The Sweetness of Christmas Charity Sweets & alms given freely during the 12 Days of Christmas
The Grand Medieval Christmas Feast Festive Christmas meat: The boar, pig or goose
The Flame-lit Journey to Mass Pious dramas, shepherds processions
Paganism Dominates Coco's Mexican Feast Day - Part 3 Checking bad tendencies in Día de los Muertos
The Catholic Origins of Día de los Muertos How the All Souls Day customs developed in Mexico
The Blessings & Symbolism of the Easter Egg Mysterious origins & rich diverse development in Christendom
 | Sacred Customs of Holy Thursday
Part 1 - Holy Thursday Bread & Greens
The Triduum begins with a day of Purification
Part 2 - The Glorious History of the Mandatum The Washing of the Feet ceremony on Holy Thursday
Part 3 - The Silence of the Bells on Holy Thursday Wooden clappers replace the bells in churches & processions
Part 4 - The Vigil of the Passion: Watching with Christ Altars of repose, Calvary chapels & penitents mark the night
 | Lenten Customs & Practices
Part 1 - Ash Wednesday: The Start of Penance Penitential processions & the King's Cock Crower
Part 2 - How Lent Permeated Medieval Society Nobles & peasants entered the season of penance & fasting
Part 3 - Counting down the Weeks of Lent With effigies of old women, sardines & Jack-a-Lent
Part 4 - Fire: Symbol of the First Week of Lent Burning away the last vestiges of sin & the disordered passions
 | Traditions of Christmas Eve
Part 1 - Christmas Greenery: Hope for Everlasting Life Forests & field provide the decorations of Christmas
Part 2 - Trees of Paradise & Fruitful Grain Christmas customs that comes from the life of the peoples
Part 3 - The Christmas Crèche & Mystery Plays Christ's Crib: the center of all the Christmas festivity
Part 4 - The Christmas Eve Meal: Symbolic Courses Awaiting Our Lord's birth with joyful expectation
Part 5 - The Holiest Night: Blessings for Animals & Land The grandeur of Christmas is felt even in the farmyards
Part 6 - The Wonders of Christmas Night
The nearness of Heaven brings new marvels to the earth
Part 7 - The Flame-lit Journey to Mass Pious dramas, shepherds processions
Passion Week & Our Lady of Sorrows Processions Veiled statues & other pious traditions
St. Joseph: the Harbinger of Spring - Part 1 Great bonfires & processions to honor the Spouse of Our Lady
Catholic Charity & St. Joseph’s Tables - Part 2 Private altars & grand feasts to treat the poor
Candles & Bonfires - The Lights of Christmas - Part 1 Glorious lights filled the world in the Christmas of old
Bringing in the Yule Log - The Lights of Christmas - Part 2 Merry festivities & solemn blessings in times past
The Boy Bishops of Holy Innocents Day Catholic customs of the fourth day of Christmas
The Third Day of Christmas: The Wine of St. John The power of this blessed wine over evil
Ringing the Bells for All Saints Day Special breads & preparing for the visits of the Poor Souls
Lammas Day Is August 1: Celebrating Harvests of Souls & Wheat Honoring St. Peter in the Chains & making the harvest festival
Rogation Day Processions, Prayers & Perambulations - Part 1 Days to ask God's blessings & appease His just anger for sin
Celebrating Ascension Thursday - Part 2 Countryside outings, mountain picnics & bird-shaped bread
Can the Head of a Household Give Blessings? Yes, he can. Read the answer
The Return of Light for Candlemas The sun's triumph reflected in the customs
Festivities & Processions for Candlemas The 'Dance of the Devils' and other colorful traditions
The Blessed Candles of Candlemas Sacral processions & protection from storms & dangers
The Medieval Spirit of Advent & the Rorate Mass Preparing for the First and Second Coming of Christ
Re-enactment of the Holy Family Search for an Inn Austrian boys choir repeats an old Christmas tradition
The Wheat & Cherry Branches of St. Barbara's Day Customs to honor & gain the protection of this great Saint
Catholic Traditions on All Souls Day Candles, flowers & prayers at the tombs & special 'soul foods'
Commemorating the Nativity of Our Lady Grape harvest festivals & the winter seed blessing
Processions, Shells & Oysters on the Feast of St. James the Apostle Joyful festivities in Spain & the New World
Celebrating the Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul Grand processions, fireworks, fairs & fish feasts
The Belgium Gilles: The Pride of the City A Carnival parade with deep roots & bright colors
Farewell to the Alleluia A beloved prayer, a powerful battlecry
The Blessed Candles of Candlemas Sacral processions & protection from storms & dangers
The Feast of St. Thomas: Lively & Manly Customs Whipcracking, rifle shooting & the search for an inn
The Golden Nights Customs & traditions preparing for Our Lord's coming
 | All Hallows Eve: Joyful Anticipation The ‘souling’ night with lanterns, bonfires, prayers & songs
Honoring St. Michael on His Feastday 'Gloves, geese and ginger,' and many processions
The Special Blessings on the Feast of the Assumption Let us restore these innocent customs of the past
Bonfires on the Eve of St. John the Baptist Customs that marked this great feastday
How Our Forefathers Celebrated Pentecost Catholic Whitsun festivals and customs throughout Europe
‘Lady Day’ Gives Us a Rich & Sacral Legacy The Annunciation Feastday celebrated with joy & sacrality
The Authentic St. Patrick's Day: Joyful Ways of the Past Mass, festivities, folk dancing in every village
The Carnival: Charming Customs, Admiration for Royalty Each region with its own festivities & ways of feasting before Lent
The ‘Biddy Boys’ & Woven Crosses of St. Brigid’s Day Traditional Irish customs for her February 1 Feastday
The Feast of St. Lucy Inspires Charming Customs Processions and crowns of light in Italy and Sweden
Restoring the Feast of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas and his companion mete out rewards & punishments
Martinstag Celebration in Germany With its
procession, St Martin's Day lanterns, procession and goose
Polish All Souls Day: Cemeteries Become Seas of Lights A friend recalls the Catholic customs of her youth
The Victim Is the Priest, Not the Baby An elderly priest slaps a wailing child at a baptism
 | Can One Pray the Rosary During Mass? Yes, this is a time-honored custom that has the approval of Popes
 | Unease Stalks German Christmas Markets Islamic terrorism threatens the old custom of an entire people
 | The Angelus: a Meditation on Christmas Its three points condense the whole Christmas story
 | Remembering the Often-Forgotten Indulgences What they are and the conditions required to earn them
 | The Sabbatine Privilege & the 30 Gregorian Masses Is wearing the brown scapular enough to merit the privilege?
 | ‘Call Me Jorge’ Pope Francis disregards papal titles & protocol
The Children’s Greeting Lessons for today in a 19th century German painting
 | The Holy Viaticum in Bourgogne A village priest brings Our Lord to a sick person for the last time
 | My Encounter with Alphonsus de Liguori A new perspective for life after reading Preparation for Death
 | The Sudden & Unprovided Death St. Francis de Sales distinguishes different ways to die well
 | Preparing Soul and Body for Christmas The authentic joys a Catholic should have & what should he avoid
 | Visiting the Holy House of Loreto St. Therese of Lisieux reports special favors received from Heaven
 | Why Saturday Is Dedicated to Our Lady Only she was faithful to the promise of the Ressurrection on Holy Saturday
 | The Luminous Mysteries: Novelty Clashes with Tradition Adding a new set of mysteries opposes Our Lady's expressed wish
 | How and When to Use the Veil in Modern Times The ideal situation and practical solutions
 | The Rosary: A Weapon against Progressivism Examples of how it destroyed heresies in the past should inspire us today
 | The Thirty Gregorian Masses The efficacy of this centuries-old practice initiated by Pope St. Gregory the Great
 | Praying the Fifteen Decades of the Rosary Our Lady asked for the full Rosary and linked to it special graces
 | Don't Forget Sacramentals - Aids to the Spiritual Life What are these special ways the Church created to benefit the faithful?
 | How to Address Priests: Titles, Abbreviations, and Signs of Respect The correct treatment for members of the Hierachy, clergy and religious persons
 | St. Pius X on Priestly Dignity and Propriety Photos illustrating the contrast between past and present priestly behavior
 | First Communion Progressivism is destroying the sacrality of a soul's first encounter with Our Lord
 | Restoration: Let's Begin with the Veil History, significance and propriety of the veil for women at Mass
 | A Study of the Veil in Christian Tradition
Introduction A scholarly study based on Greek and Latin texts of Saints
Part 1: The Veil in the Apostolic Age St. Paul ordered women to wear veils inside the church
Part 2: The Veil and the Church Fathers - St. John Chrysostom A woman should be ashamed not to be covered with a veil in church
Part 3: St. Ambrose and St. Augustine on the Veil Lust and vanity are avoided if a woman covers her hair and neck
Part 4: St. Thomas Aquinas and His Teaching on the Veil Not wearing a veil is not a sin, but its use is highly recommended
Part 5: The Veil in St. Thomas' Commentary on the Corinthians By covering her head, a woman affirms her submission to man
Part 6: What Does Canon Law Say about the Veil? While the Code of 1917 called for the veil, the Conciliar Code ignores it
Conclusion How and When to Use the Veil in Modern Times