What People Are Commenting
Ugly Modern Churches & Nice Polish Houses
Ugly Churches Reflect Heresy
Good morning!
Thank you for your informative articles.
Upon reading about churches from hell in the article about the Third Secret Deciphered, upon looking at the photos, I can only say "Modernist architecture for a modernist church..." so the buildings you feature are consistent with the heresy of Modernism.
Thank you for your informative articles.
Upon reading about churches from hell in the article about the Third Secret Deciphered, upon looking at the photos, I can only say "Modernist architecture for a modernist church..." so the buildings you feature are consistent with the heresy of Modernism.
A Chinese on the Vatican Ostpolitik with China
The Vatican asked two “underground” bishops in China to surrender their positions to individuals approved by the country’s authoritarian government, including one the Vatican had excommunicated.
The decision in December came amid what observers describe as an extraordinary effort by the Vatican to advance negotiations to restore ties with Beijing after a nearly 70-year schism among Catholics in the world’s most populous nation. Diplomatic ties between the Vatican and Beijing were severed after the Communist Party took power in China in 1949.
Today, about half of the estimated 10 to 12 million Catholics in China worship in underground churches that refuse to recognize government control over the faith. The other half worship in government managed churches run mostly by clergy members appointed by Beijing.
The Vatican asked two “underground” bishops in China to surrender their positions to individuals approved by the country’s authoritarian government, including one the Vatican had excommunicated.
The decision in December came amid what observers describe as an extraordinary effort by the Vatican to advance negotiations to restore ties with Beijing after a nearly 70-year schism among Catholics in the world’s most populous nation. Diplomatic ties between the Vatican and Beijing were severed after the Communist Party took power in China in 1949.
Today, about half of the estimated 10 to 12 million Catholics in China worship in underground churches that refuse to recognize government control over the faith. The other half worship in government managed churches run mostly by clergy members appointed by Beijing.
Shutting off TVs
Fed up with TVs assaulting your eyes and ears virtually everywhere? Here’s a tiny remote designed to harmlessly SHUT OFF any tv that is bothering you.
Restore peace and quiet in your life today.
Fed up with TVs assaulting your eyes and ears virtually everywhere? Here’s a tiny remote designed to harmlessly SHUT OFF any tv that is bothering you.
Restore peace and quiet in your life today.
Floral Paintings Competition
Dear TIA,
A friend sent me this article with a link to a number of photos of this Polish village. I think it illustrates well what you say about Organic Society with its charms.
Keep up the good work.
Back to Zalipie
Jessica Stewart
Every Part of This Tiny Polish Village Is Covered in Lovely Floral Paintings
A small village in southeast Poland is heralded for its unusual tradition. Every house, well, church, and barn is covered in lovely, decorative painted flowers. The secluded town of Zalipie, just 90 minutes from Krakow, feels a world away, as the small farming village bursts with color.
Just how did the tradition start? It’s not entirely clear, but one story relates that it began due to poor ventilation for stoves. As they would leak soot onto the ceiling, women began to paint flowers over the marks in order to tidy up – and brighten up– their homes. And even as ventilation improved, villagers – mainly women – continued to carry out the folk art, moving from ceilings to walls to bridges and everything in between.
The tradition has continued to endure, and each spring following Corpus Cristi, villagers host the Painted Cottage competition or Malowana Chata. There’s nothing like a little neighborly competition to get the creative juices flowing, with the contest taking place annually since 1948.
The starting date of the Malowana Chata has special significance, as it began right after WWII ended. Poland was devastated during the war—17% of the population died—and this was an attempt by officials to cover up some of the damage done to Zalipie.
Now, Zalipie attracts visitors who come to soak in the colorful atmosphere. There’s even a museum, which was the three-bedroom cottage of a resident named Felicja Curyłowa. When Curylowa passed in 1974, her ornate home was transformed into a space where visitors can appreciate her work. From spoons to light bulbs, every square inch blooms with color.
Photos: Mariusz Cieszewski & Magro Kr
A friend sent me this article with a link to a number of photos of this Polish village. I think it illustrates well what you say about Organic Society with its charms.
Keep up the good work.
Jessica Stewart
Every Part of This Tiny Polish Village Is Covered in Lovely Floral Paintings
A small village in southeast Poland is heralded for its unusual tradition. Every house, well, church, and barn is covered in lovely, decorative painted flowers. The secluded town of Zalipie, just 90 minutes from Krakow, feels a world away, as the small farming village bursts with color.
Just how did the tradition start? It’s not entirely clear, but one story relates that it began due to poor ventilation for stoves. As they would leak soot onto the ceiling, women began to paint flowers over the marks in order to tidy up – and brighten up– their homes. And even as ventilation improved, villagers – mainly women – continued to carry out the folk art, moving from ceilings to walls to bridges and everything in between.

The starting date of the Malowana Chata has special significance, as it began right after WWII ended. Poland was devastated during the war—17% of the population died—and this was an attempt by officials to cover up some of the damage done to Zalipie.
Now, Zalipie attracts visitors who come to soak in the colorful atmosphere. There’s even a museum, which was the three-bedroom cottage of a resident named Felicja Curyłowa. When Curylowa passed in 1974, her ornate home was transformed into a space where visitors can appreciate her work. From spoons to light bulbs, every square inch blooms with color.
Photos: Mariusz Cieszewski & Magro Kr

More photos of this village's houses here
Planned Parenthood & Nazis
Dear TIA,
Read this news report. It seems that the Rabbis have a pro-abortion agenda.
April 29, 2018 – A group of rabbis is urging a Republican politician from Kansas City to stop comparing abortion to the Holocaust.
The Rabbinical Association of Kansas City wrote a letter to State Sen. Steve Fitzgerald saying his words “abuse the memory of the murdered victims of the Nazi regime,” the Kansas City Star reported Thursday.
Fitzgerald, who is running to be the Republican nominee for a House seat in Kansas’s 2nd District, has compared Planned Parenthood to a Nazi concentration camp and brought up infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in a Kansas senate debate over an amendment involving aborted fetal tissue.
Fitzgerald made the Planned Parenthood comments last year after he was informed someone made a donation to the organization in his name. He compared the logic of a moderate Republican to that of Mengele in a contentious debate last month.
The conservative Republican from Leavenworth said he would take the rabbis’ words “into consideration and under advisement” but would not commit to stop bringing up Holocaust topics during abortion debates.
“I don’t think anybody should accept arbitrary limits placed upon the exercise of their freedoms,” he told the Star.
Original here.
Read this news report. It seems that the Rabbis have a pro-abortion agenda.
April 29, 2018 – A group of rabbis is urging a Republican politician from Kansas City to stop comparing abortion to the Holocaust.
The Rabbinical Association of Kansas City wrote a letter to State Sen. Steve Fitzgerald saying his words “abuse the memory of the murdered victims of the Nazi regime,” the Kansas City Star reported Thursday.
Fitzgerald, who is running to be the Republican nominee for a House seat in Kansas’s 2nd District, has compared Planned Parenthood to a Nazi concentration camp and brought up infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in a Kansas senate debate over an amendment involving aborted fetal tissue.
Fitzgerald made the Planned Parenthood comments last year after he was informed someone made a donation to the organization in his name. He compared the logic of a moderate Republican to that of Mengele in a contentious debate last month.
The conservative Republican from Leavenworth said he would take the rabbis’ words “into consideration and under advisement” but would not commit to stop bringing up Holocaust topics during abortion debates.
“I don’t think anybody should accept arbitrary limits placed upon the exercise of their freedoms,” he told the Star.
Original here.
American Catholics Drop Attendance to Mass
Quite interesting this survey! It goes against the myth that Francis is a popular Pope. People are abandoning Mass attendance of the Conciliar Church while in the chapels of traditionalists the number of attendees multiplies…
Catholic Church attendance in the United States fell by 6% between the pontificates of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the sharpest drop in decades, a new Gallup poll has revealed. An average of 39% of U.S. Catholics attended church weekly during the heart of the Francis papacy, from 2014 to 2017, Gallup found in a survey released April 9, which represents a significant drop from the 45% of Catholics who attended weekly Mass from 2005 to 2008, in the early years of the Benedict pontificate.
Weekly Mass attendance among American Catholics had stabilized in the mid-2000s at around 45%, after falling sharply during the period comprising the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and its aftermath, which many Catholics experienced as a time of confusion and upheaval.
The downward trend has resumed during the Francis years, falling more abruptly than it had since the 1970s.
Read more here.
Quite interesting this survey! It goes against the myth that Francis is a popular Pope. People are abandoning Mass attendance of the Conciliar Church while in the chapels of traditionalists the number of attendees multiplies…
Catholic Church attendance in the United States fell by 6% between the pontificates of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the sharpest drop in decades, a new Gallup poll has revealed. An average of 39% of U.S. Catholics attended church weekly during the heart of the Francis papacy, from 2014 to 2017, Gallup found in a survey released April 9, which represents a significant drop from the 45% of Catholics who attended weekly Mass from 2005 to 2008, in the early years of the Benedict pontificate.
Weekly Mass attendance among American Catholics had stabilized in the mid-2000s at around 45%, after falling sharply during the period comprising the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and its aftermath, which many Catholics experienced as a time of confusion and upheaval.
The downward trend has resumed during the Francis years, falling more abruptly than it had since the 1970s.
Read more here.

Posted May 3, 2018
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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In light of your recent review of Bernard Lazare’s book, I thought the following timely. Lazare was an anarchist, but he still proclaimed the greatness and necessity of being intolerant in the article On the Need for Intolerance. Intolerance is the leaven of great ideas, he says. Tolerance, on the other hand, is the virtue of spirits without faith.
There is something admirable in this man for espousing such a truth. Even if he was an anarchist, a revolutionary, at least he knew that ideals are worth fighting for. If only more Catholics today could stand up for the True Religion with as much conviction as this mere atheist did for his.
Your friend