What People Are Commenting
Poor Clares & Hershey’s New Policy
Our Lady Help of Christians
Here is a prayer by St. John Bosco to Our Lady Help of Christians.
Prayer to Our Lady, Help of Christians - O Mary, powerful virgin, thou art the mighty and glorious protector of the Church; thou art the marvelous help of Christians; thou art terrible as an army in battle array; thou alone hast destroyed every heresy in the whole world.
In the midst of our anguish, our struggles and our distress, defend us from the power of the enemy and at the hour of our death receive our souls in paradise. Amen.
Ad Jesum per Mariam.

Prayer to Our Lady, Help of Christians - O Mary, powerful virgin, thou art the mighty and glorious protector of the Church; thou art the marvelous help of Christians; thou art terrible as an army in battle array; thou alone hast destroyed every heresy in the whole world.
In the midst of our anguish, our struggles and our distress, defend us from the power of the enemy and at the hour of our death receive our souls in paradise. Amen.
Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Poor Clares & Yoga
Re: Poor Clares of Valladolid practicing Yoga
This conclusion caught my attention: “To find Yoga being taught in Catholic convents and monasteries is one of the many reflections of the general apostasy that is officially triumphing in the Catholic Church since Council Vatican II.”
The deforming soul-killing heart-breaking of Vatican II never ends: it seems that it never will.
M.R.C., our dear friend who arranged flowers at our wedding, used to go to the Poor Clares long ago with her mother in Aptos, California. She slowly sank into legitimate disgust and despair over those calling themselves 'Catholic.'
She died a full blown Hindu in Soquel in a Hindu ashram, reciting Sutras with her guru holding her hand. She was an original Spanish land grant Californian. Her ancestors are buried behind the Santa Cruz Mission. All of Catholic Santa Cruz was theirs once and, then, she became Hindu and received six headed monkeys at her death and burial.
She finally stopped talking to me of course. "How did you get an Irish name?" "Oh, the Irish came in the 1870's with the railroad. Look here. This is my great Aunt in this photo. She was Irish." We were inside Mission San Juan Batista museum. There was an 1890's photo of her great Aunt in 'Catholic clothing' with parasol and very large hat while at the Mission.
Thank you for not abandoning the fight.
Re: Poor Clares of Valladolid practicing Yoga
This conclusion caught my attention: “To find Yoga being taught in Catholic convents and monasteries is one of the many reflections of the general apostasy that is officially triumphing in the Catholic Church since Council Vatican II.”
The deforming soul-killing heart-breaking of Vatican II never ends: it seems that it never will.
M.R.C., our dear friend who arranged flowers at our wedding, used to go to the Poor Clares long ago with her mother in Aptos, California. She slowly sank into legitimate disgust and despair over those calling themselves 'Catholic.'
She died a full blown Hindu in Soquel in a Hindu ashram, reciting Sutras with her guru holding her hand. She was an original Spanish land grant Californian. Her ancestors are buried behind the Santa Cruz Mission. All of Catholic Santa Cruz was theirs once and, then, she became Hindu and received six headed monkeys at her death and burial.
She finally stopped talking to me of course. "How did you get an Irish name?" "Oh, the Irish came in the 1870's with the railroad. Look here. This is my great Aunt in this photo. She was Irish." We were inside Mission San Juan Batista museum. There was an 1890's photo of her great Aunt in 'Catholic clothing' with parasol and very large hat while at the Mission.
Thank you for not abandoning the fight.
Another Can of Worms
This is my response to a news item regarding the arrest of a security guard who ejected a man from a women's restroom in a supermarket in Washington, DC.
Western 'Christian' Civilization was infiltrated long ago, as was our legal system.
Common sense interpretation of the Natural Laws we live by were mocked by an hedonistic/atheistic view called subjectivism.
"What's evil for you might be good for me." It is based on diabolical confusion, like the 'right' to privacy (Roe V Wade) over-ruling the 'right' to life. Corruption of morals and twisted behavior are the result.
What used to be filthy, degrading sexual acts, are now up to the individual to declare as right or wrong. We have drifted so far from the Light of God that we don't even see how dark things have become.
Liberalism is evil and it has taken over every single aspect of our culture.
Steve Sanborn
This is my response to a news item regarding the arrest of a security guard who ejected a man from a women's restroom in a supermarket in Washington, DC.
Western 'Christian' Civilization was infiltrated long ago, as was our legal system.
Common sense interpretation of the Natural Laws we live by were mocked by an hedonistic/atheistic view called subjectivism.
"What's evil for you might be good for me." It is based on diabolical confusion, like the 'right' to privacy (Roe V Wade) over-ruling the 'right' to life. Corruption of morals and twisted behavior are the result.
What used to be filthy, degrading sexual acts, are now up to the individual to declare as right or wrong. We have drifted so far from the Light of God that we don't even see how dark things have become.
Liberalism is evil and it has taken over every single aspect of our culture.
Steve Sanborn
Hershey Adopts Transgender Bathrooms
Dear TIA,
Probably you would like to read these comments on how the immoral decree by Obama rmandating that all public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice is being enforced.
Keep up the good work.
Kissing Hershey Good-bye!
Hershey Park Jumps on the Bathroom Insanity Bandwagon
Good-bye, Hershey.
What a sad parting. My favorite candy bar was always Hershey Milk Chocolate with Almonds. My husband often brought home bags of Hershey Miniatures. I picked out the Special Dark, another favorite. And how I enjoyed those peanut butter cookies with a big, soft Hershey kiss on top. Sometimes I bought the giant Hershey kiss gift box for a sweet treat to say "I love you" to someone special. And, of course, Hershey ice cream and toppings often made our ice cream sundae list. No more! Adios, sweet betrayer.
This summer I was hoping to take some of our grandchildren on a camping outing at Hershey Park staying at the camping resort. I have fond memories of the park from my childhood and looked forward to reclaiming those memories and sharing them with our precious little ones. But you destroyed that dream, Hershey. There is no way I can take innocent little children to your park where they might be confronted by sexual predators in the ladies room. We can hardly leave the park every time we need to use the facilities. So you are off our vacation list and off our grocery list as well. I hope tens of thousands of others will join us. Hershey bars will be verboten around the Camp Kreitzer bonfire this summer.
Goodbye-s'mores using Hershey candy bars. We will find a new chocolate bar to replace you and another amusement park where we can create memories. I look forward to seeing your stock plummet like TARGET's. We don't need you, Hershey, you need us -- your family customers.
Mary Ann Kretzer
Original here
Probably you would like to read these comments on how the immoral decree by Obama rmandating that all public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice is being enforced.
Keep up the good work.
Hershey Park Jumps on the Bathroom Insanity Bandwagon
Good-bye, Hershey.
What a sad parting. My favorite candy bar was always Hershey Milk Chocolate with Almonds. My husband often brought home bags of Hershey Miniatures. I picked out the Special Dark, another favorite. And how I enjoyed those peanut butter cookies with a big, soft Hershey kiss on top. Sometimes I bought the giant Hershey kiss gift box for a sweet treat to say "I love you" to someone special. And, of course, Hershey ice cream and toppings often made our ice cream sundae list. No more! Adios, sweet betrayer.
This summer I was hoping to take some of our grandchildren on a camping outing at Hershey Park staying at the camping resort. I have fond memories of the park from my childhood and looked forward to reclaiming those memories and sharing them with our precious little ones. But you destroyed that dream, Hershey. There is no way I can take innocent little children to your park where they might be confronted by sexual predators in the ladies room. We can hardly leave the park every time we need to use the facilities. So you are off our vacation list and off our grocery list as well. I hope tens of thousands of others will join us. Hershey bars will be verboten around the Camp Kreitzer bonfire this summer.
Goodbye-s'mores using Hershey candy bars. We will find a new chocolate bar to replace you and another amusement park where we can create memories. I look forward to seeing your stock plummet like TARGET's. We don't need you, Hershey, you need us -- your family customers.
Mary Ann Kretzer
Original here
Below is my response to Hershey Park regarding their commitment to allowing men who identify as women to use women's restrooms (AFA of PA Action Alert).
Hershey Park Announces a Very Troubling Change in Policy
I just learned that Hershey Park is going to allow the gender insanity of transgender restrooms at its facilities. You are no longer family friendly, and it will be a cold day in hell before I ever return with my family to a morally depraved park, which is what you've become. And I just sent my message about your park to the world, FYI.
It's pitiful that we’re expected to put up with the abysmal moral rot that gender is not defined by one's DNA which is immutable but rather by social constructs of the certifiably insane. These things happen when the seminal truth of the Natural Law is trashed at the whim of reprobates, which is why the founders put a priority on obedience to it for sanity's sake. That is to say, for the common good which can't be overridden on any level - federal, state or local. There is no jurisdiction of man that can change what God has already defined once and for all!
Just where does this insanity stop, species as a social construct? Surely, it's just around the corner for Bob or Sally to wake up and decide that today I'm a giraffe, and all those who dare to disagree are going to be staring at the strong arm of an unjust law made for the sake of my self-esteem.
You've lost my business, Hershey Park, and I'm going to do everything that I can to see that you lose a lot more, which is what YOU DESERVE IN SPADES.
FYI, Target - who has publicly taken the same perverse stand - has now tanked to the tune of 10B. Looks like you're next!
Gary Morella
Below is my response to Hershey Park regarding their commitment to allowing men who identify as women to use women's restrooms (AFA of PA Action Alert).
Hershey Park Announces a Very Troubling Change in Policy
I just learned that Hershey Park is going to allow the gender insanity of transgender restrooms at its facilities. You are no longer family friendly, and it will be a cold day in hell before I ever return with my family to a morally depraved park, which is what you've become. And I just sent my message about your park to the world, FYI.
It's pitiful that we’re expected to put up with the abysmal moral rot that gender is not defined by one's DNA which is immutable but rather by social constructs of the certifiably insane. These things happen when the seminal truth of the Natural Law is trashed at the whim of reprobates, which is why the founders put a priority on obedience to it for sanity's sake. That is to say, for the common good which can't be overridden on any level - federal, state or local. There is no jurisdiction of man that can change what God has already defined once and for all!
Just where does this insanity stop, species as a social construct? Surely, it's just around the corner for Bob or Sally to wake up and decide that today I'm a giraffe, and all those who dare to disagree are going to be staring at the strong arm of an unjust law made for the sake of my self-esteem.
You've lost my business, Hershey Park, and I'm going to do everything that I can to see that you lose a lot more, which is what YOU DESERVE IN SPADES.
FYI, Target - who has publicly taken the same perverse stand - has now tanked to the tune of 10B. Looks like you're next!
Gary Morella

Posted May 26, 2016
Thank you very much for responding to my very poor questions about the symbols on the cross worn by Our Lady of La Salette.
Your responses were quite helpful and truly meant a lot to me.
It can be confusing – can't it? – regarding symbols. I appreciated those pictures of the crosses which you also so graciously included. How very interesting to say the least. In any case, I'm very much relieved and look forward to reading more of your most insightful and excellent articles.
Thank you again, and may our dear Lord bless you.