Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Sisters of the Presentation & the winds of the Council
You see above the teaching team of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Trinity Catholic School in San Pedro, California. The photo was taken in 1950, before the winds of Vatican II began to blow through the Church.Below first row, you see the teaching team of the same Religious Congregation in 1978, at the same school, 13 years after the end of the Council. To follow the general orientation coming from Rome, the Sisters made an adaptation of their customs: They did away with the traditional headpiece, thus obliging the religious women to style their hair. The traditional habit was abandoned for a modern dress that revealed the knees, thus demanding them to shave their legs, wear hoisery and stylish shoes. Broaches and necklaces also appeared as a natural expression of feminine vanity, as well as scarves and different types of jackets and vests.
Second row, here you see Sisters of the same Congregation today: A complete adaptation to the modern casual way of dressing, where lack of bearing is the rule. They all wear pants, short-sleeved shirts and tennis shoes or sandals; their hair is cut in a masculine style following the feminist fashion.
These photos testify to a gradual adaptation to the modern world, finally reaching the bottom of the well - the ultimate aim of the Council and the recent Popes. Was this adaptation for the good of the Church, the glory of God and the sanctification of those nuns?
We invite you to answer this question.
You may visit their websites here and here.
Photos from Catapulta
Posted September 23, 2012