Fatima Issues
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Ecumenical Consecration - I
An Ecumenical Consecration of Russia with Russian ‘Orthodox’ Bishops?
As has become obvious, the Message of Fatima is undergoing a new re-write in this centenary year to make it conform to the ecumenical agenda and Ostpolitik undertaken at Vatican II.
A new voice amongst the usual peddlers of a fake Fatima message is that of the pro-life hero Raymond Cardinal Burke, beginning with his speech on Fatima at the Rome Life Forum in May 2017, as discussed in a previous article, “Fatima Through the Lens of Vatican II: as Illustrated by Raymond Cardinal Burke.”
Following the dubia Cardinal’s speech, the Vatican’s mouthpiece, the Blue Army, now called World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF), posted an appreciative article on its website in which it made a very curious suggestion:
“Perhaps now is the time to invite our Russian ‘Orthodox’ brothers to join in a consecration in order to please Our Lord who told Sr. Lucia, “I want my whole Church [WAF’s emphasis] to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…”
Not surprisingly, the Blue Army considers the schismatic and heretical Russian ‘Orthodox’ “brothers” with Catholics in a “whole” pan-Christian Church. This follows Lumen gentium’s heretical teaching – now a “dogma” of the post-conciliar Church – that “the Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church,” meaning the Church of Christ is actually bigger than the Catholic Church, and includes schismatic and heretical sects.
Another consideration arises from the WAF suggestion: since the Consecration itself will be recognized as the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, then the participation of the Russian ‘Orthodox’ will be the triumph of ecumenism – supposedly desired and brought about by Our Lord himself!
Now, in 1930, Sister Lucy explicitly told her confessor, Father Gonçalves, that Our Lord wanted all the bishops of the Catholic world to make the Consecration together with the Pope. If God had wanted the Russian ‘Orthodox’ bishops to participate, He would have said so; but even the fake messages later attributed to Sr. Lucia never mentioned them.
Ecumenism, which seeks unity (i.e., compromise) with false religions, not their conversion to Catholicism, is a grave sin against the First Commandment.
Pope Pius XI summarized the Church’s condemnation of ecumenism in his 1928 Encyclical Mortalium animos, in which he stated it was unlawful for Catholics, and the Apostolic See itself, to support this enterprise: “For if they did so, they would be giving countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ.”
What is called “dialogue” today he condemned as “tantamount to abandoning the religion revealed by God.”
Further, as The Baltimore Catechism teaches, a Catholic sins against Faith by religious indifferentism and by taking part in non-Catholic worship, i.e., by praying with members of false religions. It is therefore inconceivable that God would consider the ecumenical – i.e., blasphemous – act of consecrating Russia with the ‘Orthodox’ as the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. This is diabolical double-think.
It will be yet another invalid consecration and will not bring about the conversion of Russia, nor the period of peace promised by Our Lady.
The West needs conversion – not Russia
Of course, the Vatican Party Line which justifies all the invalid consecrations of Russia is that the dismantling of the Soviet Empire was the “conversion” of Russia. This is because, to the modern Churchman, “conversion” simply means “change.” According to the Blue Army, this un-Catholic definition was held by Sr. Lucy herself.
The corollary of the Vatican’s position has therefore been: No more need to consecrate Russia; it is the de-Christianized world, especially the West – and even the Church – that now needs conversion.
This corollary came to life under the Obama presidency, when Christian media, and even traditionalist Catholics, were led to blindly contrast a “more Christian” Putin and Russia with an increasingly degenerate West. Such belief has been directed in no small part by Medjugorje promoters, as well as by the sermonizing and propaganda of President Putin and top Russian ‘Orthodox’ leaders.
In August 2017, the Russian state news agency TASS, interviewing Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Cardinal Parolin, went so far as boldly
stating to his face that Russia (which spawned the family-destroying feminist movement) “is widely regarded as the last stronghold” of “traditional family values.”
The implication of these claims is that Our Lady of Fatima, and the Holy Trinity Itself, did not need to command the Collegial Consecration of Russia; the Popes have miraculously succeeded in converting Russia by doing consecrations their way!
Furthermore, the claims of a “more-Christian” Russia have given an opening to Churchmen to now promote Russia as the generator of world peace!
It’s the next dialectical step in the communization of the Catholic Church in order to merge her into the Masonic/Communist one-world religion of the New World Order, a religion foretold by Pope St. Pius X in Our Apostolic Mandate.
Now, the Blue Army/WAF, the Vatican mouthpiece on Fatima, claims it’s “the only Fatima organization in the world which speaks ‘in the name of the Church’ and ‘with the authority of the Church’ on Fatima.”
Its audacious suggestion to do the Consecration with the Russian ‘Orthodox’ was thus not made in a vacuum. Recent events indicate an ecumenical consecration may very well be in the works.
More disinformation comes from Burke
In his talk to the Rome Life Forum, after lamenting the sorry state of the world and the Church, Cardinal Burke said the following about why he’s asking for the Consecration of Russia to be done again:
“The requested consecration is at once a recognition of the importance which Russia continues to have in God’s plan for peace and a sign of profound love for our brothers and sisters in Russia.”
Our Lady warned if her requests were not heeded, Russia would be an instrument of chastisement; but the Cardinal implies Russia is a chosen instrument of peace!
So, why does he want the “explicit” Consecration of Russia, even though he believes the 1984 Consecration fulfilled Our Lady’s request? In an interview with The Wanderer on August 7, 2017, he claimed it is in order to overcome Western materialism and relativism, which are “connected with” atheistic Communism.
Notice his double-think: Russia is converted and Communism is dead, but the communistic errors of Russia live on in materialism and relativism, which have even infected the Church.
So, let us strike the rock again like Moses, and hope for a better result; but whilst we are about it, let us recruit Russia to help clean up the debris resulting from its (past) communist ideology.
As Card. Burke elaborated, “... given the situation in which we find ourselves today,” and “in response to the present time which is so grave,” the explicit consecration of Russia “expresses also the respect for their nation which could now lead to a repudiation of Godless thinking. In this way, Russia could return to her noble past in which it was one of the most God-fearing nations in the world, and where there was a tremendous devotion to Our Blessed Mother.”
Um…, unfortunately, this is more disinformation from Card. Burke, because actually, there was no such noble past. Almost from the start, Christianity in Russia was of the schismatic variety, and the country has persecuted Catholicism all through the centuries, right down to this day.
But the Cardinal seems to believe that respectfully giving a missionary role to a purportedly new, virtuous (though unconverted) Russia will generate peace, which presumably even Russia wants.
Backing him are hearsay reports alleging that Russians (not Russian Catholics) and Putin himself have enquired about the Consecration at the highest levels of the Church (reminiscent of Herod enquiring after the Christ-Child of Bethlehem).
The Cardinal also justifies his request for the Consecration to be repeated by reminding us that John Paul II said Our Lady wanted the Consecration to be done in every generation,“ in accordance with the ever new ‘signs of the times.’”
Of course, Our Lady never said any such thing.
This article was first published in AKA Catholic
on October 16, 2017
A new voice amongst the usual peddlers of a fake Fatima message is that of the pro-life hero Raymond Cardinal Burke, beginning with his speech on Fatima at the Rome Life Forum in May 2017, as discussed in a previous article, “Fatima Through the Lens of Vatican II: as Illustrated by Raymond Cardinal Burke.”
Following the dubia Cardinal’s speech, the Vatican’s mouthpiece, the Blue Army, now called World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF), posted an appreciative article on its website in which it made a very curious suggestion:

The Blue Army calls for an ecumenical consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart
Not surprisingly, the Blue Army considers the schismatic and heretical Russian ‘Orthodox’ “brothers” with Catholics in a “whole” pan-Christian Church. This follows Lumen gentium’s heretical teaching – now a “dogma” of the post-conciliar Church – that “the Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church,” meaning the Church of Christ is actually bigger than the Catholic Church, and includes schismatic and heretical sects.
Another consideration arises from the WAF suggestion: since the Consecration itself will be recognized as the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, then the participation of the Russian ‘Orthodox’ will be the triumph of ecumenism – supposedly desired and brought about by Our Lord himself!
Now, in 1930, Sister Lucy explicitly told her confessor, Father Gonçalves, that Our Lord wanted all the bishops of the Catholic world to make the Consecration together with the Pope. If God had wanted the Russian ‘Orthodox’ bishops to participate, He would have said so; but even the fake messages later attributed to Sr. Lucia never mentioned them.
Ecumenism, which seeks unity (i.e., compromise) with false religions, not their conversion to Catholicism, is a grave sin against the First Commandment.
Pope Pius XI summarized the Church’s condemnation of ecumenism in his 1928 Encyclical Mortalium animos, in which he stated it was unlawful for Catholics, and the Apostolic See itself, to support this enterprise: “For if they did so, they would be giving countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ.”
What is called “dialogue” today he condemned as “tantamount to abandoning the religion revealed by God.”
Further, as The Baltimore Catechism teaches, a Catholic sins against Faith by religious indifferentism and by taking part in non-Catholic worship, i.e., by praying with members of false religions. It is therefore inconceivable that God would consider the ecumenical – i.e., blasphemous – act of consecrating Russia with the ‘Orthodox’ as the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. This is diabolical double-think.
It will be yet another invalid consecration and will not bring about the conversion of Russia, nor the period of peace promised by Our Lady.
The West needs conversion – not Russia
Of course, the Vatican Party Line which justifies all the invalid consecrations of Russia is that the dismantling of the Soviet Empire was the “conversion” of Russia. This is because, to the modern Churchman, “conversion” simply means “change.” According to the Blue Army, this un-Catholic definition was held by Sr. Lucy herself.
The corollary of the Vatican’s position has therefore been: No more need to consecrate Russia; it is the de-Christianized world, especially the West – and even the Church – that now needs conversion.
This corollary came to life under the Obama presidency, when Christian media, and even traditionalist Catholics, were led to blindly contrast a “more Christian” Putin and Russia with an increasingly degenerate West. Such belief has been directed in no small part by Medjugorje promoters, as well as by the sermonizing and propaganda of President Putin and top Russian ‘Orthodox’ leaders.

Card. Parolin's mission in Russia: rapprochement between the two 'churches'
The implication of these claims is that Our Lady of Fatima, and the Holy Trinity Itself, did not need to command the Collegial Consecration of Russia; the Popes have miraculously succeeded in converting Russia by doing consecrations their way!
Furthermore, the claims of a “more-Christian” Russia have given an opening to Churchmen to now promote Russia as the generator of world peace!
It’s the next dialectical step in the communization of the Catholic Church in order to merge her into the Masonic/Communist one-world religion of the New World Order, a religion foretold by Pope St. Pius X in Our Apostolic Mandate.
Now, the Blue Army/WAF, the Vatican mouthpiece on Fatima, claims it’s “the only Fatima organization in the world which speaks ‘in the name of the Church’ and ‘with the authority of the Church’ on Fatima.”
Its audacious suggestion to do the Consecration with the Russian ‘Orthodox’ was thus not made in a vacuum. Recent events indicate an ecumenical consecration may very well be in the works.
More disinformation comes from Burke
In his talk to the Rome Life Forum, after lamenting the sorry state of the world and the Church, Cardinal Burke said the following about why he’s asking for the Consecration of Russia to be done again:

Card. Burke: endorsing the 'converted Russia' myth
Our Lady warned if her requests were not heeded, Russia would be an instrument of chastisement; but the Cardinal implies Russia is a chosen instrument of peace!
So, why does he want the “explicit” Consecration of Russia, even though he believes the 1984 Consecration fulfilled Our Lady’s request? In an interview with The Wanderer on August 7, 2017, he claimed it is in order to overcome Western materialism and relativism, which are “connected with” atheistic Communism.
Notice his double-think: Russia is converted and Communism is dead, but the communistic errors of Russia live on in materialism and relativism, which have even infected the Church.
So, let us strike the rock again like Moses, and hope for a better result; but whilst we are about it, let us recruit Russia to help clean up the debris resulting from its (past) communist ideology.
As Card. Burke elaborated, “... given the situation in which we find ourselves today,” and “in response to the present time which is so grave,” the explicit consecration of Russia “expresses also the respect for their nation which could now lead to a repudiation of Godless thinking. In this way, Russia could return to her noble past in which it was one of the most God-fearing nations in the world, and where there was a tremendous devotion to Our Blessed Mother.”
Um…, unfortunately, this is more disinformation from Card. Burke, because actually, there was no such noble past. Almost from the start, Christianity in Russia was of the schismatic variety, and the country has persecuted Catholicism all through the centuries, right down to this day.
But the Cardinal seems to believe that respectfully giving a missionary role to a purportedly new, virtuous (though unconverted) Russia will generate peace, which presumably even Russia wants.
Backing him are hearsay reports alleging that Russians (not Russian Catholics) and Putin himself have enquired about the Consecration at the highest levels of the Church (reminiscent of Herod enquiring after the Christ-Child of Bethlehem).
The Cardinal also justifies his request for the Consecration to be repeated by reminding us that John Paul II said Our Lady wanted the Consecration to be done in every generation,“ in accordance with the ever new ‘signs of the times.’”
Of course, Our Lady never said any such thing.

Posted October 20, 2017