What People Are Commenting
Anti-Lesbian, Peru’s Challenge & Re-Baptism
Anti-Lesbian Priest Removed
Credit: M. R. Stefanik Conservative Institute
Washington D.C., Jul 11, 2012 (CNA).- The Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. says it no longer employs a priest who became known for denying Holy Communion to a partnered lesbian woman.
“Fr. Marcel Guarnizo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Moscow, Russia, who was given a temporary assignment at St. John Neumann parish,” archdiocesan communications director Chieko Noguchi Scheve said in a statement provided to CNA on July 10. “That assignment period has ended and Fr. Guarnizo is no longer in ministry in the Archdiocese of Washington,” Scheve wrote. Fr. Guarnizo declined to comment on the announcement from the Archdiocese.
In February 2012, the priest drew national attention for withholding the Eucharist from Barbara Johnson at her mother's funeral. Fr. Guarnizo made the decision after Johnson introduced him to her lesbian partner before Mass. Johnson remained outraged after the incident, threatening to have Fr. Guarnizo “removed from parish life.”
The Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. apologized for his “lack of pastoral sensitivity” and said it was against policy for a priest to “publicly reprimand” a person approaching the sacrament.
In March, Fr. Guarnizo was removed from ministry in the Archdiocese. The announcement of did not refer to Johnson, but cited “intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others.”
Fr. Guarnizo defended his action, and said his removal from ministry was related to the funeral incident. In a paper published online, Johnson had at one point identified herself as “a lesbian and a Buddhist.” However, she later told MSNBC that she is “a Catholic” who is “deeply influenced by eastern religion philosophy.” Her relationship with the Church, she said, is “complex.”
Washington D.C., Jul 11, 2012 (CNA).- The Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. says it no longer employs a priest who became known for denying Holy Communion to a partnered lesbian woman.

Fr. Marcel Guarnizo
In February 2012, the priest drew national attention for withholding the Eucharist from Barbara Johnson at her mother's funeral. Fr. Guarnizo made the decision after Johnson introduced him to her lesbian partner before Mass. Johnson remained outraged after the incident, threatening to have Fr. Guarnizo “removed from parish life.”
The Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. apologized for his “lack of pastoral sensitivity” and said it was against policy for a priest to “publicly reprimand” a person approaching the sacrament.
In March, Fr. Guarnizo was removed from ministry in the Archdiocese. The announcement of did not refer to Johnson, but cited “intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others.”
Fr. Guarnizo defended his action, and said his removal from ministry was related to the funeral incident. In a paper published online, Johnson had at one point identified herself as “a lesbian and a Buddhist.” However, she later told MSNBC that she is “a Catholic” who is “deeply influenced by eastern religion philosophy.” Her relationship with the Church, she said, is “complex.”
Masonic Agenda
I just was reading your article on Fr. Fahey and the Masons (here & here). What is the name of this book? I am not finding it. I have other books by him.
TIA responds:
Hello T.M.,
The name of the book by Fr. Fahey is Secret Societies and the Kingship of Christ, and was first published in 1928. In 1994 the Christian Book Club of America reprinted it, and it can still be purchased at bookstores or on the internet (here and here).
We hope this will help you to find it. It is a most interesting book.
TIA correspondence desk
I just was reading your article on Fr. Fahey and the Masons (here & here). What is the name of this book? I am not finding it. I have other books by him.
TIA responds:
Hello T.M.,
The name of the book by Fr. Fahey is Secret Societies and the Kingship of Christ, and was first published in 1928. In 1994 the Christian Book Club of America reprinted it, and it can still be purchased at bookstores or on the internet (here and here).
We hope this will help you to find it. It is a most interesting book.
TIA correspondence desk
Hermeneutics of Rupture
Dear respected brother Atila,
I have waited anxiously for the final installment of The Official Hermeneutics of Rupture. Today my prayer was answered! It is an absolutely incomparable summation, in knowledge and in depth. No one in the Church could have said it better.…
And just who do I think I am to make this presumptuous claim? What do I know, in my abiding and vincible ignorance? I just know...that is all.
Forgive me if this appears to be flattery, but I do not know how else to say it. I just had to say it, finally. I promise that I will try to hold my tongue in the future.
May Our Lord shine His countenance to you,
I have waited anxiously for the final installment of The Official Hermeneutics of Rupture. Today my prayer was answered! It is an absolutely incomparable summation, in knowledge and in depth. No one in the Church could have said it better.…
And just who do I think I am to make this presumptuous claim? What do I know, in my abiding and vincible ignorance? I just know...that is all.
Forgive me if this appears to be flattery, but I do not know how else to say it. I just had to say it, finally. I promise that I will try to hold my tongue in the future.
May Our Lord shine His countenance to you,
Liturgical Year
I would like to inform TIA's readers that there is a website where anyone can download for free the Liturgical Year in English with the commnents by Dom Prosper Gueranger. It is the edition by Loreto Publications. To access it click here.
If you want to download the entire work, there are some formalities to fill out - a permission from the editor and some paper work. But for the day-to-day use of a Catholic there is nothing to do except to click where you want to go. Quite useful.
When you download a file for the first time takes a while, but the result is worth the time.
I am keeping this site on my favorites.
God bless, Mary keep,
I would like to inform TIA's readers that there is a website where anyone can download for free the Liturgical Year in English with the commnents by Dom Prosper Gueranger. It is the edition by Loreto Publications. To access it click here.
If you want to download the entire work, there are some formalities to fill out - a permission from the editor and some paper work. But for the day-to-day use of a Catholic there is nothing to do except to click where you want to go. Quite useful.
When you download a file for the first time takes a while, but the result is worth the time.
I am keeping this site on my favorites.
God bless, Mary keep,
University of Peru Challenges Vatican
Please, tell B.B. that Peru's Catholic Pontifical University has announced it will continue to call itself “Catholic” and “Pontifical,” despite a Vatican decree aiming to strip the titles after decades of ideological tension.
Lima's Pontifical Catholic University of Peru will preserve its title as long as the institution “considers it relevant,” said university director Marcial Rubio. “The university's assets are the property of the PUCP and are protected by the Peruvian Constitution.”
“Any decision on the matter is under the authority of the university's governing bodies,” Rubio added.
The Holy See sought to withdraw the titles last weekend in a pontifical mandate and decree of the Church's Secretary of State Bertone, made on the basis of “Canonical Law.” The Vatican has accused PUCP of causing “serious damage to the interests of the Church” since the 1960s when Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez founded the institution's guiding principle of “Liberation Theology.” (read the news report pointed out, the University awarded an honorary degree to Bishop Gerhard Muller for his work in Liberation Theology just a few years ago, and Benedict XVI congratulated him. Is there a contradiction here or what?
More diabolical disorientation… or perhaps simply Vatican duplicity?
Please, tell B.B. that Peru's Catholic Pontifical University has announced it will continue to call itself “Catholic” and “Pontifical,” despite a Vatican decree aiming to strip the titles after decades of ideological tension.
Lima's Pontifical Catholic University of Peru will preserve its title as long as the institution “considers it relevant,” said university director Marcial Rubio. “The university's assets are the property of the PUCP and are protected by the Peruvian Constitution.”
“Any decision on the matter is under the authority of the university's governing bodies,” Rubio added.
The Holy See sought to withdraw the titles last weekend in a pontifical mandate and decree of the Church's Secretary of State Bertone, made on the basis of “Canonical Law.” The Vatican has accused PUCP of causing “serious damage to the interests of the Church” since the 1960s when Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez founded the institution's guiding principle of “Liberation Theology.” (read the news report pointed out, the University awarded an honorary degree to Bishop Gerhard Muller for his work in Liberation Theology just a few years ago, and Benedict XVI congratulated him. Is there a contradiction here or what?
More diabolical disorientation… or perhaps simply Vatican duplicity?
The 'Baptism' of Bishop of Trier
You recent post on the absurd “baptism” of Bishop Ackermann of Trier made me look at the basics on Catholic Baptism in a good catechism. Here is what the Baltimore Catechism teaches us:
129. Q. How is the Church One?
A. The Church is One because all its members agree in one faith, are all in one communion, and are all under one Head.
148. Q. Can we receive the Sacraments more than once?
A. We can receive the Sacraments more than once, except Baptism. Confirmation, and Holy Orders.
149. Q. Why can we not receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders more than once?
A. We cannot receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders more than once, because they imprint a character in the soul.
150. Q. What is the character which these Sacraments imprint in the soul?
A. The character which these Sacraments imprint in the soul is a spiritual mark which remains forever.
151. Q. Does this character remain in the soul even after death?
A. This character remains in the soul even after death: for the honor and glory of those who are saved; for the shame and punishment of those who are lost.
154. Q. Is Baptism necessary to salvation?
A. Baptism is necessary to salvation, because without it we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.
155. Q. Who can administer Baptism?
A. The priest is the ordinary minister of Baptism; but in case of necessity any one who has the use of reason may baptize.
156. Q. How is Baptism given?
A. Whoever baptizes should pour water on the head of the person to be baptized, and say, while pouring the water: I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
You recent post on the absurd “baptism” of Bishop Ackermann of Trier made me look at the basics on Catholic Baptism in a good catechism. Here is what the Baltimore Catechism teaches us:
129. Q. How is the Church One?
A. The Church is One because all its members agree in one faith, are all in one communion, and are all under one Head.
148. Q. Can we receive the Sacraments more than once?
A. We can receive the Sacraments more than once, except Baptism. Confirmation, and Holy Orders.
149. Q. Why can we not receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders more than once?
A. We cannot receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders more than once, because they imprint a character in the soul.
150. Q. What is the character which these Sacraments imprint in the soul?
A. The character which these Sacraments imprint in the soul is a spiritual mark which remains forever.
151. Q. Does this character remain in the soul even after death?
A. This character remains in the soul even after death: for the honor and glory of those who are saved; for the shame and punishment of those who are lost.
154. Q. Is Baptism necessary to salvation?
A. Baptism is necessary to salvation, because without it we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.
155. Q. Who can administer Baptism?
A. The priest is the ordinary minister of Baptism; but in case of necessity any one who has the use of reason may baptize.
156. Q. How is Baptism given?
A. Whoever baptizes should pour water on the head of the person to be baptized, and say, while pouring the water: I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Posted July 31, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I love this article. It is particularly timely, as my son told me just today that the local “Catholic” school announced on the radio that it is now accepting applications from all children, regardless of religious affiliation. I wonder what the Bishop, after whom the school was named, thinks of this now.
This same school had their annual carnival just prior to Lent, where they raise money for the school. This past year, they allowed Lutherans in to set up a booth, which was designed to raise money for the flood victims of their church.
The doors won't open fast enough now, as I'm certain many other denominations will ask for their opportunity to set up tables at the next carnival. The continued destruction…
It is so disturbing…
Thank you for this wonderful article.