What People Are Commenting
Palliative Care
Dear friends @ Tradition in Action,
I read with interest last week's "What People are Commenting,"(7-10-18) in particular the post on palliative care.
A day later I learned that the Bishop of the Monterey (CA) diocese where I live, Bp. Richard Garcia, had died. He was 71 years old and had been diagnosed with Alzheimers the end of April this year. In June he attended a birthday party for a priest that was attended by many people, one of whom told me he was looking very well, joking, and "appeared his old self." Then a friend told me about 2 weeks ago that he had hospice (VNA). The local newspapers and the diocesan website are saying the Bishop died of "complications" of Alzheimers.
Sounds to me like this is an example of what your post was talking about: Palliative care/Hospice (euthanasia) being spread by the Pontifical Academy for "life," and now, closer to home, our local bishop.
Keep up the good work,
I read with interest last week's "What People are Commenting,"(7-10-18) in particular the post on palliative care.
A day later I learned that the Bishop of the Monterey (CA) diocese where I live, Bp. Richard Garcia, had died. He was 71 years old and had been diagnosed with Alzheimers the end of April this year. In June he attended a birthday party for a priest that was attended by many people, one of whom told me he was looking very well, joking, and "appeared his old self." Then a friend told me about 2 weeks ago that he had hospice (VNA). The local newspapers and the diocesan website are saying the Bishop died of "complications" of Alzheimers.
Sounds to me like this is an example of what your post was talking about: Palliative care/Hospice (euthanasia) being spread by the Pontifical Academy for "life," and now, closer to home, our local bishop.
Keep up the good work,
Fatima Prayer for the Poor Souls
I ran across an excerpt from your site pertaining to the Fatima insertion regarding the editing out of Purgatory. It’s a write in and there’s no date.
I’m thinking 2015 or 16. Anyone know what I’m referring to?
I appreciate your time.
Fr. James Wright
Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
Weeki Wachee Florida
TIA responds:
Rev. Fr. Wright,
Could you check whether the text you mentioned is this one or this one?
The date of the first is December 1, 2016; of the second is November 18, 2008. The dates are always at the end of the comments, before the Related Topics of Interest. You can find them by scrolling to the bottom of the comments.
TIA correspondence desk
I’m thinking 2015 or 16. Anyone know what I’m referring to?
I appreciate your time.
Fr. James Wright
Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
Weeki Wachee Florida
TIA responds:
Rev. Fr. Wright,
Could you check whether the text you mentioned is this one or this one?
The date of the first is December 1, 2016; of the second is November 18, 2008. The dates are always at the end of the comments, before the Related Topics of Interest. You can find them by scrolling to the bottom of the comments.
TIA correspondence desk
Rise in ‘Gray’ Divorce
Dear TIA,
I recently read a disturbing article in a local newspaper that was praising the benefits of a social service operation offering extremely quick divorces and mental health counseling for senior citizens. The idea is that these seniors can't wait out the typical and complicated long length of time normally expended to gain a civil divorce because of their advanced age. They want to be able to start a new life. I get the impression that the primary initiator of the divorce action is the wife and counseling is for the bewildered men who are left alone.
I am, sadly, a member of the "baby boom" generation that is the target of this sinister operation. We're the generation that was overindulged into selfish, egotistical brats by our "world's greatest generation" parents. Together we embraced the bad fruits of Vatican II and modernism and sanctioned the utterly false notion of legalized abortion and destruction of the family though feminism and equality largely fostered by our morally corrupt college system. The same generation that naturally murderers its inconvenient children is going to hate family and marriage as well and seek to dispose of that as well.
BTW, I was not entirely correct in my last note on banning of neckties -- the aim is to ban their mandatory wear. This is one of those situations like abortion and family where there can be no exceptions. A man today, given a choice, will naturally reject the necktie the same that a woman will prefer pants over a skirt or dress. I remember when a local department store here required men to wear shirts and ties and women were not allowed to wear pants. The whole demeanor and decorum of the place was lifted. Eventually they could do that no longer and the place went downhill. One could see a difference in the demeanor of the sales clerks. It becomes a slippery slope. Dress down Fridays lead to Casual Mondays and eventually all is lost.
I now see female executives in some business environments in patterned leggings. I simply can't take these women seriously while at the same time fight to keep and restore real Catholic customs. I once knew a man, now deceased, who refused to do business with any firm that had no solid dress code and allowed exceptions like "dress down Friday" because he felt that their minds were careless and casual. Today he would not be able to conduct any business.
I recently read a disturbing article in a local newspaper that was praising the benefits of a social service operation offering extremely quick divorces and mental health counseling for senior citizens. The idea is that these seniors can't wait out the typical and complicated long length of time normally expended to gain a civil divorce because of their advanced age. They want to be able to start a new life. I get the impression that the primary initiator of the divorce action is the wife and counseling is for the bewildered men who are left alone.
I am, sadly, a member of the "baby boom" generation that is the target of this sinister operation. We're the generation that was overindulged into selfish, egotistical brats by our "world's greatest generation" parents. Together we embraced the bad fruits of Vatican II and modernism and sanctioned the utterly false notion of legalized abortion and destruction of the family though feminism and equality largely fostered by our morally corrupt college system. The same generation that naturally murderers its inconvenient children is going to hate family and marriage as well and seek to dispose of that as well.
BTW, I was not entirely correct in my last note on banning of neckties -- the aim is to ban their mandatory wear. This is one of those situations like abortion and family where there can be no exceptions. A man today, given a choice, will naturally reject the necktie the same that a woman will prefer pants over a skirt or dress. I remember when a local department store here required men to wear shirts and ties and women were not allowed to wear pants. The whole demeanor and decorum of the place was lifted. Eventually they could do that no longer and the place went downhill. One could see a difference in the demeanor of the sales clerks. It becomes a slippery slope. Dress down Fridays lead to Casual Mondays and eventually all is lost.
I now see female executives in some business environments in patterned leggings. I simply can't take these women seriously while at the same time fight to keep and restore real Catholic customs. I once knew a man, now deceased, who refused to do business with any firm that had no solid dress code and allowed exceptions like "dress down Friday" because he felt that their minds were careless and casual. Today he would not be able to conduct any business.
Female Diaconate
Dear TIA,
When I stumbled upon this article from LSN, I couldn't believe, but then had to shake myself into reality. Of course I can believe it, as this is what the Modernists are pushing in the Church.
What makes it more distressing is that one of the prelates mentioned at the end of the article, is my bishop. I am an ex-Anglican, and left the Anglican Church, amongst other reasons, because of their pushing for female bishops and the like.
I provide the entire text of the article below
Kind regards,
Vatican publishes document declaring a “female diaconate”
is a possibility in the Catholic Church
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
LifeSiteNews – July 12, 2018 – A group of Catholic clergy and theologians, including two bishops, have signed an ecumenical declaration with Anglican clergy published on the Vatican website that affirms the possibility that the Catholic Church might create a “female diaconate” in the future, which would imply a contradiction of Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Church’s 2000-year tradition.
The declaration also refers to the possibility of ordaining married men to the priesthood.
The document, entitled “Walking Together on the Way: Learning to Be the Church - Local, Regional, Universal,” purports to explore ways that Anglican practices might influence the Catholic Church, and vice-versa. It was agreed to by the “Third Anglican – Roman Catholic International Commission,” an ecumenical dialogue group instituted by the Catholic and Anglican churches.
In paragraph 102 of the document, the commission recognizes that “some decisions regarding ministry made by provinces of the Anglican Communion are not open to the Roman Catholic community” but admits that “others potentially are.”
Among these it lists “a female diaconate; a fuller implementation of licensed lay pastoral assistants; the priestly ordination of mature married men (viri probati); and the authorization of lay people to preach.” It also adds “the canonical opening of the ministry of lector to women.”
Professor Janet E. Smith of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, whose name appears on the declaration as a commission member, told LifeSite that she served on the commission for seven years, but was not satisfied with the text that was ultimately produced for “Walking together on the way.”
Smith said that she had “serious concerns” about some of the recommendations and other content and about the fact the some of the most significant points in the document, such as speaking of the “regional church” the promotion of a synod of laity who would take part in determining doctrine, and the ordination of female deacons, were not fully discussed during the course of the meetings. She was not invited back to be a part of the commission as it considers the question of how the universal and local church in communion discern right ethical teaching.
Could the Catholic Church institute a “female diaconate”?
The notion of a “female diaconate” is not defined by the document. If it were to refer to the office of the “deaconess,” which ceased to exist in the Catholic Church a thousand years ago, it would not indicate that women may enter the clergy as deacons, but rather that they may be given a non-clerical title that would seem to be no longer applicable in the Church.
“Deaconesses,” according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, were women who were assigned to tasks that were only seen as proper for women to carry out, such as the baptism of adult women, who entered into the baptismal font naked, or the delivery of Holy Communion to sick women alone in their homes.
The Council of Nicea, the first ecumenical council held in the Catholic Church, declared expressly that “deaconesses” were not members of the clergy, and did not have an ordination.
“And we mean by deaconesses such as have assumed the habit, but who, since they have no imposition of hands, are to be numbered only among the laity,” stated canon 19 of Nicea, written in 325 A.D.
However, with the use of the term “female diaconate,” the document may be easily interpreted to mean that a woman may receive ordination to the sacramental grade of order of the Diaconate, a claim that is contradicted by the Catechism of the Church (par. 1577), which quotes the Code of Canon Law by stating, “Only a baptized man (vir) validly receives sacred ordination.”
The Catechism explains that this is not merely a matter of Canon Law, but the will of God himself for the Church: “The Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice [to not ordain women] made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.” The Catechism also cites Pope John Paul II’s motu proprio Ordinatio sacerdotalis and Pope Paul VI’s Inter Insigniores.
The Anglican Church, which was created by England’s King Henry VIII to facilitate his divorce of his wife Catherine of Aragon and his remarriage to Anne Boleyn in the 16th century, in the 20th century began in recent decades to appoint women as “deacons,” “priests,” and finally “bishops.” However, the Catholic Church does not recognize the validity of the Anglican orders in general, regarding them as non-sacramental.
In “Walking together on the way,” texts are placed parallel to a text about the Anglican Church in order to indicate similarities with the Anglican tradition. The placement of the text on a “female diaconate” in a parallel column in the document further suggests that the authors intend to claim that the sacramental grade of order of the Diaconate could be opened to women in the Catholic Church, in a way analogous to that of the Anglicans, who allow women in all of their orders.
Anglicans also have married “priests” and “bishops.” As the declaration states, the Catholic Church has the option of permitting the ordination of married clergy, although the Church’s ancient custom is to require celibacy of married clerics, a principle that continues to be enshrined in the Church’s Code of Canon Law for Latin Churches. A small minority of priests, mostly in the eastern rites of the Church, may be ordained as married men who are not required to be celibate, although they cannot remarry if their wives die.
Among those on the commission are Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham, England, and Arthur Kennedy, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, as well as a number of priests, both secular and religious.
Original here
When I stumbled upon this article from LSN, I couldn't believe, but then had to shake myself into reality. Of course I can believe it, as this is what the Modernists are pushing in the Church.
What makes it more distressing is that one of the prelates mentioned at the end of the article, is my bishop. I am an ex-Anglican, and left the Anglican Church, amongst other reasons, because of their pushing for female bishops and the like.
I provide the entire text of the article below
Kind regards,
is a possibility in the Catholic Church
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
LifeSiteNews – July 12, 2018 – A group of Catholic clergy and theologians, including two bishops, have signed an ecumenical declaration with Anglican clergy published on the Vatican website that affirms the possibility that the Catholic Church might create a “female diaconate” in the future, which would imply a contradiction of Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Church’s 2000-year tradition.
The declaration also refers to the possibility of ordaining married men to the priesthood.
The document, entitled “Walking Together on the Way: Learning to Be the Church - Local, Regional, Universal,” purports to explore ways that Anglican practices might influence the Catholic Church, and vice-versa. It was agreed to by the “Third Anglican – Roman Catholic International Commission,” an ecumenical dialogue group instituted by the Catholic and Anglican churches.
In paragraph 102 of the document, the commission recognizes that “some decisions regarding ministry made by provinces of the Anglican Communion are not open to the Roman Catholic community” but admits that “others potentially are.”
Among these it lists “a female diaconate; a fuller implementation of licensed lay pastoral assistants; the priestly ordination of mature married men (viri probati); and the authorization of lay people to preach.” It also adds “the canonical opening of the ministry of lector to women.”
Professor Janet E. Smith of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, whose name appears on the declaration as a commission member, told LifeSite that she served on the commission for seven years, but was not satisfied with the text that was ultimately produced for “Walking together on the way.”
Smith said that she had “serious concerns” about some of the recommendations and other content and about the fact the some of the most significant points in the document, such as speaking of the “regional church” the promotion of a synod of laity who would take part in determining doctrine, and the ordination of female deacons, were not fully discussed during the course of the meetings. She was not invited back to be a part of the commission as it considers the question of how the universal and local church in communion discern right ethical teaching.
Could the Catholic Church institute a “female diaconate”?
The notion of a “female diaconate” is not defined by the document. If it were to refer to the office of the “deaconess,” which ceased to exist in the Catholic Church a thousand years ago, it would not indicate that women may enter the clergy as deacons, but rather that they may be given a non-clerical title that would seem to be no longer applicable in the Church.
“Deaconesses,” according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, were women who were assigned to tasks that were only seen as proper for women to carry out, such as the baptism of adult women, who entered into the baptismal font naked, or the delivery of Holy Communion to sick women alone in their homes.
The Council of Nicea, the first ecumenical council held in the Catholic Church, declared expressly that “deaconesses” were not members of the clergy, and did not have an ordination.
“And we mean by deaconesses such as have assumed the habit, but who, since they have no imposition of hands, are to be numbered only among the laity,” stated canon 19 of Nicea, written in 325 A.D.
However, with the use of the term “female diaconate,” the document may be easily interpreted to mean that a woman may receive ordination to the sacramental grade of order of the Diaconate, a claim that is contradicted by the Catechism of the Church (par. 1577), which quotes the Code of Canon Law by stating, “Only a baptized man (vir) validly receives sacred ordination.”
The Catechism explains that this is not merely a matter of Canon Law, but the will of God himself for the Church: “The Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice [to not ordain women] made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.” The Catechism also cites Pope John Paul II’s motu proprio Ordinatio sacerdotalis and Pope Paul VI’s Inter Insigniores.
The Anglican Church, which was created by England’s King Henry VIII to facilitate his divorce of his wife Catherine of Aragon and his remarriage to Anne Boleyn in the 16th century, in the 20th century began in recent decades to appoint women as “deacons,” “priests,” and finally “bishops.” However, the Catholic Church does not recognize the validity of the Anglican orders in general, regarding them as non-sacramental.
In “Walking together on the way,” texts are placed parallel to a text about the Anglican Church in order to indicate similarities with the Anglican tradition. The placement of the text on a “female diaconate” in a parallel column in the document further suggests that the authors intend to claim that the sacramental grade of order of the Diaconate could be opened to women in the Catholic Church, in a way analogous to that of the Anglicans, who allow women in all of their orders.
Anglicans also have married “priests” and “bishops.” As the declaration states, the Catholic Church has the option of permitting the ordination of married clergy, although the Church’s ancient custom is to require celibacy of married clerics, a principle that continues to be enshrined in the Church’s Code of Canon Law for Latin Churches. A small minority of priests, mostly in the eastern rites of the Church, may be ordained as married men who are not required to be celibate, although they cannot remarry if their wives die.
Among those on the commission are Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham, England, and Arthur Kennedy, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, as well as a number of priests, both secular and religious.
Original here

Posted July 26, 2018
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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Well, another shocking “teaching” of the Conciliar Vatican. After doing its better to destroy the religious Contemplative Convents, now it turned against the lay Consecrated Virgins. Indeed, it issued a document affirming that the consecrated virgins no longer need to be… virgins. Go figure! Read it here.
The Association of the American Consecrated Virgins protested against it, which is good, but will not stop this self-destruction of the Church.
Oh Mary Most Holy! Come to rescue our and your Church!