What People are Commenting
Living Lucy, Shakespearean Idiot & Missals
Recognize, Revere & Restore
Our Lady of Bethlehem Devotion
Our Lady of Bethlehem Devotion
Dear TIA,
After viewing TIA'S most professional video on Our Lady of Bethlehem, it becomes crystal clear that this statue, the oldest Madonna in CA and 2nd oldest in the US, brings with her great religious and historical significance and graces.
She was a prominent figure in the founding of the 21 costal Missions and protector of those that were involved. Many were converted and the Missions thrived for years.
We need to honor her as other countries honor their statues of the Virgin. There are 71 million Catholics in the US and more than 10 million in CA. Here she is relatively unknown and unrecognized. She has few visitors and no ceremonies. She deserves our reverence and recognition.
We need to propagate visits and pay her homage. She needs to be restored to the place she deserves in our history. She has the power to bestow much needed graces and favors on us, our state and country. We need her guidance and graces now more than ever, especially in CA where evil is so prevalent.
Our Lady of Bethlehem, help us, guide us, protect us.
After viewing TIA'S most professional video on Our Lady of Bethlehem, it becomes crystal clear that this statue, the oldest Madonna in CA and 2nd oldest in the US, brings with her great religious and historical significance and graces.
She was a prominent figure in the founding of the 21 costal Missions and protector of those that were involved. Many were converted and the Missions thrived for years.
We need to honor her as other countries honor their statues of the Virgin. There are 71 million Catholics in the US and more than 10 million in CA. Here she is relatively unknown and unrecognized. She has few visitors and no ceremonies. She deserves our reverence and recognition.
We need to propagate visits and pay her homage. She needs to be restored to the place she deserves in our history. She has the power to bestow much needed graces and favors on us, our state and country. We need her guidance and graces now more than ever, especially in CA where evil is so prevalent.
Our Lady of Bethlehem, help us, guide us, protect us.
Farmland Going to Wrong Hands
Dear TIA,
Many Americans do not realize how much farm land is being bought not only by Bill Gates et al, but also by enemy nations like China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.
For example China owns nearly 350,000 acres of American farm land. In Texas alone, nearly 160,000 acres, and Biden is not tracking all new ownership so it should be much more.
Very wrong, very dangerous as it threatens our homeland food security.
Read more here.
Many Americans do not realize how much farm land is being bought not only by Bill Gates et al, but also by enemy nations like China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.
For example China owns nearly 350,000 acres of American farm land. In Texas alone, nearly 160,000 acres, and Biden is not tracking all new ownership so it should be much more.
Very wrong, very dangerous as it threatens our homeland food security.
Read more here.
Shakespearean Idiot
My dear friends,
That Alex Soros, in sole control of $ billions is an idiot, is sweet justice and surely would have been grist in the mill of Shakespeare's pen.
Check here.
Yes, in the thick of the machinations of evil men, hope shall not depart!
God bless you,
E.Z., Ph.D.
That Alex Soros, in sole control of $ billions is an idiot, is sweet justice and surely would have been grist in the mill of Shakespeare's pen.
Check here.
Yes, in the thick of the machinations of evil men, hope shall not depart!
God bless you,
E.Z., Ph.D.
Pre '45 Missal vs '62 Missal
I read Fr. Perez’s excellent piece “The Missal Crisis of ‘62.” I have been reading a lot of reviews about Latin Mass missals and decided to purchase a Fr. Lasance missal as well as a St. Andrew missal, both originally printed in 1945 I believe.
I was wondering if it would be useful to also pick up an Angelus Press 1962 missal since that’s what the priests follow in the mass.
Now that I’ve read Fr. Perez’s piece I’m hesitant to do so. I was wondering if I would have trouble following along in the Mass with the older missals.
Also, I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Benedictus booklets. Are those helpful to have or are they not necessary if you have a traditional Latin Mass missal?
Finally, I'm trying to find a pre 1955 liturgical calendar for this year. Are you aware of any good ones?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
We are glad that you found Fr. Perez's article on "The Missal Crisis of '62" enlightening. The progressivists have indeed been working for a long time to destroy the Church, beginning with her liturgy.
The pre-1945 Missals that you have (Fr. Lasance and St. Andrew) are both very good Missals in which you can find the traditional feast days and readings. These would be sufficient for you to use as an aid to prayer during the Mass.
Although the 1962 Missal has the progressivist changes, it is still for the most part the same as the pre-1945 Missal except that some of the Collects of the Mass are removed, the ceremonies for Holy Week are revised, and certain feast days have their dates changed or are removed from the 1962 Missal.
You would not find too much trouble in following along with the liturgy by using your pre-1945 Missal even in a church that uses the 1962 Missal, and by using the pre-1945 Missal you would be able more clearly to understand the progressivist changes that were gradually introduced through slight changes to the Missal.
Dr. Carol Byrne describes these changes in greater detail in her article series "Dialogue Mass." The fourteenth article in her series titled "1951-1955: The Vatican Started the Liturgical Reform" begins explaining how the liturgical changes were gradually introduced beginning with the Holy Week Reform of 1955. Since you found Fr. Perez's article helpful you would probably also benefit from Dr. Byrne's articles that further confirm the progressivist intentions in all of these liturgical changes.
The Benedictus booklets seem to be useful because of their small size, but if you have other Missals it is not necessary to have a Benedictus. The Benedictus unfortunately follows the 1962 Missal, but it does have some good meditations and excerpts from traditional Catholic works which could be helpful to you if you desire to learn more about your Faith. You should use your own discernment in the choice of which books you will choose to have as an aid to your prayer at Mass.
In answer to your question about pre-1955 Calendars, we have not been able to find any in print, except for one that is sold in the bookstore of Our Lady Help of Christians Chapel in Garden Grove, California. There is a website that has printable pages of the pre-1955 Calendar here.
May Our Lady bless your efforts to reject progressivism.
TIA correspondence desk
I read Fr. Perez’s excellent piece “The Missal Crisis of ‘62.” I have been reading a lot of reviews about Latin Mass missals and decided to purchase a Fr. Lasance missal as well as a St. Andrew missal, both originally printed in 1945 I believe.
I was wondering if it would be useful to also pick up an Angelus Press 1962 missal since that’s what the priests follow in the mass.
Now that I’ve read Fr. Perez’s piece I’m hesitant to do so. I was wondering if I would have trouble following along in the Mass with the older missals.
Also, I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Benedictus booklets. Are those helpful to have or are they not necessary if you have a traditional Latin Mass missal?
Finally, I'm trying to find a pre 1955 liturgical calendar for this year. Are you aware of any good ones?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
We are glad that you found Fr. Perez's article on "The Missal Crisis of '62" enlightening. The progressivists have indeed been working for a long time to destroy the Church, beginning with her liturgy.
The pre-1945 Missals that you have (Fr. Lasance and St. Andrew) are both very good Missals in which you can find the traditional feast days and readings. These would be sufficient for you to use as an aid to prayer during the Mass.
Although the 1962 Missal has the progressivist changes, it is still for the most part the same as the pre-1945 Missal except that some of the Collects of the Mass are removed, the ceremonies for Holy Week are revised, and certain feast days have their dates changed or are removed from the 1962 Missal.
You would not find too much trouble in following along with the liturgy by using your pre-1945 Missal even in a church that uses the 1962 Missal, and by using the pre-1945 Missal you would be able more clearly to understand the progressivist changes that were gradually introduced through slight changes to the Missal.
Dr. Carol Byrne describes these changes in greater detail in her article series "Dialogue Mass." The fourteenth article in her series titled "1951-1955: The Vatican Started the Liturgical Reform" begins explaining how the liturgical changes were gradually introduced beginning with the Holy Week Reform of 1955. Since you found Fr. Perez's article helpful you would probably also benefit from Dr. Byrne's articles that further confirm the progressivist intentions in all of these liturgical changes.
The Benedictus booklets seem to be useful because of their small size, but if you have other Missals it is not necessary to have a Benedictus. The Benedictus unfortunately follows the 1962 Missal, but it does have some good meditations and excerpts from traditional Catholic works which could be helpful to you if you desire to learn more about your Faith. You should use your own discernment in the choice of which books you will choose to have as an aid to your prayer at Mass.
In answer to your question about pre-1955 Calendars, we have not been able to find any in print, except for one that is sold in the bookstore of Our Lady Help of Christians Chapel in Garden Grove, California. There is a website that has printable pages of the pre-1955 Calendar here.
May Our Lady bless your efforts to reject progressivism.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted January 23, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
My name is F. and I am very happy to read your content. I think the same as you and I hope the real Lucia will be found soon and reveal the third secret. I agree with the article you published and I thought a lot about where the real sister of Lucia is.
I think she is still alive, because Our Lady promised her that she would live long enough to spread the message, but apparently she has not yet been able to do it completely.
I wish I could do something and help.