Fatima Issues
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Card. Burke’s Address on Fatima – I
Annual Consecrations to Replace the
True Consecration?
TIA Note: For the convenience of our readers we broke an article by Mrs. Cornelia Ferreira titled “Fatima through the Lens of Vatican II: As Illustrated by Raymond Cardinal Burke” into a series of three smaller articles. Her piece is a lucid analysis of Card. Burke's speech about Fatima on May 19, 2017.
The titles of these three articles were chosen by TIA’s editor. A few words of transition at the end and beginning of the articles were duly added to the original written text. A.S.G.
Here we go again – Fatima suffers another round of distortions and doubletalk, courtesy of Cardinal Raymond Burke’s May 19th speech at the Rome Life Forum. In established modernist style, it is an intriguing blend of truth and novel errors. Rash euphoria greeted reports of his talk, entitled “The Secret of Fatima and a New Evangelization,” but sober analysis of his actual words reveal a disturbing picture.
The titles of these three articles were chosen by TIA’s editor. A few words of transition at the end and beginning of the articles were duly added to the original written text. A.S.G.
First, some background: the talk took place during the Jubilee Year of Fatima (November 27, 2016-November 26, 2017), a year featuring countless projects commemorating the Fatima Centennial. Now, as observed, in the special “Years” celebrated by the Holy See, the object being honored is simultaneously subjected to a revision and an “updating” that weakens traditional beliefs and practices.
For instance, in the Year of the Holy Spirit, my Archdiocese (Toronto) announced it would make the Sacrament of Confirmation more special by doing all Confirmations on the same day. This being physically impossible for the bishops, pastors were assigned to administer Confirmation. This was promoted as “upgrading” the Sacrament. Having been upgraded, it couldn’t be downgraded, and so Confirmation continues to be done by priests.

Card Burke - his actual words on the consecration are quite different from reports
Because St. Paul “spent himself for the unity and harmony of all Christians,” the Year of St. Paul celebrated the great evangelist as an “ecumenist.” The papal basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome was newly designated an “ecumenical basilica,” with one of its chapels dedicated to Protestant services.
One could delve into other Years, but you get the point. Which brings us to the Year of Fatima. Sanctioned by the Holy See and emboldened by the convenient death of that great guardian of the true Message, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, a plethora of anti-“Fatimists” are exploding out of the woodwork with their own twists on Fatima.
The Rome Life Forum itself could now safely mention Fatima without the stigma of being associated with that “disobedient” priest. As for Card. Burke, his position on Fatima, and hence the slant of his talk, can be gauged by the following correspondence he had with British Catholic journalist Joanna Bogle in 2013. Writing in the Catholic Herald in 2016, she recounts:
“Back in 2013, when there was an outbreak of lobbying by the Fatimists, I wrote to Card. Raymond Burke, then head of the Apostolic Signatura, expressing my concern. He wrote back: ‘You are correct that there is much confusion about the message of Our Lady of Fatima, caused especially by Fr. Nicholas Gruner, a priest who is not in good standing in the Church, and that this confusion is harmful to many good people who are being led astray about the important message of Our Lady of Fatima.’”
And so in this Year of Fatima, safe from his challenges, the anti-Fatimists are with impunity undoing Fr. Gruner’s “harm.”
Naturally, Card. Burke’s speech doesn’t once mention or commend Fr. Gruner’s work. Instead, we find large sections devoted to upholding the programs and actions of “Saint John Paul II” and “Blessed Paul VI.” This adherence to arch-heretics reveals the orientation of the speech: Fatima as seen through the lens of Vatican II.
For example, here is his accolade about one of the architects of the Council’s Revolution and a scandalous promoter of inter-faith sacrilege and blasphemy:
“The pontificate of Pope Saint John Paul II, in fact, may be rightly described as a tireless call to recognize the Church’s challenge to be faithful to her divinely given mission.”
It is in this context that we look more deeply into the Cardinal’s sudden call for the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Is it a “vindication” of Fr. Gruner as some claim? Not so fast.

JPII's consecration in 1984 was sufficient, says Burke. But let's repeat it every year anyway...
“Certainly, Pope Saint John Paul II consecrated the world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984. But, today, once again, we hear the call of Our Lady of Fatima [to whom did She speak?] to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, in accord with her explicit instruction.”
This is doublethink – the holding of two opposing ideas at the same time. In communist dialectical terms, it is the synthesis of a thesis (Consecration not done) and antithesis (Consecration done).
Perhaps the reason he feels obliged to repeat the Party Line that the 1984 Consecration was acceptable is because the alternative would constitute the “thought-crime” of holding incomplete “Consecrations,” even by “sainted” Popes, have been acts of disobedience towards Our Lady and the Holy Trinity Itself (present at her 1929 request); (b) the faithful have been systematically deceived about their validity; and (c) Communism is not dead and the errors of Russia underpin the post-conciliar Church.
(Interestingly, John Paul himself acknowledged he didn’t obey Our Lady. Hours after the 1984 Consecration he publicly prayed to her at St. Peter’s for “those peoples for whom You Yourself are awaiting our act of consecration and entrusting” – emphasis added.)
But then in a stunning revelation, while avoiding thought-crime, Card. Burke discloses the real reason he considers himself justified in calling for another Consecration: it’s because Pope John Paul claimed at his 1982 Consecration that Our Lady requires the Consecration (i.e., some version of it) to be done over and over! Referring to the Consecrations done by his predecessors, John Paul said:
“Once more this act is being done. Mary’s appeal is not for just once. Her appeal must be taken up by generation after generation, in accordance with the ever new ‘signs of the times’. It must be unceasingly returned to. It must ever be taken up anew.” [Emphasis added.]
Maybe John Paul’s creative take on Our Lady’s wishes was to excuse the fact that all previous and future incomplete Consecrations could not and would not bring about the promised conversion of Russia and world peace. In any case, various “Consecrations” to suit changing times fits the modernists’ policy of constantly re-interpreting everything, including Fatima.
Joanna Bogle, confidante of Card. Burke, has even “predicted” this:
“Renewing the consecration will probably, over the years, become something that is done with some regularity and with great solemnity” - in fact, “an annual consecration.” Directed toward the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Faith, Fatima has long been a stumbling block for ecumenist bishops and Popes who have “anathematized” proselytizing; further, they attributed the fake “death of Communism” at the Soviet Union’s controlled demolition to the “successful” (though invalid) 1984 Consecration.
Indeed, recent dialectical hogwash has it that (the highly occult and immoral) Russia is converted or converting. So let’s move on to other problems Our Lady needs to solve. Hence Card. Burke implies a new Consecration is now needed to solve the problems in the Catholic Hierarchy! (Yet he doesn’t acknowledge the problems stem from the errors of Russia, which gained strength at the Council, bringing about the persecution of the Church from within.)
This brings us to another major thrust of Card. Burke’s address: Fatima is intertwined with the “new evangelization.” This dialectical claim is a serious affront to Our Lady of Fatima. We will see why in the next installment.

Posted June 26, 2017