What People Are Commenting
Nuns, Lesbians & a Marxist Kaine
Francis’ Continuous Devastation
Dear TIA,
Re: Contemplative Women Must Change Their Lifestyles; &
Francis’ Overhaul of Female Contemplative Life
Thank you to Dr. Horvat for her articles on this topic.
The direction Francis is taking the sisters makes for continued devastation, obviously.
I had hoped he might leave the contemplative sisters alone in peace, but I should have anticipated his desire to turn the entire Church upside down would not go unabated. Dr. Horvat’s analogy to the cowboys is so very fitting.
Now, it appears that only by leaving the convent(s) will the contemplative and cloistered sisters be able to continue, in some form, their spiritual life.
The remnant continues to get smaller.
Oh, may the Reign of Mary come before the avalanche of many sisters’ souls falls!
May God have mercy on us all!
E.S., Ph.D.
Re: Contemplative Women Must Change Their Lifestyles; &
Francis’ Overhaul of Female Contemplative Life
Thank you to Dr. Horvat for her articles on this topic.
The direction Francis is taking the sisters makes for continued devastation, obviously.
I had hoped he might leave the contemplative sisters alone in peace, but I should have anticipated his desire to turn the entire Church upside down would not go unabated. Dr. Horvat’s analogy to the cowboys is so very fitting.
Now, it appears that only by leaving the convent(s) will the contemplative and cloistered sisters be able to continue, in some form, their spiritual life.
The remnant continues to get smaller.
Oh, may the Reign of Mary come before the avalanche of many sisters’ souls falls!
May God have mercy on us all!
E.S., Ph.D.
A Marxist Kaine
In addition to supporting abortion, the “Catholic” Tim Kaine appears as a partisan of Liberation Theology and Marxism.
It is a good mixture to match Hillary...
Check below the excerpt of a news report and click on the link to watch a video.
According to the media, Tim Kaine took a life transforming "mission" trip to Latin America in 1980. Conveniently left out of these stories, are the radical reality of the Cold War in Latin America and Tim Kaine's Soviet sympathizing mentors. In fact, whatever Kaine's intentions, he more likely met Karl Marx than Jesus Christ while there.
Reports indicate that in Honduras, “Mr. Kaine embraced an interpretation of the gospel, known as liberation theology...”
This wasn't mainstream “Catholic thought” at the time. It was a radical, Marxist-based ideology at odds with the Church, the pope, and the United States, but supportive of (and supported by) the Soviet Union.
To counter Vatican opposition to this theology, now published documents from the Soviet and East German archives show “active measures” were undertaken to undermine the Vatican and the pope – key barriers to a Soviet influence in Latin America."
Original here.
In addition to supporting abortion, the “Catholic” Tim Kaine appears as a partisan of Liberation Theology and Marxism.
It is a good mixture to match Hillary...
Check below the excerpt of a news report and click on the link to watch a video.
According to the media, Tim Kaine took a life transforming "mission" trip to Latin America in 1980. Conveniently left out of these stories, are the radical reality of the Cold War in Latin America and Tim Kaine's Soviet sympathizing mentors. In fact, whatever Kaine's intentions, he more likely met Karl Marx than Jesus Christ while there.
Reports indicate that in Honduras, “Mr. Kaine embraced an interpretation of the gospel, known as liberation theology...”
This wasn't mainstream “Catholic thought” at the time. It was a radical, Marxist-based ideology at odds with the Church, the pope, and the United States, but supportive of (and supported by) the Soviet Union.
To counter Vatican opposition to this theology, now published documents from the Soviet and East German archives show “active measures” were undertaken to undermine the Vatican and the pope – key barriers to a Soviet influence in Latin America."
Original here.
Lesbians Blessed by Priest
Dear TIA,
Re: Church in Palermo welcomes lesbian ‘marriage’
What will it take for Catholics to realize that the overwhelming majority of the current occupants of the Vatican as well as the clerical hierarchy are only questionably Catholic? Every time I think that "things cannot get worse," I am unpleasantly surprised.
Anyone who thinks that "Fr." Cosimo Scordato is a Catholic priest is either completely ignorant of their Faith or willfully cooperating in the physical destruction of the Church.
We all know that the True Faith will prevail against Hell, but anyone who can look at the photos of the "Church in Palermo welcoming a lesbian ‘marriage’" and not be scandalized may not have any faith at all.
There is another mortal sin being committed during that welcoming: if you look carefully at the first, top photo, you will see a young boy, perhaps a "server," to the "priest's" right who is looking at the lesbians. I immediately thought of Matthew 18:6 – Mark 9:41 and Luke 17:2 are also appropriate because they also confirm Christ's words.
The hierarchy and "Fr." Scordato individually will have much to answer for, and this article and its accompanying photographs, like too many other such articles and photographs, confirm the depths of apostasy to which the current clerical hierarchy have descended.
Fr. Malachi Martin confirmed – in his novel Windswept House – that a "black mass" was celebrated in the Vatican in 1963. Even that was insufficient!
What will it take?
Re: Church in Palermo welcomes lesbian ‘marriage’
What will it take for Catholics to realize that the overwhelming majority of the current occupants of the Vatican as well as the clerical hierarchy are only questionably Catholic? Every time I think that "things cannot get worse," I am unpleasantly surprised.
Anyone who thinks that "Fr." Cosimo Scordato is a Catholic priest is either completely ignorant of their Faith or willfully cooperating in the physical destruction of the Church.
We all know that the True Faith will prevail against Hell, but anyone who can look at the photos of the "Church in Palermo welcoming a lesbian ‘marriage’" and not be scandalized may not have any faith at all.
There is another mortal sin being committed during that welcoming: if you look carefully at the first, top photo, you will see a young boy, perhaps a "server," to the "priest's" right who is looking at the lesbians. I immediately thought of Matthew 18:6 – Mark 9:41 and Luke 17:2 are also appropriate because they also confirm Christ's words.
The hierarchy and "Fr." Scordato individually will have much to answer for, and this article and its accompanying photographs, like too many other such articles and photographs, confirm the depths of apostasy to which the current clerical hierarchy have descended.
Fr. Malachi Martin confirmed – in his novel Windswept House – that a "black mass" was celebrated in the Vatican in 1963. Even that was insufficient!
What will it take?
What Church is Our Lady of Good Success talking about when she talks about the worldwide crisis in the Church is the N.O. Church, which the Sedevacantists tell us is not the Church.
I live in an area where all there are N.O. Churches and I myself don’t attend anymore.
I don’t know if I am going to be around for Our Lady’s promised renewal.
So, how do we prepare for our funeral etc. My Mother is 99-years-old and begs me every day to receive Holy Communion and to see a priest, and I can’t explain to her about what is going on in the NO church. I tried and a big argument broke out.
I broke down and had a NO priest come and anoint her and give her Communion or whatever it is.
I don’t know since they want me or some other lay minister to bring her this, and I don’t agree with this.
How do I bury my Mom when she dies, do I have to fly in a Trad priest from somewhere and have a Home service? I am so frustrated and depressed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I.B., Canada
TIA responds:
Hello I.B.,
You should trust Our Lady and have recourse to her in your needs. Do not be frustrated and depressed. She always is there to help us.
Canada has a large presence of the Catholic Ukrainian Rite, whose priests normally are more conservative than the N.O. priests of the Roman Latin Rite. We suggest you to look for one of these priests close to your place, ask him to give assistance to your mother and, when she passes away, to say a Mass for her soul and direct the funeral rites.
We do not believe you should be bringing Communion to your mother as an occasional lay Eucharistic minister.
Our Lady of Good Success was predicting the crisis in the Catholic Church that became evident after Vatican II. Given that this general apostasy is led by the conciliar Popes, the heresy of Progressivism has not yet been defined by the due authority. This is why we live in increasing confusion - receiving both truth and heresy at the same time.
Until a legitimate authority defines this heresy and the validity or non-validity of the conciliar rites, we laypeople have to bear living in these murky waters, resisting error and remaining faithful to the Catholic Faith, without pretending we have the authority to decide what is valid or not in the realm of Orders and Sacraments.
If we do so, like the sede-vacantists, we arrogantly assume we have the same authority as the Pope, which is what the Protestant sects did when they revolted against the Papacy.
We will be praying for you and for the good death of your mother.
TIA correspondence desk
What Church is Our Lady of Good Success talking about when she talks about the worldwide crisis in the Church is the N.O. Church, which the Sedevacantists tell us is not the Church.
I live in an area where all there are N.O. Churches and I myself don’t attend anymore.
I don’t know if I am going to be around for Our Lady’s promised renewal.
So, how do we prepare for our funeral etc. My Mother is 99-years-old and begs me every day to receive Holy Communion and to see a priest, and I can’t explain to her about what is going on in the NO church. I tried and a big argument broke out.
I broke down and had a NO priest come and anoint her and give her Communion or whatever it is.
I don’t know since they want me or some other lay minister to bring her this, and I don’t agree with this.
How do I bury my Mom when she dies, do I have to fly in a Trad priest from somewhere and have a Home service? I am so frustrated and depressed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I.B., Canada
TIA responds:
Hello I.B.,
You should trust Our Lady and have recourse to her in your needs. Do not be frustrated and depressed. She always is there to help us.
Canada has a large presence of the Catholic Ukrainian Rite, whose priests normally are more conservative than the N.O. priests of the Roman Latin Rite. We suggest you to look for one of these priests close to your place, ask him to give assistance to your mother and, when she passes away, to say a Mass for her soul and direct the funeral rites.
We do not believe you should be bringing Communion to your mother as an occasional lay Eucharistic minister.
Our Lady of Good Success was predicting the crisis in the Catholic Church that became evident after Vatican II. Given that this general apostasy is led by the conciliar Popes, the heresy of Progressivism has not yet been defined by the due authority. This is why we live in increasing confusion - receiving both truth and heresy at the same time.
Until a legitimate authority defines this heresy and the validity or non-validity of the conciliar rites, we laypeople have to bear living in these murky waters, resisting error and remaining faithful to the Catholic Faith, without pretending we have the authority to decide what is valid or not in the realm of Orders and Sacraments.
If we do so, like the sede-vacantists, we arrogantly assume we have the same authority as the Pope, which is what the Protestant sects did when they revolted against the Papacy.
We will be praying for you and for the good death of your mother.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted September 13, 2016
Re: Contemplative Women Must Change Their Lifestyles; &
Francis’ Overhaul of Female Contemplative Life
I don’t understand why the contemplative nuns don’t simply ignore the Judaic, Bergoglio. Why don’t they simply tell him to go, sling his hook and carry on as they are?
Bergoglio has his eye not only on further destruction but also on real estate; chuck the old dears out and take their property. In many cases all the nuns would have to do is simply say that they don’t recognize him as anything other than an un-Catholic destroyer that he quite plainly is.
Contemplative nuns are supposed to have a certain courage. Well, they could show it by simply refusing to recognize or obey the Judaic, Bergoglio. Surely one is supposed to obey God first always – not men who are not on His side.
Yours sincerely,
Nicholas Wilton, United Kingdom