What People are Commenting
Knights of Elias, Salesians & Extra Ecclesiam
Take Your Children Out of School
This video is interesting, because of this doctor's notes as well on his comments on the loss of healthy masculinity and femininity. Almost gone among his patients, he says.
No one is doing well, men listless and without a course, women depressed and anxious. A great mess.
He says he had never thought he would say it - but he is saying it. Take your children out of the schools.
It is something planned, steady, ramped up with an end point in view. The end of destroying what is left of Christian Civilization.
This video is interesting, because of this doctor's notes as well on his comments on the loss of healthy masculinity and femininity. Almost gone among his patients, he says.
No one is doing well, men listless and without a course, women depressed and anxious. A great mess.
He says he had never thought he would say it - but he is saying it. Take your children out of the schools.
It is something planned, steady, ramped up with an end point in view. The end of destroying what is left of Christian Civilization.
Salesians Promote Game of Thrones
Dear Direction of Tradition in Action,
I am S.C. and I implore you with all my heart to read to the end because there is an absolutely painful issue.
As you can read at the following link, on the official internet site of the Boletin Salesiano in Chile (Saint John Bosco's priests), there is an article published on July 11, 2019 with the title: "¿En serio nunca has visto ‘Game of Thrones’?” [Are you serious, haven’t you watched Game of Thrones?] written by Felipe “Lana” Valdés, social communicator (as you can read at the end of this article).
In this article the tv series Game of Thrones (2011-2019) is praised. As you can read on the internet, the series is full of sex scenes and full frontal nudity and there are gay sex scenes too.
This tv series Game of Thrones is sold in dvd and blu-ray and the last television season "House of the dragon" was broadcast starting from 2022 on the Sky satellite channel.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
I am S.C. and I implore you with all my heart to read to the end because there is an absolutely painful issue.
As you can read at the following link, on the official internet site of the Boletin Salesiano in Chile (Saint John Bosco's priests), there is an article published on July 11, 2019 with the title: "¿En serio nunca has visto ‘Game of Thrones’?” [Are you serious, haven’t you watched Game of Thrones?] written by Felipe “Lana” Valdés, social communicator (as you can read at the end of this article).
In this article the tv series Game of Thrones (2011-2019) is praised. As you can read on the internet, the series is full of sex scenes and full frontal nudity and there are gay sex scenes too.
This tv series Game of Thrones is sold in dvd and blu-ray and the last television season "House of the dragon" was broadcast starting from 2022 on the Sky satellite channel.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Catholic Resource on Modesty
Dear TIA,
I don't recall how I came to be introduced to your website except by the intercession of Divine Intervention. It's a blessing learning the beauty of our Catholic Faith which was hidden from me or watered down over the past 50 years. I too am to blame for my lack of action and not being more curious about what my parents started out teaching, then fell to the wayside while trying to raise 12 children in what was becoming a modernist church.
Here's my question... Can you direct me to a resource(s) to share with a fellow Catholic about whether it is proper for single or married man to accept an invitation from a single woman who offered to host a meeting in her home with three fellow male Board Members?
The circumstance: a divorced female is one of four board members of a small Catholic organization. The other three are men (two single and one married).
WWhen discussing the upcoming meeting with one of the men, I mentioned it was not an appropriate situation for them to attend in her home without others present and it would be best to move it to a public location (coffee shop, whatever). He thought I was being ridiculous, that none of the men had ulterior motive for going to her home.
I would appreciate a correction if I'm mistaken on this.
Pax vobis,
TIA responds:
Dear K.M.A.M.,
Thank you for the consideration for us you reveal by asking your question.
In our opinion, the circumstances you describe do not configure either a near occasion of sin or a scandalous situation. Indeed, if three men are together with a woman at her house for a professional or cultural meeting, in normal conditions this is a guarantee that adultery will not take place, since the latter presupposes that a man and a woman are alone together apart from the others.
The fact that she is divorced is not decisive for causing an occasion of sin.
The situation can become morally dangerous or scandalous, however, if one of the following cases occurs:
The other observations we made are based on the normal behavior any Catholic should have, which was habitually taught everywhere in the Church before Vatican II.
TIA correspondence desk
I don't recall how I came to be introduced to your website except by the intercession of Divine Intervention. It's a blessing learning the beauty of our Catholic Faith which was hidden from me or watered down over the past 50 years. I too am to blame for my lack of action and not being more curious about what my parents started out teaching, then fell to the wayside while trying to raise 12 children in what was becoming a modernist church.
Here's my question... Can you direct me to a resource(s) to share with a fellow Catholic about whether it is proper for single or married man to accept an invitation from a single woman who offered to host a meeting in her home with three fellow male Board Members?
The circumstance: a divorced female is one of four board members of a small Catholic organization. The other three are men (two single and one married).
WWhen discussing the upcoming meeting with one of the men, I mentioned it was not an appropriate situation for them to attend in her home without others present and it would be best to move it to a public location (coffee shop, whatever). He thought I was being ridiculous, that none of the men had ulterior motive for going to her home.
I would appreciate a correction if I'm mistaken on this.
Pax vobis,
TIA responds:
Dear K.M.A.M.,
Thank you for the consideration for us you reveal by asking your question.
In our opinion, the circumstances you describe do not configure either a near occasion of sin or a scandalous situation. Indeed, if three men are together with a woman at her house for a professional or cultural meeting, in normal conditions this is a guarantee that adultery will not take place, since the latter presupposes that a man and a woman are alone together apart from the others.
The fact that she is divorced is not decisive for causing an occasion of sin.
The situation can become morally dangerous or scandalous, however, if one of the following cases occurs:
- The woman has the fame of being an adulteress;
- She is immorally dressed;
- She is provocative in her conversation, behavior or postures;
- One of the men makes advances while the others are present, and she receives them well;
- One of the men stays overnight at her house.
The other observations we made are based on the normal behavior any Catholic should have, which was habitually taught everywhere in the Church before Vatican II.
TIA correspondence desk
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
Dear TIA,
In Dr. Amelunxen’s article, “A Brief Critique of the Catechism of the Catholic Church”,* it is stated that, “The ex cathedra pronouncement Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus (No salvation outside the Church) is negated here and elsewhere in the CCC.”
I am aware of the statement’s appearances in the writings of St. Cyprian,** and of its continued evaluation as true by certain theologians, but I was not aware of its status as a specifically ex cathedra teaching of Holy Mother Church.
Where exactly did it acquire this classification? Would you kindly point us to any documents which describe it as such?
* Link to the article: here.
** E.g., Epistle 72, § 21 (Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 5), see here.
In the Sacred Heart,
TIA responds:
Dear B.W.L.,
You may find the extra Ecclesia nulla salus in the following documents of the ordinary Magisterium of the Church:
In any circumstance, it is common knowledge that a continuous teaching of the Ordinary Magisterium through the centuries enjoys the prerogative of infallibility (here, here and here).
So, in one way or another, we can say that the statement extra Ecclesiam nulla salus is an infallible dogma.
TIA correspondence desk
In Dr. Amelunxen’s article, “A Brief Critique of the Catechism of the Catholic Church”,* it is stated that, “The ex cathedra pronouncement Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus (No salvation outside the Church) is negated here and elsewhere in the CCC.”
I am aware of the statement’s appearances in the writings of St. Cyprian,** and of its continued evaluation as true by certain theologians, but I was not aware of its status as a specifically ex cathedra teaching of Holy Mother Church.
Where exactly did it acquire this classification? Would you kindly point us to any documents which describe it as such?
* Link to the article: here.
** E.g., Epistle 72, § 21 (Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 5), see here.
In the Sacred Heart,
TIA responds:
Dear B.W.L.,
You may find the extra Ecclesia nulla salus in the following documents of the ordinary Magisterium of the Church:
- 16th Council of Toledo, Symbolum, of May 2, 693 (Denzinger-Schönmetzer – DS – 575);
- Fourth Lateran Council, of November 11-30, 1215 (DS 802);
- Boniface VIII, Bull Unam sanctam, of November 18, 1302 (DS 870);
- Council of Florence, Bull Cantate Domino, of February 4, 1442 (DS 1351);
- Gregory XVI, Encyclical Mirari vos, of Aug.15, 1832, Recueil des allocutions, p. 163;
- Pius IX, Encyclical Qui pluribus, of November 9, 1846 (DS 2785);
- Syllabus, of December 8, 1864 (DS 2916-7);
- Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis cognitum, of June 29, 1896, Vozes, 1960, n. 10;
- Pius XII, Encyclical Mystici corporis, of June 29, 1943 (DS 3821);
- Letter from the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston, of August 8, 1949 (DS 3866-7, 3869-72).
In any circumstance, it is common knowledge that a continuous teaching of the Ordinary Magisterium through the centuries enjoys the prerogative of infallibility (here, here and here).
So, in one way or another, we can say that the statement extra Ecclesiam nulla salus is an infallible dogma.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted September 28, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I just discovered the videos of the Knights of Elias. How have I missed them for so long?
Patrick O'Brien