What People Are Commenting
Resurrecting the Faithful Bishops
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Resurrected man chooses to return to Purgatory
In fact, today the priests do not pray anymore. We must resurrect the dead: the bishops and priests before the Second Vatican Council. When I was in Krakow, we visited the body of St. Stanislaus, which is in the Cathedral of Wawel Castle.
Re: Resurrected man chooses to return to Purgatory
In fact, today the priests do not pray anymore. We must resurrect the dead: the bishops and priests before the Second Vatican Council. When I was in Krakow, we visited the body of St. Stanislaus, which is in the Cathedral of Wawel Castle.
Unequivocal Message
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
It sends a very clear and unequivocal message that this is quite alright!
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
It sends a very clear and unequivocal message that this is quite alright!
Invalid Priestess
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
She’s about as valid as my dog. This is the devil tricking people with evil.
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
She’s about as valid as my dog. This is the devil tricking people with evil.
Believing in the Catholic Dogma
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
This is the same “church” that now says Amoris Latitiae is part of the magisterium!
Wake up, folks, they’re no longer Catholic. This is all about indoctrinating the next generation who will raise their children in this non-Catholic Church.
To be CATHOLIC one must believe in the DOGMATIC TRUTHS of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. NOT the non-dogmatic errors of the Martin Luther Movement.
Sr. M.A.
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
This is the same “church” that now says Amoris Latitiae is part of the magisterium!
Wake up, folks, they’re no longer Catholic. This is all about indoctrinating the next generation who will raise their children in this non-Catholic Church.
To be CATHOLIC one must believe in the DOGMATIC TRUTHS of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. NOT the non-dogmatic errors of the Martin Luther Movement.
Sr. M.A.
Hussites Elect Their Bishops
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
Hussites don't have Apostolic Succession, not even men. They didn't have it in 1919 when they split off from the Roman Catholic Church because not a single bishop split away with them.
They also weren't able to persuade the Serbian Orthodox Church to consecrate a bishop for them, because they weren't able to prove to the Serbian Orthodox synod of bishops that Hussites aren't heretical Protestants. The same happened with the Old Catholics two years later.
So, they went full Lutheran and "priests and laity ordained two bishops".
And here we are, a hundred years later.
Re: Heretic priestess at Youth Synod
Hussites don't have Apostolic Succession, not even men. They didn't have it in 1919 when they split off from the Roman Catholic Church because not a single bishop split away with them.
They also weren't able to persuade the Serbian Orthodox Church to consecrate a bishop for them, because they weren't able to prove to the Serbian Orthodox synod of bishops that Hussites aren't heretical Protestants. The same happened with the Old Catholics two years later.
So, they went full Lutheran and "priests and laity ordained two bishops".
And here we are, a hundred years later.
Protecting the Sin of Sodomy
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Lesbian ‘art’ in church
Once-Catholic Europe is no more! The post conciliarist church under Jorge Bergoglio now acts as enabler in protecting the sin of sodomy!
Re: Lesbian ‘art’ in church
Once-Catholic Europe is no more! The post conciliarist church under Jorge Bergoglio now acts as enabler in protecting the sin of sodomy!
Guitar Women & Liturgy
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Liturgical music after Vatican II by Dr. Byrne
Fat women with guitars have destroyed liturgical music!
Re: Liturgical music after Vatican II by Dr. Byrne
Fat women with guitars have destroyed liturgical music!
Like Demons
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Satanic-Alien fashion
Like real demons described by the children of Fatima.
Re: Satanic-Alien fashion
Like real demons described by the children of Fatima.
Abyss of Disorientation
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Satanic-Alien fashion
The fashion industry is devolving into an abyss of diabolical disorientation!
Re: Satanic-Alien fashion
The fashion industry is devolving into an abyss of diabolical disorientation!
Venezuela Collapsing
Dear TIA,
Why Colombia has taken in one million Venezuelans? Watch this video to have an idea.
L.C., Brazil
Why Colombia has taken in one million Venezuelans? Watch this video to have an idea.
L.C., Brazil
Perez Del Pulgar Coat of Arms
I have been tasked with making a coat of arms for Luis Perez Del Pulgar, who has recently passed away, to be displayed at his funeral.
I was wondering if you have any high resolution art work because in your article 'Hernan Perez Del Pulgar, One of the Valiant Deads' there is a Perez Del Pulgar coat of arms in the bottom left.
If you could please point me in the right direction then that would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
TIA responds:
Hello R.T.,
If you click on the photo below, you will find another photo in high resolution we posted here for you.
This was the best that we could find.
TIA correspondence desk
I have been tasked with making a coat of arms for Luis Perez Del Pulgar, who has recently passed away, to be displayed at his funeral.
I was wondering if you have any high resolution art work because in your article 'Hernan Perez Del Pulgar, One of the Valiant Deads' there is a Perez Del Pulgar coat of arms in the bottom left.
If you could please point me in the right direction then that would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
TIA responds:
Hello R.T.,
If you click on the photo below, you will find another photo in high resolution we posted here for you.
This was the best that we could find.
TIA correspondence desk
Two Churches
Dear TIA,
Can we clearly and distinctly affirm that everything established by Vatican II is not the Catholic Church, but a counterfeit? And can we theologically affirm a Pope can create a false religion and still retain his papacy?
I ask because we owe the authentic Papal Magisterium deference. But if the encyclicals of the New Popes issue from them as heads of a counterfeit Church, they aren’t even Magisterium.
Would you go so far as to affirm this?
Sincerely in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear D.S.,
When a river disembogues into the ocean, the fresh water of the river is mixed with the salt water of the ocean. This is a known phenomenon that allows fresh water fish to be found in the ocean and vice-versa.
This metaphor gives you an idea of what happens when a heresy manifests itself in the Catholic Church. For a while there is a confusion between who is heretical and who is Catholic. One can find heretics among the good, and Catholics among the bad. This happened for a period of time when Protestantism appeared in the 16th century, for example.
To define the fields, historically speaking, we need a condemnation of the heresy by the Pope and, then, a good number of preachers to vaccinate the people against its errors.
In our time, however, we have at least six conciliar Popes in a row preaching heresy – the heresy of universal salvation, to mention only one. This creates an enormously greater confusion, because neither the needed condemnation of the heresy comes nor can the people be vaccinated against those errors.
This presents a situation that has never happened before in History and places us in a very difficult situation regarding fidelity, since we cannot rely on the Pope, the Hierarchy and the great majority of the clergy, contaminated by Progressivism. It also creates a colossal confusion about what we should accept and reject from these heretic Popes.
As for a solution, the perspective we must adopt is supernatural. There is no hope that, humanly speaking, the Popes will stop being progressivists. So, we raise our eyes to Our Lord Jesus Christ through Our Lady and ask them to intervene to restore the Church.
In the meantime, many are tempted to simplify the picture by saying that since the Popes are heretics, they ceased being Popes. Taking this position, under the pretext of avoiding heresy, what they do on the practical level is to affirm that the Church has not had a head for about 50 years and thus establish doctrinal, canonical and sacramental chaos.
In our opinion, a heretic Pope loses his pontificate before God, but continues to be Pope before the Church, which is a visible society. Of his three powers – to teach, to govern and to sanctify (or power of orders) – he keeps the two last ones and must be resisted in the first in all those points – but only in those points – where he denies the previous Magisterium.
Thus, our way to show deference to the previous Magisterium is to resist the Conciliar Popes in everything they do that opposes it.
This situation will remain until God intervenes or until a great part of Catholics becomes aware of the progressivist heresy of the Popes and resist them when they preach it. Then, on the practical level, they will lose the capacity to lead the Church into heresy.
TIA correspondence desk
Can we clearly and distinctly affirm that everything established by Vatican II is not the Catholic Church, but a counterfeit? And can we theologically affirm a Pope can create a false religion and still retain his papacy?
I ask because we owe the authentic Papal Magisterium deference. But if the encyclicals of the New Popes issue from them as heads of a counterfeit Church, they aren’t even Magisterium.
Would you go so far as to affirm this?
Sincerely in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear D.S.,
When a river disembogues into the ocean, the fresh water of the river is mixed with the salt water of the ocean. This is a known phenomenon that allows fresh water fish to be found in the ocean and vice-versa.
This metaphor gives you an idea of what happens when a heresy manifests itself in the Catholic Church. For a while there is a confusion between who is heretical and who is Catholic. One can find heretics among the good, and Catholics among the bad. This happened for a period of time when Protestantism appeared in the 16th century, for example.
To define the fields, historically speaking, we need a condemnation of the heresy by the Pope and, then, a good number of preachers to vaccinate the people against its errors.
In our time, however, we have at least six conciliar Popes in a row preaching heresy – the heresy of universal salvation, to mention only one. This creates an enormously greater confusion, because neither the needed condemnation of the heresy comes nor can the people be vaccinated against those errors.
This presents a situation that has never happened before in History and places us in a very difficult situation regarding fidelity, since we cannot rely on the Pope, the Hierarchy and the great majority of the clergy, contaminated by Progressivism. It also creates a colossal confusion about what we should accept and reject from these heretic Popes.
As for a solution, the perspective we must adopt is supernatural. There is no hope that, humanly speaking, the Popes will stop being progressivists. So, we raise our eyes to Our Lord Jesus Christ through Our Lady and ask them to intervene to restore the Church.
In the meantime, many are tempted to simplify the picture by saying that since the Popes are heretics, they ceased being Popes. Taking this position, under the pretext of avoiding heresy, what they do on the practical level is to affirm that the Church has not had a head for about 50 years and thus establish doctrinal, canonical and sacramental chaos.
In our opinion, a heretic Pope loses his pontificate before God, but continues to be Pope before the Church, which is a visible society. Of his three powers – to teach, to govern and to sanctify (or power of orders) – he keeps the two last ones and must be resisted in the first in all those points – but only in those points – where he denies the previous Magisterium.
Thus, our way to show deference to the previous Magisterium is to resist the Conciliar Popes in everything they do that opposes it.
This situation will remain until God intervenes or until a great part of Catholics becomes aware of the progressivist heresy of the Popes and resist them when they preach it. Then, on the practical level, they will lose the capacity to lead the Church into heresy.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted November 29, 2018
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Re: Resurrected man chooses to return to Purgatory
During the month of November I read a holy and pious book called Purgatory Explained by F.X. Schouppe, I actually read that account that you posted a couple of nights ago. It is a very good read to inspire you to pray for the souls in Purgatory.
Please pray for nuns, priests (Popes), and holies that are forgotten.
J. M.