What People Are Commenting
Wonderful Work
Dear Mr. Guimarães and Dr. Horvat,
Thank you for the wonderful work that you are doing through “Tradition in Action”. We have been benefitting from it for years and all your recent efforts, especially concerning the current “health” crisis, are timely when reliable information is difficult to find.
Obviously, your historical analysis from a Catholic viewpoint is clearly your field of expertise and it is refreshing to see it when the pagan propaganda is so prejudiced. Your sharing of Catholic devotions and customs for special feast days from different times and places helps to make our own celebrations of Christian holydays much richer.
You are also responsible for pioneering the whole study of the second Sister Lucy and for that you were the recipients of much criticism and animosity. Today, however, because of your initial and continued work on that issue, the questions about a second Sister Lucy are seriously considered.
We appreciate your efforts for the Faith and are grateful for your courage to continue to do so.
May God bless you.
Fr. M.M.
Thank you for the wonderful work that you are doing through “Tradition in Action”. We have been benefitting from it for years and all your recent efforts, especially concerning the current “health” crisis, are timely when reliable information is difficult to find.
Obviously, your historical analysis from a Catholic viewpoint is clearly your field of expertise and it is refreshing to see it when the pagan propaganda is so prejudiced. Your sharing of Catholic devotions and customs for special feast days from different times and places helps to make our own celebrations of Christian holydays much richer.
You are also responsible for pioneering the whole study of the second Sister Lucy and for that you were the recipients of much criticism and animosity. Today, however, because of your initial and continued work on that issue, the questions about a second Sister Lucy are seriously considered.
We appreciate your efforts for the Faith and are grateful for your courage to continue to do so.
May God bless you.
Fr. M.M.
Amazing Source
About TIA, (public comment on Twitter)
A great and truly amazing source is Tradition in Action. Too much good to say about these resources to try to list on Twitter. Their link is traditioninaction.org
To get a grasp of this resource it takes a while.
They have a very long history. They have been in the Counter-Revolution more than a couple generations and truly carry on Tradition.
It takes months to truly get to know them.
A great and truly amazing source is Tradition in Action. Too much good to say about these resources to try to list on Twitter. Their link is traditioninaction.org
To get a grasp of this resource it takes a while.
They have a very long history. They have been in the Counter-Revolution more than a couple generations and truly carry on Tradition.
It takes months to truly get to know them.
Progressivists Are Enemies of Christ
TIA, (from YouTube)
Re: Video 1 Promo
This absolutely sent chill's through me. With tears in my eyes I affirm that these evil modernist/ progressivist men are truly enemies of Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. God be praised!
They will never win, GOD ALONE.
Re: Video 1 Promo
This absolutely sent chill's through me. With tears in my eyes I affirm that these evil modernist/ progressivist men are truly enemies of Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. God be praised!
They will never win, GOD ALONE.
Beacon of Hope
TIA, (from YouTube)
Re: TIA welcome video
In today’s world with confusion rampant, your work offers a beacon of hope.
I had stopped going to Church, your channel has made me realize I am not alone.
I am back, try to pray the 15 decades of the rosary daily using St. Louis Marie de Montfort
Re: TIA welcome video
In today’s world with confusion rampant, your work offers a beacon of hope.
I had stopped going to Church, your channel has made me realize I am not alone.
I am back, try to pray the 15 decades of the rosary daily using St. Louis Marie de Montfort
Faith in Portugal or in Spain?
What did Our Lady of Fatima say? Portugal will never lose the Faith or Spain will never lose the Faith?
TIA responds:
Our Lady told the children at Fatima that in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved. We gave an explanation for that message here.
We hope this will be of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
What did Our Lady of Fatima say? Portugal will never lose the Faith or Spain will never lose the Faith?
TIA responds:
Our Lady told the children at Fatima that in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved. We gave an explanation for that message here.
We hope this will be of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Did TIA Become Sede-Vacantist?
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Tiny Virus, Huge Virus
“... Including inside Holy Mother Church, abetted by the power of the man who pretends to be the Vicar of Christ… ”
I would greatly appreciate more elaboration on the above quote from the article. In the past you have defended the position that he is the Pope, although I think you go to an independent chapel.
I am not trying to put you in a delicate spot, but like many, I have searched this subject several times. I am not sure we can know, but I fear because some souls say we must accept Francis as Pope or we are in Schism, therefore seriously in danger of Hell.
Tradition in Action has been a rock for me in this volatile time. I’m not educated. All I know is self education.
I am left to choose who or what source to trust with something so important. …
Please share your journey from Francis is Pope to he is pretending.
Thank you very much for all of Tradition in Action.
I think Professor Plinio is a saint.
The Editor responds:
Since my monthly column was posted on August 31, 2020, I have received comments and questions like yours asking whether the last phrase I wrote in that article implied that I and TIA have become sede-vacantist.
The phrase in question is this: “No wonder Our Lady at Fatima predicted: ‘Russia [Communism] will spread its error throughout the world.’ Including inside Holy Mother Church, abetted by the power of the man who pretends to be the Vicar of Christ…”
My response follows:
A.S. Guimarães
Re: Tiny Virus, Huge Virus
“... Including inside Holy Mother Church, abetted by the power of the man who pretends to be the Vicar of Christ… ”
I would greatly appreciate more elaboration on the above quote from the article. In the past you have defended the position that he is the Pope, although I think you go to an independent chapel.
I am not trying to put you in a delicate spot, but like many, I have searched this subject several times. I am not sure we can know, but I fear because some souls say we must accept Francis as Pope or we are in Schism, therefore seriously in danger of Hell.
Tradition in Action has been a rock for me in this volatile time. I’m not educated. All I know is self education.
I am left to choose who or what source to trust with something so important. …
Please share your journey from Francis is Pope to he is pretending.
Thank you very much for all of Tradition in Action.
I think Professor Plinio is a saint.
The Editor responds:
Since my monthly column was posted on August 31, 2020, I have received comments and questions like yours asking whether the last phrase I wrote in that article implied that I and TIA have become sede-vacantist.
The phrase in question is this: “No wonder Our Lady at Fatima predicted: ‘Russia [Communism] will spread its error throughout the world.’ Including inside Holy Mother Church, abetted by the power of the man who pretends to be the Vicar of Christ…”
My response follows:
- No, neither I nor TIA became sede-vacantist;
- Several times in that article, I referred to Francis as Pope Francis, which should be enough to clarify this doubt;
- Among many other errors, Pope Francis as well as the other Conciliar Popes since John XXIII promote the heresy of universal salvation, which denies the dogma
Extra Ecclesia nulla Salus. Therefore, they are heretics.
- However, since they are accepted as Popes by the great majority of the members of the Catholic Church and by the world, this almost universal
recognition makes them de facto Popes;
- In the case of a heretical Pope, sound theologians quoted in this excellent work (Part II), sustain that he continues to be Pope until his heresy becomes publicly and notoriously known by the Church. There are various interpretations that discuss when this limit is reached. The disputes are on two points: A. What constitutes the Church for this requirement? The entire Church or her sanior pars (healthier part)? B. What does it mean for a heresy to be publicly and notoriously known?
- We at TIA believe that the Pope will cease to be Pope when his heresy (heresies) becomes publicly and notoriously known by the sanior pars of the Church. However, it is very difficult to determine when these boundaries are crossed.
- Besides, there is no authority on earth that can judge the Pope, that is, declare that he ceased to be Pope and call an assembly to elect his successor. So, we wait for Our Lord to exercise His power in a supernatural way, dismiss and punish the one who appears to be the Vicar of Christ but in reality is His enemy and plots the destruction of His Church.
- So, we recognize Francis as well as the other Conciliar Popes as de facto Popes. However we resist their bad or heretical teachings as much as we can, believing that this is the best way to defend the purity of the Catholic Faith and alert the faithful about their lack of orthodoxy.
A.S. Guimarães

Posted September 3, 2020
It is uplifting to know your site is posting important information to form the public. I appreciate your e-mail informing me that my e-mail about the Plandemic documentary was posted. It is a pleasure to contribute to your endeavors.
Keeping you all in my daily prayers.
God bless,