What People Are Commenting
Downplaying the Miracle of Loreto
Dear TIA,
I want to thank you for publishing all the insightful, well-researched and just simply splendid articles of Dr. Carol Byrne.
Her latest informative article on efforts to downplay the miracle of Loreto due to a false ecumenism was simply brilliant.
Of course, Dr. Byrne also did an outstanding job with her Vatican 2 articles. I consider each to be a treasure and since reading these, always open immediately any article of hers that you publish.
I wanted to ask for a list of all and any books that Dr. Byrne has published and where they can be purchased. I would surely appreciate any information in this regard. I know there are many true Catholic researchers and authors out there, but I consider Dr. Byrne to be among the best.
Best wishes and thank you also for all of your continued efforts to propagate the true Catholic Faith! They are much appreciated!
Dr. Byrne responds:
Dear A.P.,
Atila Guimarães has just forwarded your email to me, and I am writing to thank you for your very kind comments on my articles. Your support – and that of TIA, which has hosted these articles for some years – are very much appreciated and give me encouragement to keep up my efforts in defense of Catholic Tradition.
Most of my writings are in article form, but I have had a few books published:
I hope this is of help to you.
With kind regards,
Carol Byrne
I want to thank you for publishing all the insightful, well-researched and just simply splendid articles of Dr. Carol Byrne.
Her latest informative article on efforts to downplay the miracle of Loreto due to a false ecumenism was simply brilliant.
Of course, Dr. Byrne also did an outstanding job with her Vatican 2 articles. I consider each to be a treasure and since reading these, always open immediately any article of hers that you publish.
I wanted to ask for a list of all and any books that Dr. Byrne has published and where they can be purchased. I would surely appreciate any information in this regard. I know there are many true Catholic researchers and authors out there, but I consider Dr. Byrne to be among the best.
Best wishes and thank you also for all of your continued efforts to propagate the true Catholic Faith! They are much appreciated!
Dr. Byrne responds:
Dear A.P.,
Atila Guimarães has just forwarded your email to me, and I am writing to thank you for your very kind comments on my articles. Your support – and that of TIA, which has hosted these articles for some years – are very much appreciated and give me encouragement to keep up my efforts in defense of Catholic Tradition.
Most of my writings are in article form, but I have had a few books published:
- Simplicissimus: an entirely new approach to learning the Latin of the Traditional Roman Missal (still used by the Latin Mass Society (LMS) as a teaching aid for priests and laity with new edition revised by current Chair, Dr. Joseph Shaw). It can be obtained from the LMS;
- The Catholic Worker Movement: A Critical Analysis, Authorhouse 2010;
- Born of Revolution: A Misguided Liturgical Movement, Holyrood Press, 2020.
The last two can be obtained from Amazon.
I hope this is of help to you.
With kind regards,
Carol Byrne
Church Burial Laws
Dear TIA,
I read and admire your convictions in the daily mail.
My husband and I are Traditional Catholics in our 70s and 80s and want to make after life arrangements. However, there is so much conflicting information on what is or isn't proper Church burial.
Is cremation allowed? Is burial outside a consecrated cemetery allowed? A Catholic I know had her husband cremated and buried in her yard with church approval and priest.
Are there still rules dictating proper traditional burial procedures? Friends, other church members, and even priests have different perspectives. I am looking forward to your response and clarification.
Thank you so much.
May God Bless you and God Bless America
TIA responds:
Dear H.M.,
Thank you for your kind words on our newsletter.
We published a three-part series on Funeral Etiquette by Dr. Marian Horvat some time ago which you might find interesting. In it, she addresses the question of not-embalming as an option. It may be something you and your husband want to consider if your State permits it. In Catholic countries the custom was always NOT to embalm, and even more horrendous was the idea of the cremation of a loved one.
We have published articles on the history of cremation, which is promoted by Freemasonry, here, here and here. The 1917 Code of Canon Law followed the age-old custom of the Church and made it an unlawful practice; the change came with Paul VI who revoked Canon 1203, and this innovation was incorporated in the 1983 Code of Canon Law promulgated by John Paul II. As noted in one of our articles, in general faithful Catholics have not followed this novel decision, as Paul VI's innovation was considered to be a concession made to Freemasonry.
Progressivist funeral norms
The post-Vatican II Church has issued "guidelines" for funerals and burials. Many of them clash with prior customs and protocol. For example, it notes that the funeral of "a deceased person should normally be celebrated in the church of that person's proper parish." However, the word "normally" gives the impression that there can be exceptions to the rule. Who decides those exceptions? Obviously the parish priest who, if he happens to be progressivist, can allow that Mass or service to take place wherever the family chooses - the home, the beach, the mountains...
Funeral eulogies
It also notes that while the rules prescribe there should be no eulogy at a funeral, in the homily or otherwise, a brief eulogy can be made "at the conclusion of the service, at a reception following the Mass, before the Funeral Mass begins, following the prayers at the cemetery, prior to the final commendation and farewell."
With all those new exceptions, it is little wonder that the priest usually takes the liberty to make a eulogy during the Mass and even to invite family members to speak at the homily, imitating Protestants who habitually make these eulogies the center of the burial service.
Some funerals in today's Catholic churches have, indeed, morphed into what seems to be one long eulogy of the deceased mixed with songs of praise and thanksgiving. In these eulogies the common practice is to place the deceased in Heaven, no matter how immoral his behavior or how far from the Church he may have strayed.
When, to fit in with the modern world, Catholics place all the deceased in Heaven, what is implied is a denial of the previous doctrine on the severity of the private Judgment of each one by God; further, a possible condemnation of a soul to Purgatory or Hell is dismissed as a gloomy characteristic of past times, which does not apply today.
Burial place
As for the burial site, while once it was required that a Catholic be buried in a Catholic cemetery or blessed ground, now we are told "whenever possible those who were part of the Catholic community are buried in a Catholic cemetery."
The "whenever possible" allows a myriad of exceptions. And once again, the parish priest can go so far as to allow the kind of case you mentioned, a woman being buried in her yard...
Follow the centuries-old practices of the Church
Our advice is that you ignore these new rules, and follow the centuries-old practices of the Church.
Arrange for a traditional Catholic Requiem Mass and funeral, which follows the old rituals and customs. The High Requiem Mass is very solemn and ceremonial, and includes many beautiful prayers, songs (the Te Deum, In Paridisum) and ceremonies that have been removed from Novus Ordo funeral services (see here, here and here).
The main difference of the traditional Mass for the Dead and Novus Ordo Mass is that the first focuses all attention on the need to pray for the soul of the deceased so that it may be saved and, if in need of purification - as almost all saved souls are - may be delivered soon from the fires of Purgatory.
Instead, the Novus Ordo Mass has become a kind of celebration of the life of the deceased person, with an implicit assumption that he is now enjoying the happiness of Heaven. This denies the deceased person the prayers and Mass offerings that he generally needs, and is a bad theology for the living, who are encouraged to believe there is no Purgatory or Hell.
You can read about how to ensure you have the Traditional Latin Mass at your funeral here.
We hope this is of some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
I read and admire your convictions in the daily mail.
My husband and I are Traditional Catholics in our 70s and 80s and want to make after life arrangements. However, there is so much conflicting information on what is or isn't proper Church burial.
Is cremation allowed? Is burial outside a consecrated cemetery allowed? A Catholic I know had her husband cremated and buried in her yard with church approval and priest.
Are there still rules dictating proper traditional burial procedures? Friends, other church members, and even priests have different perspectives. I am looking forward to your response and clarification.
Thank you so much.
May God Bless you and God Bless America
TIA responds:
Dear H.M.,
Thank you for your kind words on our newsletter.
We published a three-part series on Funeral Etiquette by Dr. Marian Horvat some time ago which you might find interesting. In it, she addresses the question of not-embalming as an option. It may be something you and your husband want to consider if your State permits it. In Catholic countries the custom was always NOT to embalm, and even more horrendous was the idea of the cremation of a loved one.
We have published articles on the history of cremation, which is promoted by Freemasonry, here, here and here. The 1917 Code of Canon Law followed the age-old custom of the Church and made it an unlawful practice; the change came with Paul VI who revoked Canon 1203, and this innovation was incorporated in the 1983 Code of Canon Law promulgated by John Paul II. As noted in one of our articles, in general faithful Catholics have not followed this novel decision, as Paul VI's innovation was considered to be a concession made to Freemasonry.
Progressivist funeral norms
The post-Vatican II Church has issued "guidelines" for funerals and burials. Many of them clash with prior customs and protocol. For example, it notes that the funeral of "a deceased person should normally be celebrated in the church of that person's proper parish." However, the word "normally" gives the impression that there can be exceptions to the rule. Who decides those exceptions? Obviously the parish priest who, if he happens to be progressivist, can allow that Mass or service to take place wherever the family chooses - the home, the beach, the mountains...
Funeral eulogies
It also notes that while the rules prescribe there should be no eulogy at a funeral, in the homily or otherwise, a brief eulogy can be made "at the conclusion of the service, at a reception following the Mass, before the Funeral Mass begins, following the prayers at the cemetery, prior to the final commendation and farewell."
With all those new exceptions, it is little wonder that the priest usually takes the liberty to make a eulogy during the Mass and even to invite family members to speak at the homily, imitating Protestants who habitually make these eulogies the center of the burial service.
Some funerals in today's Catholic churches have, indeed, morphed into what seems to be one long eulogy of the deceased mixed with songs of praise and thanksgiving. In these eulogies the common practice is to place the deceased in Heaven, no matter how immoral his behavior or how far from the Church he may have strayed.
When, to fit in with the modern world, Catholics place all the deceased in Heaven, what is implied is a denial of the previous doctrine on the severity of the private Judgment of each one by God; further, a possible condemnation of a soul to Purgatory or Hell is dismissed as a gloomy characteristic of past times, which does not apply today.
Burial place
As for the burial site, while once it was required that a Catholic be buried in a Catholic cemetery or blessed ground, now we are told "whenever possible those who were part of the Catholic community are buried in a Catholic cemetery."
The "whenever possible" allows a myriad of exceptions. And once again, the parish priest can go so far as to allow the kind of case you mentioned, a woman being buried in her yard...
Follow the centuries-old practices of the Church
Our advice is that you ignore these new rules, and follow the centuries-old practices of the Church.
Arrange for a traditional Catholic Requiem Mass and funeral, which follows the old rituals and customs. The High Requiem Mass is very solemn and ceremonial, and includes many beautiful prayers, songs (the Te Deum, In Paridisum) and ceremonies that have been removed from Novus Ordo funeral services (see here, here and here).
The main difference of the traditional Mass for the Dead and Novus Ordo Mass is that the first focuses all attention on the need to pray for the soul of the deceased so that it may be saved and, if in need of purification - as almost all saved souls are - may be delivered soon from the fires of Purgatory.
Instead, the Novus Ordo Mass has become a kind of celebration of the life of the deceased person, with an implicit assumption that he is now enjoying the happiness of Heaven. This denies the deceased person the prayers and Mass offerings that he generally needs, and is a bad theology for the living, who are encouraged to believe there is no Purgatory or Hell.
You can read about how to ensure you have the Traditional Latin Mass at your funeral here.
We hope this is of some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted September 22, 2020
Re: NY church feeds racist class struggle
No surprise there! For decades St. Xavier Church in Manhattan has been home to the pro- Sodomite and Lesbian Movement in the Catholic Church. The Church is the East Coast version of Most Holy Redeemer in the Castro.
Randy Engel, author of The Rite of Sodomy