What People Are Commenting
Desecration of Loreto & Queen of the Angels
Desecration of the House of Loreto
Dear TIA,
We should not lose sight of the significance of the Revolution's desecration of The Holy House of Loreto in all of the festivities in these celebrations of the "Year of Faith'. Our Lady weeps more tears than ever at this blasphemy, and Our Lord's wrath is upon us because of it.
Another issue demanding our prayers for Divine Intervention regards this 'Year of Faith' being merely the other bookend to Pope Paul VI's 1967-1968 Year of Faith,' in which he celebrated his most unholy and, unpopular at the time, 'Credo of the People' a less publicized doctrine than his others. But now it takes its rightful place in all that is unholy and of the Prince of Lies, who will reveal all of his deceits in the near future.
It took time, but Satan's Revolution has succeeded, but only in this temporal Utopia, in which God will let man choose, via his freewill, either the flames of the fires of hell or adhere to the truth of Heaven above.
I am brought back to the Fr. Della Villa and the long article about his encounters with Padre Pio's warnings about Pope Paul VI being an initiator. TIA recently posted a commentary about this article from one of its readers.
Perhaps there is something to all of this. Paul VI is certainly being hailed as the responsible party for all inception of all of these atrocities.
May TIA and its followers remain in the protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We should not lose sight of the significance of the Revolution's desecration of The Holy House of Loreto in all of the festivities in these celebrations of the "Year of Faith'. Our Lady weeps more tears than ever at this blasphemy, and Our Lord's wrath is upon us because of it.
Another issue demanding our prayers for Divine Intervention regards this 'Year of Faith' being merely the other bookend to Pope Paul VI's 1967-1968 Year of Faith,' in which he celebrated his most unholy and, unpopular at the time, 'Credo of the People' a less publicized doctrine than his others. But now it takes its rightful place in all that is unholy and of the Prince of Lies, who will reveal all of his deceits in the near future.
It took time, but Satan's Revolution has succeeded, but only in this temporal Utopia, in which God will let man choose, via his freewill, either the flames of the fires of hell or adhere to the truth of Heaven above.
I am brought back to the Fr. Della Villa and the long article about his encounters with Padre Pio's warnings about Pope Paul VI being an initiator. TIA recently posted a commentary about this article from one of its readers.
Perhaps there is something to all of this. Paul VI is certainly being hailed as the responsible party for all inception of all of these atrocities.
May TIA and its followers remain in the protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The Queen of Angels Prayer
My name is M.T. and I wanted to know if you had any cards with this prayer on it:
August Queen of Heaven, sovereign Mistress of the Angels, who didst receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the Serpent’s head, we beseech thee to send thy holy Angels, that under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks, and drive them hence into the abyss of woe.
Most holy Mother, send thy Angels to defend us and to drive the cruel enemy from us. Amen.
All ye holy Angels and Archangels help and defend us.
I would like to pass them out, but I have never seen or even heard of this prayer. It is very much needed in these times.
If you know of where I can get some prayer cards with this prayer, please let me know.
May God bless,
TIA responds:
Hello M.T.,
We are pleased to tell you that recently TIA has printed a holy card with this prayer on the back. The text also includes a brief text explaining the origin of the prayer. It follows:
In 1863 A Bernardine Sister was shown in spirit the vast desolation caused by the Devil throughout the world. At the same time, she heard the Blessed Virgin telling her it was true, Hell had been let loose upon the earth, and that the time had come to pray to her as Queen of Angels and to ask of her the assistance of the Heavenly Legions to fight against these deadly foes of God and men.
“But, my good Mother,” she replied, “you who are so kind, could you not send them without our asking?”
“No,” Our Lady answered, “because prayer is one of the conditions required by God Himself for obtaining favors.”
Then the Blessed Virgin communicated the following prayer, bidding her to have it printed and distribute it everywhere.
Given the devil-infested times in which we live, it seemed to us opportune to print this prayer and encourage our readers to pray it and distribute it to others. As Prof. Plinio pointed out in his commentary on Our Lady Queen of the Angels:
“In this fight, men have a special role to play. They must ask Our Lady to expel the devils from earth. Without this prayer, she does not do it. If we ask her, she will do it, but it is necessary to ask. Therefore, since we are living in an epoch where the demonic infestation has reached its apex, we should ask with increasing insistence that the hour of the power of darkness end and that the devils be cast into Hell.…
“When this power of Satan will be broken, the ground will be free to set the foundations for the Reign of Mary.” (full text here)
This prayer was approved by the Church and has a 300 days indulgence.
The holy card is on a heavy laminated paper, in brilliant high quality color. It measures 3 ½” by 5”, large enough to display the exquisite details in the faces of Our Lady, the Infant and the choir of Angels waiting on them, but still small enough to fit into a normal prayer book. You will find that the card is also suitable for framing.
They are available from TIA now at the cost of 5 for $1.00, 50 for $8.00 or 100 for $15.
We hope this information responds to your request.
TIA correspondence desk
My name is M.T. and I wanted to know if you had any cards with this prayer on it:
August Queen of Heaven, sovereign Mistress of the Angels, who didst receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the Serpent’s head, we beseech thee to send thy holy Angels, that under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks, and drive them hence into the abyss of woe.
Most holy Mother, send thy Angels to defend us and to drive the cruel enemy from us. Amen.
All ye holy Angels and Archangels help and defend us.
I would like to pass them out, but I have never seen or even heard of this prayer. It is very much needed in these times.
If you know of where I can get some prayer cards with this prayer, please let me know.
May God bless,
TIA responds:
Hello M.T.,
We are pleased to tell you that recently TIA has printed a holy card with this prayer on the back. The text also includes a brief text explaining the origin of the prayer. It follows:
In 1863 A Bernardine Sister was shown in spirit the vast desolation caused by the Devil throughout the world. At the same time, she heard the Blessed Virgin telling her it was true, Hell had been let loose upon the earth, and that the time had come to pray to her as Queen of Angels and to ask of her the assistance of the Heavenly Legions to fight against these deadly foes of God and men.
“But, my good Mother,” she replied, “you who are so kind, could you not send them without our asking?”
“No,” Our Lady answered, “because prayer is one of the conditions required by God Himself for obtaining favors.”
Then the Blessed Virgin communicated the following prayer, bidding her to have it printed and distribute it everywhere.
Given the devil-infested times in which we live, it seemed to us opportune to print this prayer and encourage our readers to pray it and distribute it to others. As Prof. Plinio pointed out in his commentary on Our Lady Queen of the Angels:
“In this fight, men have a special role to play. They must ask Our Lady to expel the devils from earth. Without this prayer, she does not do it. If we ask her, she will do it, but it is necessary to ask. Therefore, since we are living in an epoch where the demonic infestation has reached its apex, we should ask with increasing insistence that the hour of the power of darkness end and that the devils be cast into Hell.…
“When this power of Satan will be broken, the ground will be free to set the foundations for the Reign of Mary.” (full text here)
This prayer was approved by the Church and has a 300 days indulgence.
The holy card is on a heavy laminated paper, in brilliant high quality color. It measures 3 ½” by 5”, large enough to display the exquisite details in the faces of Our Lady, the Infant and the choir of Angels waiting on them, but still small enough to fit into a normal prayer book. You will find that the card is also suitable for framing.
They are available from TIA now at the cost of 5 for $1.00, 50 for $8.00 or 100 for $15.
We hope this information responds to your request.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted October 9, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I read the article on Msgr. Giussani's Communion and Liberation movement with great interest and immediately saw the connection with the Catholic Worker. Dorothy Day met Giussani in October 1963 when on a visit to Milan and was full of admiration for him. This is what she wrote in CW:
"Don Luigi Guisanni [sic] is the inspiration of this work among the youth of Milan. They are given the best in intellectual and spiritual leadership." CW October 1963
The proverb crossed my mind: "It takes one to know one"!
With best wishes,
Carol (Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain)