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Brain Dead, JPII & Hybrid Mass
Brain Dead
Hello TIA,
I just read the news report below on “brain dead” and I want to share it with you. It confirms some articles you posted about one month ago [here and here] on organ donations. Perhaps you want to inform your readers about it.
Keep up the good work, even when other traditionalist leaders are giving in. We need you now more than ever.
In Jesus and Mary,
‘Brain Dead’ - Quebec Woman Wakes up after Family Refuses Organ Donation
Rebecca Millette DROMMONDVILLE, Quebec, July 5, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Last week, Madeleine Gauron, a Quebec woman identified as viable for organ donation after doctors diagnosed her as “brain dead,” surprised her family and physicians when she recovered from a coma, opened her eyes, and began eating.
The 76-year-old woman was hospitalized at the Hospital Sainte Croix de Drummondville for an inflammation of the gums, which required a brief operation. During her recovery, hospital staff gave the elderly woman solid food, which she had been unable to consume in her family home for some time, and left her unattended. Choking on the food, she fell into a coma, after unsuccessful resuscitation.
Medical staff contacted her family, explaining to them that their mother was “brain dead,” with no hope of recovery. Citing Gauron’s eyes as particularly viable, the doctors asked if the family would agree to organ donation.
While supporting the possibility of donation, her shocked family first demanded further medical tests to prove Gauron was really dead.
The next day, the family was astonished to learn that Gauron had awakened. Shortly afterwards, she sat up in bed and ate yogurt.
“If we had decided to donate her organs, they would have killed her,” said her son.
“It makes no sense to treat people like that. Although she is 76 years old and is ill, she did not have to suffer all this,” insisted her daughter.
Madeleine Gauron is now able to eat, walk and talk, and immediately recognized her family. Her children have decided to take legal action against the hospital.
As anecdotes similar to Gauron’s continue to pile up, “brain death” as a legitimate diagnosis of actual death is increasingly being questioned by concerned family members and medical professionals, some of whom have charged that the “brain death” criteria was created simply to ensure that harvested organs are fresh.
Currently, more than half of Swedish intensive care nurses who care for purportedly brain dead patients have doubts about methods for establishing brain death, according to a recent survey released by Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg.
While regulations require Swedish physicians to ascertain brain death through particular clinical tests, further analysis in conjunction with brain x-rays are only done for select patients.
The author of the thesis, Anne Flodén, a registered nurse and researcher at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, said the outcome of the study was problematic, indicating the need for clear guidelines surrounding the process of diagnosis and organ donation.
“This problem was raised by many of the ICU nurses in several of the studies,” said Flodén. “They were disappointed in the lack of structure and guidelines and are therefore calling for more support from management on these issues.”
Collection on the Council
I hope you are doing well. My wife told me a while back that TIA was a bit short on cash. I hope you were able to get what you needed.
We want to give you more support in the future, but right now we also have a tight cash flow.
It is my prayer that Atila will be able to publish the entire 11 volumes of Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? series. Of the works I know, I think his is the best explanation of the Church in our time.
God bless you in all your work.
The Revised Great Commandment
Can this man be un-beatified? The following is at least offensive to pious ears:
John Paul II: "O Man, O Woman, I love you with my whole heart, with my whole soul, and with my whole mind, because you are great in your dignity as Man or Woman, great in your value, and in your 'transcendence.'"[!!] (addressing U.N.E.S.C.O., June 2, 1980)
You Were Right!
You were correct to warn us about a hybrid Mass, the goal of Summorum Pontificum. You were right.
Most traditionalists, like conservatives, don't pay much attention to the 'bad news' today, thanks to the bad orientation of the priests, who encourage them not to complain or be negative, "Just be grateful for the table leavings we get..."
Anyway, for those who missed it, Cardinal Koch recently announced at a Rome conference on Summorum Pontificum that Benedict's new reform movement had the goal of “revisiting Vatican II's teachings in liturgy and strengthening them with certain elements of the Old Rite.” Of course, he didn't call it the Old Rite, it’s the extraordinary form.
“In fact, Pope Benedict knows well that, in the long term, we cannot stop at a coexistence between the ordinary form and the extraordinary form of the Roman rite, but that in the future the church naturally will once again need a common rite,” he said.
“However, because a new liturgical reform cannot be decided theoretically, but requires a process of growth and purification, the Pope for the moment is underlining above all that the two forms of the Roman rite can and should enrich each other,” he continued.
Then Cardinal Koch said those who oppose this new reform movement and see it as a step back from Vatican II lack a proper understanding of the post-Vatican II liturgical changes. That, of course, refers to me and other traditionalists like TIA who do not believe that the two “forms” are equal or can be shuffled together to make a nice new form.
So we move toward a “common rite” - but don’t expect everyone to just go along like dumb sheep.
Thanks, TIA, for giving the alert. Please don’t stop, like almost every other traditional organ – even ones I never expected would – seem to have done. There’s more to be gained in the long run – eternity – for standing for the truth.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Posted July 7, 2011

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