What People Are Commenting
Islam, Beer Church & Card. Martini
The Key to the Secret
Thank you for publishing the full text of the interview Sister Lucy gave to Fr Fuentes in 1957.
I have been studying Fatima for over 10 years and have read this interview many times. I had never seen the last sentence "... which is briefer but no less important, refers to the Holy Father."
The 2010 secret refers primarily to a 'Pope'.
Thank you for publishing the full text of the interview Sister Lucy gave to Fr Fuentes in 1957.
I have been studying Fatima for over 10 years and have read this interview many times. I had never seen the last sentence "... which is briefer but no less important, refers to the Holy Father."
The 2010 secret refers primarily to a 'Pope'.
Islam, Communism & Masonry
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
In early August, I wrote a short piece that I entitled "Thoughts on Christendom and Islam." Although at first I had no intention whatsoever to publish it, recent events have changed that. So here it is, in the form of a Youtube video, and presented in a very sacred manner: Thoughts on Christendom and Islam (11'32").
Just an hour ago, I also uploaded onto my Youtube channel Tomás Luis de Victoria's elevating Magnificat primi toni:Tomás Luis de Victoria: Magnificat primi toni (11'19").
Greetings and my best wishes to yourself, your colleagues - as well as your readers, should you decide to put this on your website.
Yours ever contemplative,
E. F.
In early August, I wrote a short piece that I entitled "Thoughts on Christendom and Islam." Although at first I had no intention whatsoever to publish it, recent events have changed that. So here it is, in the form of a Youtube video, and presented in a very sacred manner: Thoughts on Christendom and Islam (11'32").
Just an hour ago, I also uploaded onto my Youtube channel Tomás Luis de Victoria's elevating Magnificat primi toni:Tomás Luis de Victoria: Magnificat primi toni (11'19").
Greetings and my best wishes to yourself, your colleagues - as well as your readers, should you decide to put this on your website.
Yours ever contemplative,
E. F.
A Beer Church in Munich
Dear TIA Team,
Desacralization of the Church in Action - this sarcasm came to my mind when I found the following piece in a Munich newspaper [original here]. Pastor Rainer Maria Schiessler of the Munich parish St. Maximilian has to deal with the depressing fact that his church, which holds 3,000 people, is almost always empty. Therefore, he decided to transform a side aisle of the church into a Bavarian style beer hall!
Sad to say, the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, of which the current Pope was Archbishop in the 1970s, approved the plan of Father Schiessler. Says Father Schiessler: "People have a need of both a sacral and a profane room. You can hold bible studies there, but also carnival events."
Please find a photo attached - note the confessional on the left and the refrigerator on the right (the logo of local beer giant "Paulaner" can be spotted on the fridge's front).
By the way: Father Schiessler is the guy sitting at the right of the front table.
Kind regards
F.W., Germany
Desacralization of the Church in Action - this sarcasm came to my mind when I found the following piece in a Munich newspaper [original here]. Pastor Rainer Maria Schiessler of the Munich parish St. Maximilian has to deal with the depressing fact that his church, which holds 3,000 people, is almost always empty. Therefore, he decided to transform a side aisle of the church into a Bavarian style beer hall!
Sad to say, the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, of which the current Pope was Archbishop in the 1970s, approved the plan of Father Schiessler. Says Father Schiessler: "People have a need of both a sacral and a profane room. You can hold bible studies there, but also carnival events."
Please find a photo attached - note the confessional on the left and the refrigerator on the right (the logo of local beer giant "Paulaner" can be spotted on the fridge's front).
By the way: Father Schiessler is the guy sitting at the right of the front table.
Kind regards
F.W., Germany

No Organ Donation
Dear Marian,
Salve Maria!
After reading your excellent post about the possibly non-reversible POLST documents, I was reminded of my teen son’s very recent application for a driver’s license here in California. The applicant is asked to sign if they wish to be an organ donor. A box can be marked “Yes;” the other box, however, read “No, not at this time,” which he checked. That chancy phrase worried me, so I scratched out “not at this time” and wrote in “Never.”
Please advise your readers as to the strange wording of this organ donor acceptance/refusal section in the application for new drivers licenses. You have warned us about what it REALLY means to be an organ donor and to signing any POLST documents; hopefully, people will wake up and protect themselves from these anti-life and harmful practices.
Thank you for a website that tells us what we need to know.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
After reading your excellent post about the possibly non-reversible POLST documents, I was reminded of my teen son’s very recent application for a driver’s license here in California. The applicant is asked to sign if they wish to be an organ donor. A box can be marked “Yes;” the other box, however, read “No, not at this time,” which he checked. That chancy phrase worried me, so I scratched out “not at this time” and wrote in “Never.”
Please advise your readers as to the strange wording of this organ donor acceptance/refusal section in the application for new drivers licenses. You have warned us about what it REALLY means to be an organ donor and to signing any POLST documents; hopefully, people will wake up and protect themselves from these anti-life and harmful practices.
Thank you for a website that tells us what we need to know.
In Maria,
This Is Fantastic!
Dear TIA,
In the link below there is a collection of photos that I am sure you will like. I hope watching this will give you a little diversion and rest from your hard work.
Please, click below to watch these Colors.
In the link below there is a collection of photos that I am sure you will like. I hope watching this will give you a little diversion and rest from your hard work.
Please, click below to watch these Colors.
Answering Martini
Dear TIA,
My answers to just a few of Cardinal Martini's questions [in his final interview]: 1. "Where are the heroes among us who can inspire us?"
How about Jesus and the Blessed Mother, and the many secret saints hidden from your Protestant worldview? Certainly not you, Rahner, Küng, Ratzinger, von Balthasar, et cetera ad infinitum. You have to be a hero to recognize one.
2. "Who are faithful like Mary Magdalene?"
Those who maintain the true Faith, and ignore the heresies of Vatican II.
3. "The Church is 200 years behind the times. Why doesn't it stir? Are we afraid?"
How would you know that the Church is behind the times? You haven't been in the Church since 1789.
In Maria,
Joseph Shaara
My answers to just a few of Cardinal Martini's questions [in his final interview]: 1. "Where are the heroes among us who can inspire us?"
How about Jesus and the Blessed Mother, and the many secret saints hidden from your Protestant worldview? Certainly not you, Rahner, Küng, Ratzinger, von Balthasar, et cetera ad infinitum. You have to be a hero to recognize one.
2. "Who are faithful like Mary Magdalene?"
Those who maintain the true Faith, and ignore the heresies of Vatican II.
3. "The Church is 200 years behind the times. Why doesn't it stir? Are we afraid?"
How would you know that the Church is behind the times? You haven't been in the Church since 1789.
In Maria,
Joseph Shaara
Cordiality - Courtesy
Dear TIA,
After your recent posting on courtesy this evening, I had the pleasure to read your response to my longing question of how to behave toward others given my new-found deeper understanding of issues of faith in my personal life. I am grateful, again, to have received such help in my situation(s) with others after having become so terribly disoriented after my encounter with the sede-vacantists.
Once again, I was relieved to find yet again, that "Ah, yes, there is hierarchy," as there should be.
Thank you for the clarity you have provided in the context of love and compassion that I believe only the Catholic Church illuminates for those of us who are unable to clearly see the various "heights of right."
I continue to be indebted to you for the consolation and direction you provide my poor soul.
Trust that you and your vital work continue to be in our prayers,
E.M.S., Ph.D.
After your recent posting on courtesy this evening, I had the pleasure to read your response to my longing question of how to behave toward others given my new-found deeper understanding of issues of faith in my personal life. I am grateful, again, to have received such help in my situation(s) with others after having become so terribly disoriented after my encounter with the sede-vacantists.
Once again, I was relieved to find yet again, that "Ah, yes, there is hierarchy," as there should be.
Thank you for the clarity you have provided in the context of love and compassion that I believe only the Catholic Church illuminates for those of us who are unable to clearly see the various "heights of right."
I continue to be indebted to you for the consolation and direction you provide my poor soul.
Trust that you and your vital work continue to be in our prayers,
E.M.S., Ph.D.

Posted September 18, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I wanted to know what is the name of the idea in which Luther, and now the Conciliar Church, attempts to go back to Apostolic times as an excuse for the new Mass, and that was been condemned by the Popes. I can’t remember the name for it, please e-mail the title.
Thank you.
In pax Domini nostri Iesu Christi et Mariae,
TIA responds:
Hello J.E.,
The progressivists call the movement that wants to do away with the sacrality of the Church a return to evangelical poverty; we call it miserablism. You will find it explained in this tape.
Artilces related to this topic are the Pact of the Catacombs and the systematic desacralization of the Catholic churches, masses, papal venerability, priestly dignity and customs.
TIA correspondence desk