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Poor Souls, Inculturation &
New Endings for Masses
True Prayer for the Poor Souls
Dear TIA,
Thank you for keeping Tradition in Action updated regularly.
I thought it extremely important for true Catholics to know the authentic prayer Our Lady gave the children at Fatima to be said.
For a long time, I was saying, "Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy."
This is NOT the prayer Our Lady gave the children. I venture to say that once you see the true prayer, you will immediately change the way you say it as I have done when I found out the true prayer.
As with the true Saint Michael prayer, the Fatima prayer was suppressed as well. I think we can all deduce why upon reading it. It is:
"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins! Deliver us from the fires of hell! Have pity on the souls in purgatory, especially the most abandoned."
I understand this is not simply from one source. One of them is the book, Our Lady of Fatima by Msgr Count Finbar Ryan, Published by Brown and Nolan 1940, page 55. Most Catholics of the counter-revolutionary mindset can look at this prayer and understand why it was changed simply by observing the elimination of the word "purgatory." The elimination of this word would lead one to believe that the the people who were charged with the alteration of this prayer were leaning toward the error of "universal salvation," because why mention purgatory if there is no Hell?
Wouldn't it make sense that Our Lady wants us to pray for the souls in Purgatory? Our Lord asks us to aid the widows and the orphans through the corporal works of mercy. Alternatively, prayers for the souls in Purgatory is a great deed all of us can simply do. The souls in Purgatory cannot do anything by themselves to free themselves from the state they are in. They must have prayers from the living to free them from their bonds!
What a better time to inform people of the true prayer of Our Lady just days after All Souls Day? Please, forward this prayer onto your readership so that they too can do as Our Lady asked after, sadly, her words have been altered to fit the selfish and evil intent of the Devil.
Think on it just for a moment. What pleasure would the Devil have to keep people whom he could not lay his grasp on in Purgatory because he subverted the message of Our Lady? I say that he would gain unspeakable pleasure from keeping every soul away from the Beatific Vision.
How many times have we said this prayer the wrong way, when we could have been saying it the way Our Lady asked us to say it? If we'd only known the true way to say it, we could have aided more people out of the shackles of Purgatory?
God Bless you.
St. Peter Claver
Tradition in Action,
I read the articles listed on Tradition in Action daily, and I admire the essays on the great missionary saints, who were vigilant in converting the unbelievers and heathens. I don't know why you don't have an article on St. Peter Claver documenting his truly inspiring life.
Like St. Francis Xavier, he sacrificed so much and was willing serve Our Lord despite the obstacles which lay ahead of him.
It's troubling to see the state in which our Church is in, and the lack of faith which permeates within the hearts of so many Novus Ordo religious, who seem to have a greater fear of man, rather than God.
African Inculturation
Africa has been called the "hope of the future for the Catholic Church" - so I've heard ad nauseam. Well, if it is the hope, it is a strange hope, not very Catholic. I've heard the charismatic actions and borrowed pagan African rituals commonly mix with Catholic rites.
Now it seems even the Vatican was concerned enough to issue a very mild letter 'asking' them to refrain from the many 'oil of gladness' ceremonies taking place in Catholic Churches.
This article is from the Catholic News Agency - thought you'd enjoy seeing it.
Vatican official cautions against 'Oil of Gladness' services
Pretoria, Oct 19, 2008 / 02:30 am (CNA).- Archbishop Albert Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has written to the South Africa bishops' conference president Cardinal Wilfrid Napier concerning the 'Anointing with the Oil of Gladness' services.
It is reported that the faithful are frequently being anointed during what are called 'Healing Services' by deacons or even lay ministers who use a so-called 'Oil of Gladness' that is claimed to be 'Sacramental,' the letter says, according to the Catholic Information Service for Africa.
The archbishop notes that Canon Law expressly forbids anyone other than a priest from administering the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
His letter states that there are only three blessed oils used in the Roman Ritual: the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the Sacred Chrism.
"The use of any other oil or any other 'anointing' than those found in the approved liturgical books must be considered proscribed and subject to ecclesiastical penalties," he continues.
"The Congregation kindly asks that the bishops of South Africa be made aware of the above-mentioned confusion so that proper catechesis and sacramental discipline can be restored where it may be lacking," Archbishop Ranjith concludes.
New Endings to Mass
Here is the problem with the Novus Ordo, the notion everything is changeable. The same thing is happening with certain hybrid Masses that are cropping up.
Now it seem you can choose your ending to the Mass now just like you can choose what flavor ice cream you want with your sundae. How nice, huh? Zenit tells us about the initiative:
In an address to the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Francis Arinze, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, revealed that Pope Benedict XVI has authorized three new alternatives to the current text, Ite, Missa Est ("Go, you are sent forth"), at the close of the Latin liturgy. The alternatives, which will be included in the next authoritative editio typica of the Roman Missal, are:
- Ite ad Evangelium Domini nuntiandum (Go to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord)
- Ite in pace, glorificando vita vestra Dominum (Go in peace, to glorify the Lord with your lives)
- Ite in pace (Go in peace)
Posted November 18, 2008

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