed by President Kennedy as the “Sacred Acre” just before his assassination.
This mission was established in 1575 by Admiral Pedro Menendez and the first Mass in America was said on the shore by Fr. Francisco López Mendoza Grajales, O.F.M. This is a beautiful place and I have heard miracles have happened to infertile couples who make a pilgrimage there.
Thank you for your website. I learned a lot about the Catholic faith and history there.
TIA responds:
We appreciated your mention of Our Lady of La Leche. We will look into it along with the link of this shrine dear to John Kennedy, which we did not know.
Regarding the role of Fr. Francisco López and Admiral Pedro Menendez in St. Augustine, we have already dealt with them in articles here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Gigantic Manifestation in Brazil
Dear TIA,
On February 25, 2024, more than 1 million people gathered in Avenida Paulista in São Paulo to ask for the impeachment of Lula and to support ex-president Bolsonaro. The latter was declared ineligible by the communist/corrupt Supreme Court and is facing prison under the false accusation that he plotted a coup d’Etat.
As you should remember, two years ago Lula was imposed as victorious after a fraudulent election counted by an electoral tribunal obedient to the same communist/corrupt Supreme Court.
Now, still that Supreme Court tries to prevent Bolsonaro from winning again in the 2026 president election.
The people are indignant and want to reverse the situation.
It is a situation similar to that of the United States where the corrupt justice is also persecuting ex-president Trump to avoid a land-slide victory in November 2024.
I don’t know whether both America and Brazil are heading to free elections or to civil wars.
We should ask the help of Heaven.
On February 25, 2024, more than 1 million people gathered in Avenida Paulista in São Paulo to ask for the impeachment of Lula and to support ex-president Bolsonaro. The latter was declared ineligible by the communist/corrupt Supreme Court and is facing prison under the false accusation that he plotted a coup d’Etat.
As you should remember, two years ago Lula was imposed as victorious after a fraudulent election counted by an electoral tribunal obedient to the same communist/corrupt Supreme Court.
Now, still that Supreme Court tries to prevent Bolsonaro from winning again in the 2026 president election.
The people are indignant and want to reverse the situation.
It is a situation similar to that of the United States where the corrupt justice is also persecuting ex-president Trump to avoid a land-slide victory in November 2024.
I don’t know whether both America and Brazil are heading to free elections or to civil wars.
We should ask the help of Heaven.
Taking Action
Re: The Secretary of Seminaries: Progressivist formation of priests
It's so loud and clear that the pope and the churchmen (whole system of Vatican II) is a schism.
Why don't we the Traditional Catholics take action?
We know exactly what to do when intruders attacks our homes and families right? But we do nothing when they attack JESUS CHRIST and HIS CHURCH?
TIA responds:
Yes, it is outrageous.
TIA has been taking action since 1997 when we started the publication of the Collection on Vatican II.
From then on, we have been acting every single day to denounce Progressivism, its infiltration and takeover in the Church, and the bad fruits this usurpation is producing.
We believe that at this time in history, any action that will be contrary to the established laws of the Church and society will be harmful to the Catholic cause.
TIA correspondence desk
Re: The Secretary of Seminaries: Progressivist formation of priests
It's so loud and clear that the pope and the churchmen (whole system of Vatican II) is a schism.
Why don't we the Traditional Catholics take action?
We know exactly what to do when intruders attacks our homes and families right? But we do nothing when they attack JESUS CHRIST and HIS CHURCH?
TIA responds:
Yes, it is outrageous.
TIA has been taking action since 1997 when we started the publication of the Collection on Vatican II.
From then on, we have been acting every single day to denounce Progressivism, its infiltration and takeover in the Church, and the bad fruits this usurpation is producing.
We believe that at this time in history, any action that will be contrary to the established laws of the Church and society will be harmful to the Catholic cause.
TIA correspondence desk
’62 Missal, Lefebvre & Davies
Thank you so much for your reply and for sharing Dr. Byrne’s article series, which I found to be an excellent resource.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX and why they use the 1962 Missal?
Also, I would be interested in any thoughts about the well known British author Michael Davies who wrote a lot about modernism and the liturgical revolution but seems to have been a supporter of the 1962 missal as well.
God bless,
TIA responds:
We are glad that you benefited from our answer.
Arch. Lefebvre was well aware that the ’62 Missal was departing from the Tridentine Mass and was preparing the New Mass. Nonetheless he chose to have the SSPX saying it. You ask us why. We can only conjecture that he wanted to be in a middle-of-road position: an easier position to move back or forth according to the SSPX’s political needs.
This would also explain why Lefebvre did not sign the document against the New Mass that became known as the “Ottaviani Intervention.” Actually that document was a petition written by Fr. Guérard des Lauriers meant to be signed by many, but it only got the adhesions of Card. Ottaviani and Card. Bacci. It is morally certain that Lefebvre was invited to sign it since Lauriers and Lefebvre knew each other very well, to the point that soon after that petition the latter invited the former to be a professor at the SSPX Seminary in Écone.
Mr. Michael Davies’ books on the liturgical reform did a lot of good. However, after he was chosen by Card. Joseph Ratzinger to become the president of Una Voce International, he was required by Ratzinger to rewrite his books – a purpose he expressed publically several times – so that they were more “politically correct.” He died before accomplishing this task.
Perhaps the same tendency to please Card. Ratzinger led Davies to favor the ’62 Missal.
These are the data that come to our mind while answering your questions.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you so much for your reply and for sharing Dr. Byrne’s article series, which I found to be an excellent resource.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX and why they use the 1962 Missal?
Also, I would be interested in any thoughts about the well known British author Michael Davies who wrote a lot about modernism and the liturgical revolution but seems to have been a supporter of the 1962 missal as well.
God bless,
TIA responds:
We are glad that you benefited from our answer.
Arch. Lefebvre was well aware that the ’62 Missal was departing from the Tridentine Mass and was preparing the New Mass. Nonetheless he chose to have the SSPX saying it. You ask us why. We can only conjecture that he wanted to be in a middle-of-road position: an easier position to move back or forth according to the SSPX’s political needs.
This would also explain why Lefebvre did not sign the document against the New Mass that became known as the “Ottaviani Intervention.” Actually that document was a petition written by Fr. Guérard des Lauriers meant to be signed by many, but it only got the adhesions of Card. Ottaviani and Card. Bacci. It is morally certain that Lefebvre was invited to sign it since Lauriers and Lefebvre knew each other very well, to the point that soon after that petition the latter invited the former to be a professor at the SSPX Seminary in Écone.
Mr. Michael Davies’ books on the liturgical reform did a lot of good. However, after he was chosen by Card. Joseph Ratzinger to become the president of Una Voce International, he was required by Ratzinger to rewrite his books – a purpose he expressed publically several times – so that they were more “politically correct.” He died before accomplishing this task.
Perhaps the same tendency to please Card. Ratzinger led Davies to favor the ’62 Missal.
These are the data that come to our mind while answering your questions.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted February 27, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I enjoyed your article on the Anglicans profaning an altar in the Vatican.
Surprisingly I had printed up a copy of Pope Leo's Encyclical Apostolicae Curae on the invalidity of the Anglican order.
The madness continues in the hierarchy of the Church. It's depressing, but these days are testing our Faith.
Keep up your excellent work,