
Manoel Ricardo da Rocha Fiuza
Manoel Ricardo da Rocha Fiuza
Requiescat in Pace
TIA has the sorrowful duty to inform our readers that our friend and close collaborator, Lawyer Manoel Ricardo da Rocha Fiuza, died this morning at age 75. For more than 56 years he dedicated his life to the Counter-Revolution.
For about 20 years he was a personal secretary of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. In the late 1980s he became a hermit in the countryside of the State of Mato Grosso in Brazil. In 2003, he moved to the State of Minas Gerais where he alternated between a hermitic life and weekly meetings with a group of counter-revolutionary friends.
In June 2012, he contacted me by e-mail, re-establishing an old friendship based on the sharing of the same ideals. In December 2012 we met in São Paulo.
Henceforth, he started to write for TIA and support our fight among his friends. When the spine cancer spread into other parts of his body and the pain became difficult to bear, he made the noble gesture of offering all his sufferings to Our Lady for TIA and its members.
He died this morning, Saturday, August 22, 2015, the Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From his youth he was a Third Order Carmelite.
May Our Lady have mercy of him, an authentic devotee of the
Queen of Heaven for his entire life.
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Our last correspondence follows:
June 27, 2015
Dear Mr. Atila,
Salve Maria!
My health becomes more vulnerable every day. I was admitted to the Holy House of Mercy hospital in Pitangui to receive blood and vitamins by IV. The pains are becoming more generalized and the analgesics are having increasingly less effect.
When the situation reaches this point, I start to lose control of events, increasingly dependent on the medications. Nonetheless, Our Lady and Dr. Plinio have assisted me, giving me a peaceful resignation and strength to face whatever comes.
I constantly offer everything I am experiencing for my dear friend and our fight at TIA, whose updates I always try to follow.
With a growing and old friendship, I bid you farewell.
Oremus ad invicem [let us pray for one another],
In Jesu et Maria,
July 30, 2015
Dear Mr. Fiuza,
Salve Maria!
Thank you for sending me the description of the Antichrist by Cardinal Biffi/Soloviev.
I would like to know how your health is. I have been praying for you, but am a little worry by the absence of news.
May Our Lady and Dr. Plinio help you.
Oremus ad invicem,
In Jesu et Maria,
July 31, 2015
Dear Mr. Atila,
Salve Maria!
My health is going in such ups and downs that only Our Lady knows what is going on! Recently, I was admitted twice
to the hospital. I feel my forces extinguishing. Notwithstanding, I continue each time more united in prayers and purposes to our dear TIA!
Oremus ad invicem, very united to Our Lady and Dr. Plinio,
In Jesu et Maria,
August 3, 2015
Dear Mr. Fiuza,
Salve Maria!
I am glad to find you in such good dispositions of soul. I pray that you may perfectly accomplish the vocation Our Lady gave you and her will here “on earth as in heaven.”
Our fight will be always grateful to you for your articles and for the noble offering of your sufferings. We consider you a brother in arms who will always be riding at our side in the cavalry charges against the revolutionaries.
United in Dr. Plinio,
Oremus ad invicem,
In Jesu et Maria,
His last article, dated February 27, 2015, can be read here.
His intellectual testament, here.

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