What People Are Commenting
Necessity to Spread Devotion
to Our Lady of Good Success
Dear TIA,
Greetings from Singapore! I am a frequent visitor to your website Tradition in Action. And it is solely through your website that I am learning about Our Lady of Good Success [click here].
I strongly agree with you that the devotions to Our Lady of Good Success and to Our Lady of Fatima are devotions specially meant for our times.
Although I may be living in a country far away from yours, I would like to join my prayer to yours (and those of your associates) for the restoration and exaltation of Holy Mother Church.
If you don't mind - might I suggest that TIA organize some kind of "prayer apostolate" or "apostleship of prayer" that will focus on this one intention: the restoration and exaltation of Holy Mother Church.
I am sure that Catholics (who love the Traditional Latin Mass and the traditional teachings of our Holy Faith) from all over the world will understand the need to join in prayer for an intention that is so relevant to our times and circumstances.
I also visit other websites such as Traditio (which now has more than 3 million visitors). If one million Catholics can be reached and induced to offer daily one Ave for the said intention, wouldn't that be encouraging?
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I just finished reading The Fourth Apparition of Our Lady of Good Success. Thank you for this most beautiful gift, truly a taste of heaven, so fittingly offered on February 2, the glorious feast day of Our Lady of Good Success.
Please do notify me immediately when the second book [click here for Volume One] becomes available. God has blessed you and charged you with a great mission and you are ever in my prayers. Thank you for your tireless efforts. There are so many hungering for this very spiritual sustenance.
God Bless you,
Dear TIA,
I am most grateful for your publication of the facts and novena of Our Lady of Good Success, [click here for Introduction and Beginning of the Novena] who has granted favors to us on recitation of her Novena these past two years.
I always tell persons that if they want results, they should pray to Our Lady of Good Success, who wants to be known in these times. She does not always answer the way we expect, but she always hears and answers.
M. S.
Dearest TIA,
It is a very great honour to contact you. It appears to me that you
are, with the exception of a couple of others, the only ones who are
propagating the message of Our Lady of Good Success. I believe that
this devotion is extremely necessary to spread throughout the Mystical
Body of Christ.
As I feel a great devotion for Our Lady under this
title, I wish that I could help in spreading this devotion. I am a
third order postulant of the SSPX and am very interested in getting
some information into the hands of traditional Catholics in our chapel
and to other Catholics. Are you thinking of perhaps printing some
pamphlets and holy cards to be distributed? If so, I would be honoured to be able to spread them to the best of my ability.
Please consider this as an option, as some people just do not have the
means to buy the (affordable) books that you sell [click here]. It would be very useful and pleasing to Our Lady if you did this, I'm sure. There are those whom I could also get to support this endeavor to spread this devotion.
It seems to me, fallible though I may be, that we are going
to be in a very confusing and trying time as traditional Catholics in
the upcoming years. Unless, that is, a Pope is elected who will
start chopping off heads. However, the one who will help the faithful in these stormy times is Our Lady.
Please consider the things in which I have proposed. I know that it is
very easy for me to propose sitting behind this computer. But God is
the one who disposes! Our Lady seems to be very generous to those who
invoke Her under this title; perhaps this may be a providential e-mail.
I send you my very warmest sentiments, I give you thanks for your work up until now,
May Our Lady of Good Success keep you,

Dr. Horvat replies:
Dear D. P.,
Thank you for your e-mail and good suggestion about propagating devotion to Our Lady of Good Success, who wants to be known in these times and promised her special help to those who spread the devotion.
Mother Mariana told her confessor that the Holy Trinity had confirmed the desire of Our Lady to have her statue made, giving her the assurance "that God will bless all those who, by their support and resources, will contribute to the making of this holy statue, as well as to all those throughout the centuries who will help to spread this devotion and those in the 20th century who make these apparitions and its origin known."
She noted that the mid-20th century onward would be a time of great corruption of customs in society and heresy in the Church, and that this devotion would be a safeguard for the people of those times.
Perhaps some generous soul will be inspired by your e-mail and provide the financial means for simple Holy Cards and Prayer Cards to be made and more broadly distributed. TIA would be pleased to hear from any person interested in doing this.
In Maria,
Marian T. Horvat
Posted February 6, 2006

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