What People Are Commenting
‘Islam Is Not Violent’ & Personal Prelature
Ludwig Ott’s Good Book
Dear TIA,
Thank you for publishing my letter with necessary comments regarding the quality of the dogmatics texts I had referred to. I certainly would not want to recommend any works to your readers which are not orthodox!
I noticed the texts available from Amazon which I mentioned in my letter because they appeared to be comprehensive dogmatics texts, published during the pontificates of Leo XIII and St. Pius X, and also because Ludwig Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma – which I sincerely hope isn't questionable! – is not available on Kindle.
As always, many thanks for your online posts and books!
Thank you for publishing my letter with necessary comments regarding the quality of the dogmatics texts I had referred to. I certainly would not want to recommend any works to your readers which are not orthodox!
I noticed the texts available from Amazon which I mentioned in my letter because they appeared to be comprehensive dogmatics texts, published during the pontificates of Leo XIII and St. Pius X, and also because Ludwig Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma – which I sincerely hope isn't questionable! – is not available on Kindle.
As always, many thanks for your online posts and books!
Lost Values
This guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier reminds us of what we've lost in this country: - respect for the dead and for our symbols.
Gary Morella
This guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier reminds us of what we've lost in this country: - respect for the dead and for our symbols.
Gary Morella
Amnesty for Syrians
Obama issued a new amnesty for 8,000 illegal immigrants from Syria.
We have experienced what “Syrian immigrants” mean: a group of people who come to our country with the deliberate intent of spreading Islam and taking over our institutions by both enormously multiplying the Muslim population and by terrorist attacks.
Read more here.
Obama issued a new amnesty for 8,000 illegal immigrants from Syria.
We have experienced what “Syrian immigrants” mean: a group of people who come to our country with the deliberate intent of spreading Islam and taking over our institutions by both enormously multiplying the Muslim population and by terrorist attacks.
Read more here.
‘It Is Unjust to Identify Islam with Violence’
Dear TIA,
Apparently our Holy Father doesn't want to admit that there is a great deal of difference between 'unjust' Catholic violence that one commits in spite of his religion and, in the case of Islam violence, that one commits because of his religion!
Pope Francis is never specific in his off-the-cuff heterodox statements so I can't address what he means by 'Catholic violence'. But what the enemies of Holy Church usually refer to is 'those mean ole unjust Crusades'... They rely on the average Catholic's ignorance of history and their reluctance to do some serious research. With just a cursory study of this period of history one would discover that the Crusades were a just war to recover former Christian territory that was lost to the unjust aggression of Muslims.
Such is the nature of the Islam religion. If you doubt it, read the Koran yourself. Heavens! And where do you think those mean ole 'Islam terrorists' come from? If it is not from the great majority of the so-called peace loving non-violent Muslims, then where is it? And if the so-called 'radical Muslims' are so busy fighting & scheming our downfall, which in fact they are, then who has the time to raise money and provide cover for their vast worldwide operation?
Did you hear a roar of outrage by this vast majority of peace loving American Muslims when the Twin Towers were destroyed in 2001. The pitifully few that were paraded on TV could not drown out that 'deafening silence' of this majority. In short the whole history of this peace loving religion has been one of violence, as outlined in the Koran.
I attached an article on this subject.
Apparently our Holy Father doesn't want to admit that there is a great deal of difference between 'unjust' Catholic violence that one commits in spite of his religion and, in the case of Islam violence, that one commits because of his religion!
Pope Francis is never specific in his off-the-cuff heterodox statements so I can't address what he means by 'Catholic violence'. But what the enemies of Holy Church usually refer to is 'those mean ole unjust Crusades'... They rely on the average Catholic's ignorance of history and their reluctance to do some serious research. With just a cursory study of this period of history one would discover that the Crusades were a just war to recover former Christian territory that was lost to the unjust aggression of Muslims.
Such is the nature of the Islam religion. If you doubt it, read the Koran yourself. Heavens! And where do you think those mean ole 'Islam terrorists' come from? If it is not from the great majority of the so-called peace loving non-violent Muslims, then where is it? And if the so-called 'radical Muslims' are so busy fighting & scheming our downfall, which in fact they are, then who has the time to raise money and provide cover for their vast worldwide operation?
Did you hear a roar of outrage by this vast majority of peace loving American Muslims when the Twin Towers were destroyed in 2001. The pitifully few that were paraded on TV could not drown out that 'deafening silence' of this majority. In short the whole history of this peace loving religion has been one of violence, as outlined in the Koran.
I attached an article on this subject.
Renouncing Catholic Ethics
Dear TIA,
I love resending this papal statement from months ago (January 28, 2016). It says so much about his non-Catholic mentality.
“I am glad to express the Church’s esteem for the National Committee on Bioethics, established by the President of the Council for Ministers in Italy 25 years ago,” Francis said. “Everyone is aware of how sensitive the Church is to ethical issues but perhaps it is not clear to everyone that the Church does not lay claim to a privileged voice in this field; in fact it is a source of great satisfaction for the Church when civic responsibility at different levels is able to reflect, discern and act according to a free and open way of thinking and inspired by integral human and social values.
"This mature civic responsibility is a sign that the seed of the Gospel – which has been revealed and entrusted to the Church – has produced fruits, successfully fostering the search for truth and good in complex human and ethical questions.”
Here the Pope denies the moral patrimony of the Church. How can the Pope deny what the Church has always claimed? God Incarnate founded the Church, the Holy Spirit guides it, and yet the Church doesn't have a privileged voice in the field of ethics? Then why should anybody bother listening to any ethical statement he makes?
I love resending this papal statement from months ago (January 28, 2016). It says so much about his non-Catholic mentality.
“I am glad to express the Church’s esteem for the National Committee on Bioethics, established by the President of the Council for Ministers in Italy 25 years ago,” Francis said. “Everyone is aware of how sensitive the Church is to ethical issues but perhaps it is not clear to everyone that the Church does not lay claim to a privileged voice in this field; in fact it is a source of great satisfaction for the Church when civic responsibility at different levels is able to reflect, discern and act according to a free and open way of thinking and inspired by integral human and social values.
"This mature civic responsibility is a sign that the seed of the Gospel – which has been revealed and entrusted to the Church – has produced fruits, successfully fostering the search for truth and good in complex human and ethical questions.”
Here the Pope denies the moral patrimony of the Church. How can the Pope deny what the Church has always claimed? God Incarnate founded the Church, the Holy Spirit guides it, and yet the Church doesn't have a privileged voice in the field of ethics? Then why should anybody bother listening to any ethical statement he makes?
I read in the Novus Ordo Watch the following news about the compromise of Bishop Bernard Fellay.
Take it for what it is worth. I added emphasis in some parts.
The original in German is here.
Keep up your good work.
In Christ Jesus
The head of the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Guido Pozzo, has revealed in an interview with the German Christ & Welt that Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has agreed to canonical regularization under a personal prelature solution, although details are still being worked out. Pozzo added that this regularization will not take place until the remaining doctrinal issues are resolved, while at the same time clarifying that these issues do not include such “non-essential” and “pastoral” topics as ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, religious liberty, and the relationship between the Church and the modern world.
In plain English: The deal is done, they’re just putting the finishing touches on the wrapping to make it look as presentable as possible.
The interview is somewhat lengthy and has not yet been translated into English in its entirety, although we provide our own translation of some of the more salient portions below. A Spanish translation has been made available here, and the original German can be found here. …
Christ & Welt [“Christ & the World”] is a supplement to the German national weekly Die Zeit. This interview with Mr. Pozzo was published in its edition n. 32/2016 and was conducted by Julius Müller-Meiningen, the same journalist who in 2015 reported on the presence of an anti-Francis dossier that was making the rounds in the Vatican.
We could provide endless commentary on this now, but we can leave that for later, because obviously we have not heard the end of this yet and we might as well just wait until the text of the doctrinal declaration is released in public.
One thing is clear: The Society of St. Pius X as we have known it is history.
I read in the Novus Ordo Watch the following news about the compromise of Bishop Bernard Fellay.
Take it for what it is worth. I added emphasis in some parts.
The original in German is here.
Keep up your good work.
In Christ Jesus
The head of the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Guido Pozzo, has revealed in an interview with the German Christ & Welt that Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has agreed to canonical regularization under a personal prelature solution, although details are still being worked out. Pozzo added that this regularization will not take place until the remaining doctrinal issues are resolved, while at the same time clarifying that these issues do not include such “non-essential” and “pastoral” topics as ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, religious liberty, and the relationship between the Church and the modern world.
In plain English: The deal is done, they’re just putting the finishing touches on the wrapping to make it look as presentable as possible.
The interview is somewhat lengthy and has not yet been translated into English in its entirety, although we provide our own translation of some of the more salient portions below. A Spanish translation has been made available here, and the original German can be found here. …
C&W: What has changed in the Vatican’s position since the beginning of the [current] pontificate?(Julius Müller-Meiningen, “Seid gehorsam — bitte!” [“Be obedient — please!”], Christ & Welt 32/2016; our translation.)
Pozzo: There has been an integration of new perspectives. From 2009 to 2012, particularly the theological debate was at the forefront. There were doctrinal difficulties that hindered the canonical recognition of the Society [of St. Pius X]. However, we know that life is more than just doctrine. In the past three years, there has been the added desire to get to know and understand the Society in its concrete reality. …
C&W: Why has the SSPX been offered the prospect of the establishment of a so-called personal prelature?
Pozzo: This seems to be the [most] suitable canonical form. Mgr. Fellay has accepted this proposal [Vorschlag], even though we still have to work out some details in the coming months. Only Opus Dei has this [personal prelature] arrangement [at the moment]; this is a great mark of confidence for the SSPX. It is clear that a canonical solution presupposes a resolution of the doctrinal questions.
C&W: What doctrinal questions are at issue?
Pozzo: As Pope Benedict XVI explained in his interview book Light of the World, the SSPX bishops incurred excommunication because Mgr. Marcel Lefebvre had consecrated the bishops in 1988 without papal approval. After Bp. Fellay recognized the [papal] primacy on behalf of the other bishops in 2009, the excommunication was lifted. Pope Benedict XVI stated expressly that the excommunication had nothing to do with the Second Vatican Council but with an offense [Verstoß] against the primacy.
C&W: Why is the Society still in a canonically irregular situation?
Pozzo: The rescinding of the excommunication cannot be equated with a canonical recognition, which cannot happen until there is a resolution of the doctrinal problems. As long as this hasn’t happened, the priests cannot exercise their functions [Amt] legitimately.
C&W: So what is still missing?
Pozzo: The heart of the matter is the question to what extent [bis zu welchem Grad] some texts of the Second Vatican Council are in continuity with the perennial magisterium of the Church. We are in complete agreement with the SSPX on the principle that the council can only be correctly understood within the context of the whole of Tradition and the perennial magisterium. The council is not a pastoral super-dogma but a part of the entirety of Tradition and the perennial magisterium.
C&W: What does this mean?
Pozzo: This means that although Church Tradition does develop, it can never develop in the sense of a new understanding that represents a contradiction to the former understanding, but [only] in the sense of a deeper understanding of the depositum fidei, of the authentic deposit of faith. In this sense all ecclesiastical documents must be understood, including those of the council.
These presuppositions, together with an acceptance of the creed [Verpflichtung zum Glaubensbekenntnis], with the acceptance of the sacraments and the papal primacy, form the basis for the doctrinal declaration that is being put before the Society to sign. These are the prerequisites for a Catholic to be in full communion with the Catholic Church.
C&W: You no longer expect the SSPX to accept all of the conciliar declarations, including the texts regarding ecumenism or interreligious dialogue?
Pozzo: The Society professes adherence to the defined dogmas of the faith and the Catholic truths which were reaffirmed in the conciliar documents. These must, however, be accepted according to the degree of assent that is owed them. Doctrines of the Catholic Church that were proposed by the Second Vatican Council that must decidedly receive internal assent include, for example, the teaching of the sacramentality of episcopal consecration as the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders and the doctrine of the primacy of the Pope and the episcopal college in union with its head, as laid out by the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium and as interpreted by the Nota explicativa praevia [preliminary explanatory note] that the highest authority wanted [to be added to the document].
The SSPX has difficulty with some aspects of the decree Nostra aetate on interreligious dialogue, of the decree Unitatis redintegratio on ecumenism, and of the declaration Dignitatis humanae on religious freedom or with questions regarding the relationship of Christianity to modernity. These are not matters of doctrine, however, nor are they definitive statements; rather, they are instructions or statements of guidance for pastoral practice. We can continue to discuss these pastoral aspects even after a canonical recognition in order to settle [these questions].
C&W: So the Vatican has lowered the bar?
Pozzo: No. In the past years, we clarified what questions are essential and what topics can still be discussed later. Formerly we tried to reach immediate agreement on all questions, unfortunately without success. Now we’ve asked ourselves: What are the truly essential requirements for being Catholic? In consultation with the Pope, these requirements already mentioned are included in the doctrinal declaration that is being put before the Society. …
C&W: Who guarantees that the controversial questions will not simply be ignored after the canonical recognition?
Pozzo: The SSPX has committed itself to dialogue. The continuation of the discussion need not scare anyone and can only be enriching for the entire Church. In my talks with representatives of the Society I have encountered many open minds in this regard, even though there are also some more rigid and more skeptical attitudes [to be found] at the same time. …
Christ & Welt [“Christ & the World”] is a supplement to the German national weekly Die Zeit. This interview with Mr. Pozzo was published in its edition n. 32/2016 and was conducted by Julius Müller-Meiningen, the same journalist who in 2015 reported on the presence of an anti-Francis dossier that was making the rounds in the Vatican.
We could provide endless commentary on this now, but we can leave that for later, because obviously we have not heard the end of this yet and we might as well just wait until the text of the doctrinal declaration is released in public.
One thing is clear: The Society of St. Pius X as we have known it is history.

Posted August 3, 2016
Thanks for validating the info of St Thomas that I sent you.
I checked it later and thought the references were wrong, I found those words available in English at page 13 of this PDF of the Summa contra Gentiles.
You and your readers can benefit from this amazing boo, which is published in its entirety.