Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bishop of Trier 're-baptized' by Protestant
On Saturday, May 5, 2012, Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier (Treves), Germany, received a "re-baptism," photo above, administered by Lutheran minister Barbara Rudolph, official of the Protestant Basilica of Trier and head of its ecumenism programAs local newspaper Saarbrücken Zeitung reported on May 7, the event was part of an ecumenical pilgrimage to different sites in Trier that started in the Catholic church of Heiligen Rock and ended in the Protestant temple with a baptism service.
After respectfully bowing his head to receive the cross made on his forehead in the "baptism" ceremony, Bishop Ackermann declared: "In Christ we are one. He gave His life for the unity of His disciples." Notwithstanding, Protestants deny central truths of the Catholic Faith and Morals.
The same Ackermann, less than a one month before, spent about an hour visiting the local "gay" bar Schmit-Z, shaking hands and talking with homosexuals there. He also addressed some words to them expressing his opposition to discrimation in the Church against homosexuals.
By such actions, Bishop Ackermann becomes a strong candidate for promotion in today's Conciliar Church. Two more sad results of Vatican II ecumenism and adaptation to the modern world...
Photo from

Posted July 29, 2012