Fatima Issues
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Ecumenical Consecration - II
Vatican Promotes a Schismatic-Catholic Consecration
In the last article, we saw the World Fatima Apostolate (former Blue Army) suggesting that Our lady would be pleased with a joint consecration of Russia made by the Russian Schismatics and the Vatican.
Now, moving on – in this Francis generation, the “signs of the times” include not just the increasing evil in the world and Church, but also an increasing “rapprochement” (latest buzz word) with Russia; so, why not do a consecration to reflect this new situation?
The election of Francis certainly opened a new Act in the ongoing play one could title The Holy See and the Consecration of Russia. As the Russian website pravda.ru stated on August 11, 2017, “The situation changed dramatically.”
How so? Well, elaborated pravda.ru: “Immediately after his election, Pope Francis called for the elimination of age-old dogmas, including negative stereotypes against ‘Orthodox’ believers. The great reconciliation of the two churches [note the implied equality here] started soon afterwards. The epoch-making meeting of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and Pope Francis was held on February 12, 2016 in the … Airport in … Havana.”
This meeting, hosted on communist soil, gave a clear signal: The Red Flag flies over the Vatican.
According to Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, former head of Romanian intelligence in West Germany, who defected to the U.S. in 1978, Cuba was the chosen springboard for the launching of the KGB-devised religion of Liberation Theology into Latin America as a means of expanding the Communist Revolution.
Both President Putin and his right-hand man Patriarch Kirill (a billionaire oligarch) are KGB men. And Putin, who is busy resurrecting the KGB and its secret police under new names, himself has stated, “There is no such thing as a former KGB man” (Emphasis added).
Kirill (KGB code name Mikhaylov), as representative of the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church to the World Council of Churches, worked for the KGB to spread Liberation Theology and Russian influence worldwide through the WCC. The World Council of Churches, to which the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church belongs, is the pioneer organizer of the ecumenical movement.
The KGB also built global ecumenical organizations for “peace” to further its agenda. The symbiotic relationship between the Kremlin and the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church (whose priests form a secret army of agents) still continues. As recently as 2009, Gen. Pacepa, who worked for the KGB for 27 years, warned: “The old KGB manipulation of religion has now become a lethal foreign policy.”
This manipulation was actually devised back in the 19th century to bring to completion the Illuminati’s World Revolution. Communism would be the major instrument and Moscow the seat of the Revolution. Lenin himself revealed Russia was “the road to a World Revolution.”
The 19th century revolutionary Russian Illuminist and satanist, Bakunin, stated the plan: “Russia is the goal of the Revolution … There it will achieve its perfection … In Moscow from a sea of blood and fire, the star of the Revolution will rise high and nobly to become the guiding star for the salvation of liberated humanity.”
Notice that word “liberated.” Liberated from what or whom? Liberated from God and His true Church.
Hence, the KGB, under Kruschev, called its religion – set up in opposition to Catholicism – Liberation Theology, with Moscow its Unholy See. This is why the conversion of Russia is so important to God and Our Lady of Fatima.
Living in harmony without 'proselytism'
The Argentinean Pope Francis is an adherent of Moscow’s religion of liberation. He has admitted to being influenced by communists and equates Communism with Christianity. He has rehabilitated liberation theologians and socialists Leonardo Boff, Gustavo Gutierrez and Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann. He is so Marxist that he has been touted as head of the atheistic one-world religion of the Masonic/Communist New World Order.
The Havana “Summit” was thus a meeting of fellow-travelers, as pravda.ru hinted.
The “historic joint declaration,” as Vatican Radio termed it, issued by Francis and Kirill after their meeting, contained the now-standard mantra that we must live “in harmony with one another” without “any form of proselytism,” and we must work together to solve the world’s problems.
A few months later, on October 1, 2016, Francis called the attempt to convert the ‘Orthodox’ a “sin.” He told Catholics in Tbilisi, Georgia: “There is a big sin against ecumenism: proselytism. ... You must never proselytize the ‘Orthodox’. They are our brothers and sisters, disciples of Jesus Christ.”
On October 13, 2016, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, in his comments at an ecumenical audience with about 1,000 Lutherans from Germany, Francis extended this “sin” to all attempts at converting anyone: “It is not licit to convince [others] of [one’s] faith; proselytism is the strongest poison against the ecumenical path.” Let us just “know one another better, pray together and offer help for one another and all those in need.”
Now, Our Lord, through Sr. Lucy, requested the Five First Saturdays’ Devotion in order to make reparation for five blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
These blasphemies, which He enumerated in 1930, are nothing else but the heresies of Protestantism and the ‘Orthodox’ Church. Hence ecumenism, which seeks unity with these false religions, is itself blasphemous.
But the ecumenical-minded Hierarchy, which probably includes all the Catholic Bishops today, would have no quarrel with Francis’ message.
Dubia Cardinal proposes joint consecration
For instance, the late Joachim Cardinal Meisner, another of the dubia Cardinals, stated in 2016 that both Catholic and ‘Orthodox’ leaders should “consecrate us all to the Mother of God in the midst of the current difficulties, just as the seer children of Fatima proposed it.”
Of course, the children of Fatima never proposed any such thing, but, as with Cardinal Burke, no one wants to counter a fake Fatima message coming from a “courageous” dubia Cardinal.
The important thing is that here we have a conservative hero suggesting a joint Consecration with the Russian ‘Orthodox’ bishops – and not a peep out of Traditionalist leaders (except for aka Catholic and Tradition in Action, of course – see here).
Parolin's dialogue with Russian officials
Against this backdrop, we have the next scene in our play The Holy See and the Consecration of Russia: Vatican Secretary of State Card. Parolin’s visit to Russia from August 20-24, 2017, at the invitation of both State and Church.
Still-persecuted Russian Catholics saw nothing in the visit to give them hope of an improvement in their situation. Msgr. Igor Kovalevsky, secretary-general of Russia’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference, “clearly bitter, refused comment at the end of the visit,” stating only that it had been “a purely official event, with no effect on the local church.”
Greek Catholics in Ukraine were also upset. First, the Havana Declaration had been critical of them. Then, in his meeting with Card. Parolin in Moscow, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, attacked the Ukrainian Greek Catholics as well.
But, Francis was “pleased” with the “positive results” of Card. Parolin’s “dialogue” with Russian officials.
Besides Hilarion and other officials, Card. Parolin also met with President Putin and Patriarch Kirill.
On his return from Russia, the Cardinal reported that the “main point” he had made in his talk with Putin was “the desire to transmit the important role Russia has to play in promoting peace.”
He told the Vatican media: “Russia … has an important role to play … in the world. Therefore, it has a particular responsibility regarding peace: both the country and its leaders have a great responsibility to build peace.”
This is completely upside-down! Our Lady put the responsibility for world peace in the hands of the Pope and Catholic Bishops – but the Vatican, instead, tells Russia that Russia is responsible for peace. Talk of passing the buck…
It seems the new Vatican Party Line portrays Russia as the savior of the world.
Given Russia’s newly-delegated role in generating peace, we return to the question: Will the “Consecration” of Russia be done in a blasphemous ecumenical ceremony with Russian ‘Orthodox’ bishops?
This would be a smart dialectical move to bring the post-conciliar Catholic Church one step further towards the one-world religion.
The sign posts are pointing in that direction.
This article was first published in AKA Catholic
on October 16, 2017
Now, moving on – in this Francis generation, the “signs of the times” include not just the increasing evil in the world and Church, but also an increasing “rapprochement” (latest buzz word) with Russia; so, why not do a consecration to reflect this new situation?
The election of Francis certainly opened a new Act in the ongoing play one could title The Holy See and the Consecration of Russia. As the Russian website pravda.ru stated on August 11, 2017, “The situation changed dramatically.”

Francis and schismatic Kirill embracing in Communist Cuba
This meeting, hosted on communist soil, gave a clear signal: The Red Flag flies over the Vatican.
According to Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, former head of Romanian intelligence in West Germany, who defected to the U.S. in 1978, Cuba was the chosen springboard for the launching of the KGB-devised religion of Liberation Theology into Latin America as a means of expanding the Communist Revolution.
Both President Putin and his right-hand man Patriarch Kirill (a billionaire oligarch) are KGB men. And Putin, who is busy resurrecting the KGB and its secret police under new names, himself has stated, “There is no such thing as a former KGB man” (Emphasis added).
Kirill (KGB code name Mikhaylov), as representative of the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church to the World Council of Churches, worked for the KGB to spread Liberation Theology and Russian influence worldwide through the WCC. The World Council of Churches, to which the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church belongs, is the pioneer organizer of the ecumenical movement.
The KGB also built global ecumenical organizations for “peace” to further its agenda. The symbiotic relationship between the Kremlin and the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church (whose priests form a secret army of agents) still continues. As recently as 2009, Gen. Pacepa, who worked for the KGB for 27 years, warned: “The old KGB manipulation of religion has now become a lethal foreign policy.”
This manipulation was actually devised back in the 19th century to bring to completion the Illuminati’s World Revolution. Communism would be the major instrument and Moscow the seat of the Revolution. Lenin himself revealed Russia was “the road to a World Revolution.”
The 19th century revolutionary Russian Illuminist and satanist, Bakunin, stated the plan: “Russia is the goal of the Revolution … There it will achieve its perfection … In Moscow from a sea of blood and fire, the star of the Revolution will rise high and nobly to become the guiding star for the salvation of liberated humanity.”
Notice that word “liberated.” Liberated from what or whom? Liberated from God and His true Church.
Hence, the KGB, under Kruschev, called its religion – set up in opposition to Catholicism – Liberation Theology, with Moscow its Unholy See. This is why the conversion of Russia is so important to God and Our Lady of Fatima.
Living in harmony without 'proselytism'
The Argentinean Pope Francis is an adherent of Moscow’s religion of liberation. He has admitted to being influenced by communists and equates Communism with Christianity. He has rehabilitated liberation theologians and socialists Leonardo Boff, Gustavo Gutierrez and Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann. He is so Marxist that he has been touted as head of the atheistic one-world religion of the Masonic/Communist New World Order.
The Havana “Summit” was thus a meeting of fellow-travelers, as pravda.ru hinted.

In Georgia, Francis enters a church & tells religious and seminarians: 'Proselytism is a grave sin against ecumenism'
A few months later, on October 1, 2016, Francis called the attempt to convert the ‘Orthodox’ a “sin.” He told Catholics in Tbilisi, Georgia: “There is a big sin against ecumenism: proselytism. ... You must never proselytize the ‘Orthodox’. They are our brothers and sisters, disciples of Jesus Christ.”
On October 13, 2016, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, in his comments at an ecumenical audience with about 1,000 Lutherans from Germany, Francis extended this “sin” to all attempts at converting anyone: “It is not licit to convince [others] of [one’s] faith; proselytism is the strongest poison against the ecumenical path.” Let us just “know one another better, pray together and offer help for one another and all those in need.”
Now, Our Lord, through Sr. Lucy, requested the Five First Saturdays’ Devotion in order to make reparation for five blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
These blasphemies, which He enumerated in 1930, are nothing else but the heresies of Protestantism and the ‘Orthodox’ Church. Hence ecumenism, which seeks unity with these false religions, is itself blasphemous.
But the ecumenical-minded Hierarchy, which probably includes all the Catholic Bishops today, would have no quarrel with Francis’ message.
Dubia Cardinal proposes joint consecration

Card. Joachim Meisner was also favorable to a Catholic-'Orthodox' consecration
Of course, the children of Fatima never proposed any such thing, but, as with Cardinal Burke, no one wants to counter a fake Fatima message coming from a “courageous” dubia Cardinal.
The important thing is that here we have a conservative hero suggesting a joint Consecration with the Russian ‘Orthodox’ bishops – and not a peep out of Traditionalist leaders (except for aka Catholic and Tradition in Action, of course – see here).
Parolin's dialogue with Russian officials
Against this backdrop, we have the next scene in our play The Holy See and the Consecration of Russia: Vatican Secretary of State Card. Parolin’s visit to Russia from August 20-24, 2017, at the invitation of both State and Church.
Still-persecuted Russian Catholics saw nothing in the visit to give them hope of an improvement in their situation. Msgr. Igor Kovalevsky, secretary-general of Russia’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference, “clearly bitter, refused comment at the end of the visit,” stating only that it had been “a purely official event, with no effect on the local church.”

Card, Parolin touts his talk with Putin in Russia as a victory for dialogue
But, Francis was “pleased” with the “positive results” of Card. Parolin’s “dialogue” with Russian officials.
Besides Hilarion and other officials, Card. Parolin also met with President Putin and Patriarch Kirill.
On his return from Russia, the Cardinal reported that the “main point” he had made in his talk with Putin was “the desire to transmit the important role Russia has to play in promoting peace.”
He told the Vatican media: “Russia … has an important role to play … in the world. Therefore, it has a particular responsibility regarding peace: both the country and its leaders have a great responsibility to build peace.”
This is completely upside-down! Our Lady put the responsibility for world peace in the hands of the Pope and Catholic Bishops – but the Vatican, instead, tells Russia that Russia is responsible for peace. Talk of passing the buck…
It seems the new Vatican Party Line portrays Russia as the savior of the world.
Given Russia’s newly-delegated role in generating peace, we return to the question: Will the “Consecration” of Russia be done in a blasphemous ecumenical ceremony with Russian ‘Orthodox’ bishops?
This would be a smart dialectical move to bring the post-conciliar Catholic Church one step further towards the one-world religion.
The sign posts are pointing in that direction.

Posted October 27, 2017