International Affairs
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Echoes from Brazil
A Quick Look at a Silenced Rebirth
In this transition from 2021 to 2022 there is mixed information being spread around the world about Brazil, caused by a phenomenon that originates here.
On the one hand, the leftist press depicts Brazil as an "ungoverned" country led by an extremist, obscurantist and retrograde man of the right, Jair Bolsonaro, who was elected President in 2018. Knowing the strong bias of this press, this should come as no surprise to anyone.
On the other hand, alternative sources – mostly through the social media – present data that conflict with this prejudiced picture.
What are these data that the established media avoids addressing?
The transition from 2021 to 2022 shows a modern and prosperous Brazilian agricultural sector, producing not only enough for the country's population but also providing an abundant overseas exportation of grains and fruits to other countries.
After the impeachment of ex-president Dilma Rousseff, the corruption that marked the more than 13 years of the presidential terms of Presidents Lula and Rousseff – both communist – came to an end. The highest spheres of Brazil’s federal government are no longer the focus of constant financial scandals.
Both the expansion of the agriculture and the cessation of corruption are an invitation for foreign investments, which have been constantly growing. In 2020, the pandemia produced here – as in most their countries – an economic retraction of 4% instead of the predicted 9%, but in 2021 the Brazilian economy recovered the loss and grew. Indeed, it reached a growth of 5% in 2021, more than many other countries in the same period of time.
As we can see, the picture is far from gloomy.
However, there is a leftist effort to confuse the reality in Brazil with the aim of influencing the coming presidential elections in October 2022.
This article's purpose is to shed some light over today's Brazilian panorama, which now is very different from what it was in the long communist period that preceded it.
How did this change take place? Especially when we know that the previous presidents were receiving broad support from almost the whole world?
Do you remember how Lula, an almost completely illiterate person, was granted several honoris causa doctorates from universities around the world, including American universities? Nothing like this is offered to Bolsonaro, a well bred and well formed man.
The good news is that what seemed unlikely some years ago is now a reality: Brazil has changed its direction, a turn-around of 180 degrees became a reality in 2021, the third year of Bolsonaro's term. This fourth year promises new conquests after a bitter electoral struggle.
The facts that originated this change, so relevant for the scenario not only in Latin America but in the world, were predicted by our much-missed friend Manuel Ricardo Fiuza, who died in 2015. He wrote on August 23, 2013, on the pages of this website that a strong Catholic conservative sentiment existed in the deepest layers of the average Brazilian mindset.
Commenting on the 2013 demonstrations made by the right against the status quo political situation, Fiuza noted, "The amplitude of the power crisis is becoming increasingly evident. There are commentators who are describing this general movement as 'a sleeping giant that woke up’ – a slogan borrowed from the marches organized in 1964 by Tradition, Family and Property. That is to say, the silent majority has awakened and does not accept the corruption it sees around it, the trademark of the status quo government (the Workers Party of Presidents Lula and Dilma).
"The organized left thus feels obliged to hide what its stands for and has fought for in the past. What we are seeing is a movement made by the masses, and not a movement motivated by a single class, concerned only about its interests and allies."
This profound characteristic was not manifesting itself then in the dominant political spectrum, but, in the long term, it condemned that leftist system to death.
This is what explains the changes that happened: the election of Jair Bolsonaro and the success of his administration in this beginning of 2022.
The good news is that Brazil, the sleeping giant, is waking up and is already starting to make noise.
On the one hand, the leftist press depicts Brazil as an "ungoverned" country led by an extremist, obscurantist and retrograde man of the right, Jair Bolsonaro, who was elected President in 2018. Knowing the strong bias of this press, this should come as no surprise to anyone.
On the other hand, alternative sources – mostly through the social media – present data that conflict with this prejudiced picture.

President Bolsonaro is popular with Brazil's military; below, thousands rally to support him in a battle against the Supreme Court

The transition from 2021 to 2022 shows a modern and prosperous Brazilian agricultural sector, producing not only enough for the country's population but also providing an abundant overseas exportation of grains and fruits to other countries.
After the impeachment of ex-president Dilma Rousseff, the corruption that marked the more than 13 years of the presidential terms of Presidents Lula and Rousseff – both communist – came to an end. The highest spheres of Brazil’s federal government are no longer the focus of constant financial scandals.
Both the expansion of the agriculture and the cessation of corruption are an invitation for foreign investments, which have been constantly growing. In 2020, the pandemia produced here – as in most their countries – an economic retraction of 4% instead of the predicted 9%, but in 2021 the Brazilian economy recovered the loss and grew. Indeed, it reached a growth of 5% in 2021, more than many other countries in the same period of time.
As we can see, the picture is far from gloomy.
However, there is a leftist effort to confuse the reality in Brazil with the aim of influencing the coming presidential elections in October 2022.
This article's purpose is to shed some light over today's Brazilian panorama, which now is very different from what it was in the long communist period that preceded it.

A conference to send more agricultural products to Africa
Do you remember how Lula, an almost completely illiterate person, was granted several honoris causa doctorates from universities around the world, including American universities? Nothing like this is offered to Bolsonaro, a well bred and well formed man.
The good news is that what seemed unlikely some years ago is now a reality: Brazil has changed its direction, a turn-around of 180 degrees became a reality in 2021, the third year of Bolsonaro's term. This fourth year promises new conquests after a bitter electoral struggle.
The facts that originated this change, so relevant for the scenario not only in Latin America but in the world, were predicted by our much-missed friend Manuel Ricardo Fiuza, who died in 2015. He wrote on August 23, 2013, on the pages of this website that a strong Catholic conservative sentiment existed in the deepest layers of the average Brazilian mindset.
Commenting on the 2013 demonstrations made by the right against the status quo political situation, Fiuza noted, "The amplitude of the power crisis is becoming increasingly evident. There are commentators who are describing this general movement as 'a sleeping giant that woke up’ – a slogan borrowed from the marches organized in 1964 by Tradition, Family and Property. That is to say, the silent majority has awakened and does not accept the corruption it sees around it, the trademark of the status quo government (the Workers Party of Presidents Lula and Dilma).
"The organized left thus feels obliged to hide what its stands for and has fought for in the past. What we are seeing is a movement made by the masses, and not a movement motivated by a single class, concerned only about its interests and allies."
This profound characteristic was not manifesting itself then in the dominant political spectrum, but, in the long term, it condemned that leftist system to death.
This is what explains the changes that happened: the election of Jair Bolsonaro and the success of his administration in this beginning of 2022.
The good news is that Brazil, the sleeping giant, is waking up and is already starting to make noise.

Posted Jauary 12, 2022