What People Are Commenting
Questions & Requests on
Our Lady of Good Success and Our Lady of Good Counsel
Our Lady of Good Success and the New Mass
Dr. Horvat,
Given the clear and astounding prophecies that our Lady made to Mother Marianna, it is a wonder that she did not clearly say that the Mass would disappear or that the Mass would be replaced by an invalid rite. Surely this is the key question for many of us who struggle to know where we should stand on this matter.
You have spent years studying this revelation from Heaven. What do you make of Our Lady's words as they apply to the Novus Ordo Mass?
Do you think that the Novus Ordo is valid or not? I have no access to a traditional Latin Mass, so I attend the Novus Ordo, but I am full of doubts about its validity.
If Our Lady had clearly said in her five reasons for the extinguishing of the Sanctuary Light that one of the reasons would be the introduction of an invalid rite of Mass, there would be no doubt. But she did not say that. So what is your opinion on this matter?
God Bless,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Mr. G.N.,
In your inquiry, you pose two different questions.
First, there is the question whether Our Lady said anything about the validity or invalidity of the Mass to Mother Mariana. In the January 20, 1610 apparition, she spoke of the abuses of the Sacraments, and how many would be set aside and ignored. However, to my knowledge, she never specifically addressed the question of the validity of the New Mass.
Second, you ask whether I think the Novus Ordo Mass is valid or not. If it were not valid, then the whole ceremony would be a parody, or rather, a series of parodies. We would be dealing with a problem of theater vs. doctrine, a circus vs. crisis in the Church. I don't believe that is the case. My opinion is that when there is proper form, matter and intention, it is valid, but it has the worst possible spirit. Of course, in many cases (where there is not proper matter, form, and intent) the Consecrations may not be valid.
What is evident is that it is a quite confusing situation, and that the Church is suffering a great internal crisis, caused by authorities who have abused their power. This is clearly said in the prophecies to Mother Mariana.
In Maria,
Marian T. Horvat
Books and Novenas in Spanish
Hello TIA,
Are any of your books/novenas being sold relating to Our Lady of Good Success in Spanish?
Thank you.
Fr. A.S.
TIA responds:
Rev. Fr. A.S.,
We don't know about books on Our Lady of Good Success in Spanish available in the United States. You can find prayers and a short novena translated to Spanish on the website of the Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success, here.
TIA correspondence desk
Godmothers of Statues
Dear TIA,
I have read the two booklets about Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times and Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success.
I refer to that part where the Marchioness is the Godmother of the Statue which is solemnly blessed and enthroned. What is the history of this practice of a Godmother when a statue is blessed? I have never come across such a custom. Could you cast some light on this for your readers?
G.V., from India
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear G.V.,
The Spanish term for godmother, comadre or madrina, has a very broad and rich usage. They both derive from madre [mother]. The comadre is the adult who is the sponsor of a person in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony or in the religious profession, and is responsible before God for him or her. The comadre is not a mere formality, but usually plays a very significant role in the lives of both the protector and the protected. To be asked to be a comadre is an invitation to be a real extra madre.
A comadre is also chosen as a special patroness of a statue when it is blessed or christened with oils by the Bishop.
Still today, in many Spanish countries, on the Feast of the Epiphany there is a special procession in churches. For it a woman is chosen from the congregation as the "godmother" who carries the statue of the Infant Jesus in company with the Three Wise Men.
On February 2, the feast day of the Purification of the Virgin - and the feast day of Our Lady of Good Success - many parishes continue the custom of a procession through the streets of the cities. On this occasion a godmother is chosen and is responsible for dressing the statue of the Infant Jesus in a white robe and crown. The statue then is carried in procession from her house to the church.
Each year, the Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Quito also chooses a godmother for the Statue of Our Lady of Good Success. Then, in the procession carrying the Miraculous Statue from the upper choir to the main altar in the church, the godmother has a place of honor and bears on a silver tray the keys to the Convent, which normally are carried by the Statue in her right hand along with the Abbess' crosier.
In the United States and England, we have a secular adaptation of this custom of choosing a godmother. Today, a woman of high standing, called a godmother, breaks a bottle of champagne on a ship's hull before its first voyage in order to bestow good fortune on the ship and all who sail aboard it. This is what Queen Elizabeth did when she presided over the inauguration of the new Queen Mary ship.
I hope this information attends to your request.
In Maria,
Marian T. Horvat
A Real Dream
Dear TIA,
My name is P.C. For the past 8 months I did not see my daughter because I am getting divorced and fighting through courts to start to see her again. I am not a very religious person but in my desperation I prayed to God to look after my daughter. I had a very "real dream" about a woman reassuring me that everything will be OK and not to worry.
Because the dream was so real I checked the net to find out who it was or if there was a Saint from the Catholic religion who looked like this. My major impression from the dream was that the woman was the kindest person on earth but had a "burnt" right side face with reddish hair. She looks like the picture on your website very much.
What do you think? Am I going paranoid because of my stress?
Is there any book I can buy regarding the Lady of Good Counsel and her miracles?
Thanks anyway for taking time to read my mail.
TIA responds:
Dear P.C.,
We are sorry for your personal situation. We hope that Our Lady of Good Counsel will help you see your daughter soon.
We don't know what you mean by having a "burnt" face. We don't see any analogy with the most beautiful painting of Our Lady of Good Counsel and this particular adjective. Perhaps you did not express yourself well. Regarding her hair, which is light brown, we can understand that in some pictures it may appear as reddish, as you described.
We don't believe that to have a dream is a sign of being paranoid. Often Our Lady uses this means to communicate to different persons. We hope that you are one of them.
It is a special characteristic of Our Lady of Good Counsel to gently whisper a piece of advice into the soul of a person indicating what is God's will for him. Only you can judge if she acted this way with you. In any case, we encourage you to go to her with your needs.
Regarding books on Our Lady of Good Counsel, you can find the story of the apparition in Miraculous Images of Our Lady by Joan Carroll Cruz which can be purchased at Catholic Treasures on their online store, or call them at 1-800-257-4893.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Good Counsel Photo
Hello TIA,
Do you know where I can find a good print of Our Lady of Good Counsel that is the original image? I am also looking for a smaller size and the original-like colors. I can always have it shrunk if I need to but would rather not do that, can always go larger too. I am looking for just the print so I can frame it myself.
Thanks so much in advance as I was on your website!
TIA responds:
Hello J.S.,
We carry a good quality, postcard-size picture of Our Lady of Good Counsel, which you may purchase here.
For a larger reproduction you may contact the official site of the Basilica Madre del Buon Consiglio in Genazzano, Italy, here
The site is in Italian, but if you go to the bottom of the page there is an e-mail address. You may write in English to the priests there, and they will most probably reply to you in the same language.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted January 29, 2008

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