Fatima Issues
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Card. Burke’s Address on Fatima – III
Promoting Pious Practices to Outshine
Fatima Devotions
TIA Note: For the convenience of our readers we broke an article by Mrs. Cornelia Ferreira titled “Fatima through the Lens of Vatican II: As Illustrated by Raymond Cardinal Burke” into a series of three smaller articles. Her piece is a lucid analysis of Card. Burke's speech about Fatima on May 19, 2017.
The titles of these three articles were chosen by TIA’s editor. A few words of transition at the end and beginning of the articles were duly added to the original written text. A.S.G.
What is the Alliance of the Two Hearts that Card. Burke seems to be endorsing when he tries to switch the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – as requested by Our Lady to Sister Lucy – into a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as we saw in my last article?
The titles of these three articles were chosen by TIA’s editor. A few words of transition at the end and beginning of the articles were duly added to the original written text. A.S.G.
Formed in 1990 to foster holiness in the family, clergy and marriage, their new devotion promotes consecration to the two Hearts jointly and a lifestyle termed “the Communion of Reparation.” This includes what the Cardinal requests: the Brown Scapular, daily Rosary, regular Mass attendance, confession, Eucharistic Adoration. Responding to Pope John Paul’s “challenge to make every family Eucharistic-centered and Marian,” the groups also hold a First Friday-First Saturday Communion of Reparation all-night vigil “for sins committed against the sanctity of family life”.

The Two Hearts Alliance preached a different message in Toronto – one echoed by Card. Burke
Further, the Alliance has boldly fabricated the yarn that Our Lady told Sr. Lucia in 1925 that she wishes the Church to establish a Feast of the Alliance of the Two Hearts, and “promised that the family who practices consecration and lives the communion of reparation lifestyle everyday will experience the era of peace.”
Card. Burke also adds to the Third Secret confusion. He agrees with the Party Line that the vision revealed in 2000 is the Third Secret, though he doesn’t commit as to whether it is the full Third Secret. Then, going off script from what was revealed, he incorporates the speculation that it concerns the diabolical attack on the world and the Church, and “is directed, with particular force,” to the pastors of the Church and “their failure to teach the faith in fidelity to the Church’s constant teaching and practice…”
Finally, it is highly disturbing to see that the Cardinal derives a lot of his information from a biography of Sr. Lucia published in English in 2015 by the Blue Army (now called the World Apostolate of Fatima, or WAF).
The WAF/Blue Army has long broadcast the Vatican’s Party Line on Fatima. Now, an International Public Association of Pontifical Right, it claims it is “the only Fatima organization in the world which speaks ‘in the name of the Church’ and ‘with the authority of the Church’ on Fatima.”
Its “charisma” is “the New Evangelization of the world through the authentic Message of Fatima.” Its “responsibility” is to “guard the purity of the message.”
The WAF summarizes the Vatican’s corrupted Message of Fatima (evident in Card. Burke’s talk) as follows:
- “A new effort is needed to save the world and make possible a new era of peace and hope, promised at Fatima. To achieve this, the New Evangelization of the world is the main pastoral objective of the Universal Church for the 21st century and the new millennium.”
- “The Message of Fatima continues to be crucial in the building of a better world, ‘a civilization of love, a new springtime for the Church, a New Marian Pentecost.’”

WAF President Ortiz asks followers to pray for the destruction of Fr. Gruner's work
Two weeks after Fr. Gruner’s death, at its May 13th conference on Fatima, the rejoicing was evident. Opening the event, the Chairman “hoped that with his passing away, the deviation from the authentic message of Fatima that Fr. Gruner represented will not continue, that it will fade away soon.”
The branch’s newsletter, published three weeks later, featured a commentary by Prof. Américo Pablo López-Ortiz, International WAF President. Obliquely questioning Fr. Gruner’s eternal destiny based on whether he had followed the “Commandment of Love,” Américo exhorted his followers to pray that Fr. Gruner’s work would be destroyed:
“Now we must also pray that the deviation from the authentic Message of Fatima [his emphasis] that Fr. Gruner represented when living on this earth, will not continue, that it will fade away soon with the death of its leader. That there will be no continuation or that the continuation will not be successful, as people should know that truth on the Fatima Message in harmony and obedience with the Universal Church. The WAF International should continue hard to spread the authentic Message of Fatima…”
This “deviation” from the Message whose authenticity the Vatican determines according to the times, is what Card. Burke was obviously referring to when he told Joanna Bogle that Fr. Gruner was causing “confusion.”

Burke further confuses the picture by suggesting schismatic Russia is converted
“Perhaps now is the time to invite our Russian Orthodox brothers to join in a consecration in order to please Our Lord who told Sr. Lucia, ‘I want my whole Church [WAF’s emphasis] to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…’”
Hang on – the schismatic Russian Orthodox are now part of the Catholic Church? And the ecumenical – i.e., sacrilegious – act of joining the Orthodox in consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart will represent the triumph of her Heart? The mind reels at the doublethink.
The decline in those Catholics able to recognize error continues. “Fatimists” who blithely think the Cardinal’s speech is a gain for their side have unfortunately been synthesized. It’s not a good place to be.

Posted July 5, 2017