What People Are Commenting
Archeologism, Dolphins & The Remnant
This is from Denmark but with English subtitles.
This is embarrassing!!!!
You will NEVER see this on American TV.
Dr. Frank Joseph
This is from Denmark but with English subtitles.
This is embarrassing!!!!
You will NEVER see this on American TV.
Dr. Frank Joseph
Nuns, Then & Now
Dear TIA staff,
I just wanted to thank you for those great pictures and comments on the female religious life – then and now. Great job.
They compliment my series for CFN on Sisters in Rebellion.
God bless,
Randy Engel
I just wanted to thank you for those great pictures and comments on the female religious life – then and now. Great job.
They compliment my series for CFN on Sisters in Rebellion.
God bless,
Randy Engel
Freemasonry & the Chair of St. Peter
I read with interest the article about whether or not John XXlll or Paul Vl were masons.
A very good source, Fr. Luigi Villa, a retired seminary professor in Italy, says that Padre Pio asked him to go to Pope Pius XII in the 1950s in order to get authorization, so Padre Pio could uncover Freemasons in the Church, especially in Italy.
At one of his meetings with Padre Pio, Fr. Villa was told that Freemasonry had entered the slippers of the Pope. At that time, Paul VI was the occupant of the Chair of St. Peter.
Fr. Villa seems to say that John XXlll was a mason, too. He goes on to report that Cardinal Casaroli, the former Secretary of State under John Paul II, was a Mason and in charge of four different lodges inside the Vatican. When John Paul was told this, he said, "I know; I want him to remain because I have no one to replace him with."
Sadly, Fr.Villa also discloses the information that Paul VI was a homosexual - no wonder his enemies tried to kill him a few times.
St. Peter, pray for us.
Mary Queen of the clergy, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
I read with interest the article about whether or not John XXlll or Paul Vl were masons.
A very good source, Fr. Luigi Villa, a retired seminary professor in Italy, says that Padre Pio asked him to go to Pope Pius XII in the 1950s in order to get authorization, so Padre Pio could uncover Freemasons in the Church, especially in Italy.
At one of his meetings with Padre Pio, Fr. Villa was told that Freemasonry had entered the slippers of the Pope. At that time, Paul VI was the occupant of the Chair of St. Peter.
Fr. Villa seems to say that John XXlll was a mason, too. He goes on to report that Cardinal Casaroli, the former Secretary of State under John Paul II, was a Mason and in charge of four different lodges inside the Vatican. When John Paul was told this, he said, "I know; I want him to remain because I have no one to replace him with."
Sadly, Fr.Villa also discloses the information that Paul VI was a homosexual - no wonder his enemies tried to kill him a few times.
St. Peter, pray for us.
Mary Queen of the clergy, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
Saving Dolphins
I guarantee that this is worth watching.
A Quiet Day on a Beach in Brazil
How fortunate that someone caught this on video!! This episode was filmed right from the start and shows the instant reaction by the people on the beach.
Frank Rega
I guarantee that this is worth watching.
A Quiet Day on a Beach in Brazil
How fortunate that someone caught this on video!! This episode was filmed right from the start and shows the instant reaction by the people on the beach.
Frank Rega
A Nice Twilight Zone
I wanted to share a note I sent to Michael Matt. I don’t know if he’ll print it. I am getting the feeling we have entered the twilight zone where everything now must be “nice.” Certainly not the type of Catholic faith I was brought up on.
In Mary’s heart,
Mr. Michael J. Matt
Editor, The Remnant
September 5, 2012
I just received your most recent Remnant and I was immediately drawn to the article of Mr. Brian McCall regarding the recent declaration of the SSPX. The article exudes a high respect and honor for the “good” Bishop Fellay who has succeeded in “unifying” the dissident attitude within the SSPX, which attitude was brought about due to his wish to have an agreement with Rome. The poor priests whom he is now disciplining for having the courage to speak out against what they saw as an attack on their last 40 years efforts are bearing the brunt of Bishop Fellay’s actions.
I assure you that there are a good many SSPX’ers [particularly us older ones] who are not too happy about the course of events. I would ask that you include in your next Remnant the most recent Eleision comments from Bishop Williamson. For example he says:
“The first 'essential requirement' is freedom for the Society to teach the unchanging truth of Catholic Tradition, and to criticize those responsible for the errors of modernism, liberalism and Vatican II. Well and good. But notice how the Chapter’s vision has changed from that of Archbishop Lefebvre. No longer 'Rome must convert because Truth is absolute', but now merely 'The SSPX demands freedom for itself to tell the Truth.' Instead of attacking the conciliar treachery, the SSPX now wants the traitors to give it permission to tell the Truth? O, what a fall was there!”
When Rome asked Bishop Fellay to come talk, many of us felt he had an obligation to do so but that he would tell the Roman authorities that no agreement can be made unless and until Rome acknowledges that Vat II IS the problem in the Church, the documents contain serious errors and the New Mass is an abomination and hateful in God’s eyes!
How can we now act as though it can be possible to have an agreement with Rome which today is the enemy of the true traditional Catholic Faith? In my younger days, the Jesuits would write and not concern themselves with how nice they were but how truthful their case was. Do we now just write what sounds nice? A Pope once said, "It is better that scandal arise than the truth be concealed!"
I’m sorry but I do not feel that Bishop Fellay is working for the betterment of the faith.
I wanted to share a note I sent to Michael Matt. I don’t know if he’ll print it. I am getting the feeling we have entered the twilight zone where everything now must be “nice.” Certainly not the type of Catholic faith I was brought up on.
In Mary’s heart,
Mr. Michael J. Matt
Editor, The Remnant
September 5, 2012
I just received your most recent Remnant and I was immediately drawn to the article of Mr. Brian McCall regarding the recent declaration of the SSPX. The article exudes a high respect and honor for the “good” Bishop Fellay who has succeeded in “unifying” the dissident attitude within the SSPX, which attitude was brought about due to his wish to have an agreement with Rome. The poor priests whom he is now disciplining for having the courage to speak out against what they saw as an attack on their last 40 years efforts are bearing the brunt of Bishop Fellay’s actions.
I assure you that there are a good many SSPX’ers [particularly us older ones] who are not too happy about the course of events. I would ask that you include in your next Remnant the most recent Eleision comments from Bishop Williamson. For example he says:
“The first 'essential requirement' is freedom for the Society to teach the unchanging truth of Catholic Tradition, and to criticize those responsible for the errors of modernism, liberalism and Vatican II. Well and good. But notice how the Chapter’s vision has changed from that of Archbishop Lefebvre. No longer 'Rome must convert because Truth is absolute', but now merely 'The SSPX demands freedom for itself to tell the Truth.' Instead of attacking the conciliar treachery, the SSPX now wants the traitors to give it permission to tell the Truth? O, what a fall was there!”
When Rome asked Bishop Fellay to come talk, many of us felt he had an obligation to do so but that he would tell the Roman authorities that no agreement can be made unless and until Rome acknowledges that Vat II IS the problem in the Church, the documents contain serious errors and the New Mass is an abomination and hateful in God’s eyes!
How can we now act as though it can be possible to have an agreement with Rome which today is the enemy of the true traditional Catholic Faith? In my younger days, the Jesuits would write and not concern themselves with how nice they were but how truthful their case was. Do we now just write what sounds nice? A Pope once said, "It is better that scandal arise than the truth be concealed!"
I’m sorry but I do not feel that Bishop Fellay is working for the betterment of the faith.

Posted September 25, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
We would like to complete the answer given to J.E. last week about the name of the progressivist liturgical movement that pretends to return to apostolic times. Pope Pius XII defined it as an “unhealthy Archeologism” in his Allocution of September 22, 1956, to the International Liturgical Congress gathered in Assisi. Fr. James Wathen, in his book The Great Sacrilege refers to it as Antiquarianism.
Earlier, this tendency was censured by Pius XII in his Encyclical Mediator Dei (1947):
“The same reasoning holds in the case of some persons who are bent on the restoration of all the ancient rites and ceremonies indiscriminately. The Liturgy of the early ages is most certainly worthy of all veneration. But ancient usage must not be esteemed more suitable and proper, either in its own right or in its significance for later times and new situations, on the simple ground that it carries the savor and aroma of antiquity. The more recent liturgical rites likewise deserve reverence and respect. They too owe their inspiration to the Holy Spirit, Who assists the Church in every age even to the consummation of the world (Mt 28:20). … It is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity by every possible device.”
For more on this Archeologism applied to the Liturgical Reform prior to the Council, read an article by Dr. Pamela Detmann here and an overview by Fr. Patrick Perez on the 1962 Missal here.
Thus, when we refer to Miserablism on our website and in our works, we are indicating a general tendency to pauperism that can be in the realm of either liturgy (Archeologism) or others, such as Catholic institutions, customs, art and architecture. Miserablism also has repercussions in the social doctrine of the Church, and its primary translation is "the preferential option for the poor.”
TIA correspondence desk