Talks with Jan
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Francis’ Consecration: Another Failed Attempt
My friend Jan did not really ask me a question; rather she was seeking confirmation for something she instinctively knew. "The consecration was not made with this recent show by Francis, was it?" she said.
"No, it was not," I could firmly reply. I directed her to a recent article by Atila Guimarães that shows omissions and six points of the progressivist agenda that made their way into the text, already enough to invalidate the act.
"Then why are so many of my conservative and traditional friends falling for it?" This was a real question, and one more difficult to answer. Perhaps because they want so much to believe it with the hope of avoiding the inevitable chastisement, I suggested.
Or perhaps, she responded, simply because so many of the younger generations do not know the Fatima message well and thus fell for the sensational reports that "The Consecration was made!" Those who have followed Fatima and the many attempts by Popes to make it properly know that every condition of the formula Our Lady gave must be met. They were not met precisely by Pius XII, Paul VI or John Paul II. Nor were those conditions met precisely by Francis on March 25, 2022.
On the simple basis of not fulfilling the demands clearly set by Our Lady, the consecration has not been made.
The requirements of Our Lady
Our Lady was quite specific in her wishes for the consecration. In the July 13, 1917 apparition, she told the children that she would come soon to "to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart as well as the Communion of Reparation of the First Saturdays. (1)
"If my wishes are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, bringing new wars and persecution of the Church; the good will be martyred ... and entire nations will be annihilated."
Twelve years later, Our Lady fulfilled this promise. On June 13, 1929, at Tuy Our Lady gave Sister Lucy quite specific instructions about what she wanted:
"The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the Bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. So numerous are the souls that the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I come to ask for reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray."
Let me note carefully: There are two very precise requests made by the Queen of Heaven, one for a consecration and the other for reparation for the many sins committed against her.
One year later, in 1930, in another letter to her Jesuit confessor Fr. José Bernardo Gonçalves, Sister Lucy repeated the request, this time clearly associating the Five First Saturdays devotion of reparation with the consecration of Russia:
"The good Lord promises to end the persecution in Russia if the Holy Father himself will make a solemn Act of Reparation and Consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as well as order all the Bishops of the Catholic world to do the same. The Holy Father must then promise that, upon the ending of this persecution, he will approve and recommend the practice of the
reparatory devotion [of the First Saturdays]." (2)
Here, let me observe, there is the same precise request, but this time with a formula that indissolubly unites the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and an order to make an Act of Reparation along with the Consecration and to approve and promote the reparatory Five First Saturdays.
This is what Our Lady asked of the Pope to achieve the conversion of Russia and the time of peace she promised, which will be the Reign of her Immaculate Heart. If the requests were not heeded, then Russia would spread its errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church, and God would punish the world with a great chastisement. The consecration would be finally made, but it would be late, too late to prevent the punishment.
Seven previous consecration attempts of Popes
"As you can see," I told Jan, "everything depends on the Popes. Sadly, none have complied fully with these simple requests."
Three Popes before Francis have made seven consecrations, all pretending to fulfill the command of Our Lady to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. None have met all the requirements that Heaven set forth so precisely:
Pope Pius XII:
Attempt 1 and 2: On October 13, 1942, at the end of a long radio-message addressed to the Portuguese people, the Pope, acting alone, consecrated the Holy Church and the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
On December 8, 1942, he renewed that consecration.
What is missing: NOT a solemn and public act; NO mention of Russia; NOT said in union with the Bishops of the world; NO Act of Reparation or mention of the Five First Saturdays.
Attempt 3: On July 7, 1952, in the Apostolic Letter Carrissimis Russiae Populis, Pius XII consecrated all the people of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (3)
What is missing: NOT a solemn and public act; NOT said in union with all the Bishops of the world, NO Act of Reparation, NO mention of the First Saturday devotion.
Commenting on this third consecration, Sister Lucia sadly stated that until that date these formulas did not meet the conditions set by Our Lady. The requested consecration was not made.
Pope Paul VI:
Attempt 4: on November 21, 1964, at the end of the third session of Vatican II in the presence of the assembled Bishops of the world present at the Council, Paul VI "entrusted and consecrated" the "entire human family" to "our Heavenly Mother." (4)
What is missing: NO order to all the Bishops of the world to participate in the act; NO specific mention of Russia; NO mention of the Immaculate Heart; NO Act of Reparation or mention of the First Saturdays.
This feeble attempt met almost none of the conditions set out by Our Lady.
John Paul II:
Attempt 5: On May 13, 1982, after a concelebrated Mass in Fatima, John Paul II intended to unite himself with the Bishops of the world, to "entrust and consecrate" the modern world to Mary, especially those nations and individuals which particularly need to be entrusted and consecrated." (5)
What is missing: NO order to the Bishops to participate in the act; NO mention of Russia, NO mention of the Immaculate Heart; NO Act of Reparation or mention of the First Saturdays.
Attempt 6: On October 16, 1983, at the end of the Synod of Bishops, he renewed the same Consecration of the Modern World to Our Lady of Fatima.
Attempt 7: On March 25, 1984, in spiritual union with all the Bishops of the world, JPII consecrated "all individuals and peoples of the world" to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
What is missing: Everything in Attempt 5 except this time he mentioned the Immaculate Heart.
Francis, not a Fatima Pope
And so we come to Francis who unexpectedly dropped another of his bombs on the Catholic world: He would make a consecration of Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He then invited Bishops, priests and the faithful to make the consecration with him on the set date of March 25, the Annunciation.
What a ruckus this raised as everyone raced to equate his act with the fulfillment of the requests made by Our Lady at Fatima.
In fact, no mention of Fatima was made in the announcements or in the consecration by Francis, the Pope who rarely speaks of praying the Rosary daily as Our Lady of Fatima instructed, who never speaks of the First Saturday devotion, who denied the Fatima message when he visited Fatima on May 12, 2017 and who denied the chastisement on his 2017 centennial visit. Did this anti-Fatima Pope make the consecration as Our Lady directed? He did not.
His formula reads: “Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine."
What is missing? NOT the consecration of Russia alone but the inclusion of Ukraine, the Church and all humanity; NOT made with all the Bishops of the world, but with some who chose to unite with him (7); NO Act of Reparation or mention of the First Saturdays.
If the other consecrations did not fulfill the requirements, how could this one do so? How were so many people fooled? I believe the cause could be a mixture of fear of a nuclear hecatomb, wishful thinking and a huge dose of naïveté.

"Then why are so many of my conservative and traditional friends falling for it?" This was a real question, and one more difficult to answer. Perhaps because they want so much to believe it with the hope of avoiding the inevitable chastisement, I suggested.
Or perhaps, she responded, simply because so many of the younger generations do not know the Fatima message well and thus fell for the sensational reports that "The Consecration was made!" Those who have followed Fatima and the many attempts by Popes to make it properly know that every condition of the formula Our Lady gave must be met. They were not met precisely by Pius XII, Paul VI or John Paul II. Nor were those conditions met precisely by Francis on March 25, 2022.
On the simple basis of not fulfilling the demands clearly set by Our Lady, the consecration has not been made.
The requirements of Our Lady
Our Lady was quite specific in her wishes for the consecration. In the July 13, 1917 apparition, she told the children that she would come soon to "to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart as well as the Communion of Reparation of the First Saturdays. (1)
"If my wishes are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, bringing new wars and persecution of the Church; the good will be martyred ... and entire nations will be annihilated."

1928: ‘The moment has come that God asks the Holy Father to make the consecration...’
"The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the Bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. So numerous are the souls that the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I come to ask for reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray."
Let me note carefully: There are two very precise requests made by the Queen of Heaven, one for a consecration and the other for reparation for the many sins committed against her.
One year later, in 1930, in another letter to her Jesuit confessor Fr. José Bernardo Gonçalves, Sister Lucy repeated the request, this time clearly associating the Five First Saturdays devotion of reparation with the consecration of Russia:

The First Saturday reparatory devotion has been ignored by all the Popes
Here, let me observe, there is the same precise request, but this time with a formula that indissolubly unites the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and an order to make an Act of Reparation along with the Consecration and to approve and promote the reparatory Five First Saturdays.
This is what Our Lady asked of the Pope to achieve the conversion of Russia and the time of peace she promised, which will be the Reign of her Immaculate Heart. If the requests were not heeded, then Russia would spread its errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church, and God would punish the world with a great chastisement. The consecration would be finally made, but it would be late, too late to prevent the punishment.
Seven previous consecration attempts of Popes
"As you can see," I told Jan, "everything depends on the Popes. Sadly, none have complied fully with these simple requests."
Three Popes before Francis have made seven consecrations, all pretending to fulfill the command of Our Lady to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. None have met all the requirements that Heaven set forth so precisely:
- The Pope must make a solemn act of consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary;
- In union with all the Bishops of the world;
- He must make an Act of Reparation, and
- Approve and promote the Five First Saturdays.
Pope Pius XII:
Attempt 1 and 2: On October 13, 1942, at the end of a long radio-message addressed to the Portuguese people, the Pope, acting alone, consecrated the Holy Church and the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Pius XII: Three attempts.
None met the requests of Our Lady
What is missing: NOT a solemn and public act; NO mention of Russia; NOT said in union with the Bishops of the world; NO Act of Reparation or mention of the Five First Saturdays.
Attempt 3: On July 7, 1952, in the Apostolic Letter Carrissimis Russiae Populis, Pius XII consecrated all the people of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (3)
What is missing: NOT a solemn and public act; NOT said in union with all the Bishops of the world, NO Act of Reparation, NO mention of the First Saturday devotion.
Commenting on this third consecration, Sister Lucia sadly stated that until that date these formulas did not meet the conditions set by Our Lady. The requested consecration was not made.
Pope Paul VI:
Attempt 4: on November 21, 1964, at the end of the third session of Vatican II in the presence of the assembled Bishops of the world present at the Council, Paul VI "entrusted and consecrated" the "entire human family" to "our Heavenly Mother." (4)
What is missing: NO order to all the Bishops of the world to participate in the act; NO specific mention of Russia; NO mention of the Immaculate Heart; NO Act of Reparation or mention of the First Saturdays.
This feeble attempt met almost none of the conditions set out by Our Lady.
John Paul II:

The theatrical JPII made 3 attempts, all lacking important points Our Lady requested
What is missing: NO order to the Bishops to participate in the act; NO mention of Russia, NO mention of the Immaculate Heart; NO Act of Reparation or mention of the First Saturdays.
Attempt 6: On October 16, 1983, at the end of the Synod of Bishops, he renewed the same Consecration of the Modern World to Our Lady of Fatima.
Attempt 7: On March 25, 1984, in spiritual union with all the Bishops of the world, JPII consecrated "all individuals and peoples of the world" to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
What is missing: Everything in Attempt 5 except this time he mentioned the Immaculate Heart.
Francis, not a Fatima Pope
And so we come to Francis who unexpectedly dropped another of his bombs on the Catholic world: He would make a consecration of Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He then invited Bishops, priests and the faithful to make the consecration with him on the set date of March 25, the Annunciation.

Francis pretended to make the consecration
without even mentioning Fatima...
In fact, no mention of Fatima was made in the announcements or in the consecration by Francis, the Pope who rarely speaks of praying the Rosary daily as Our Lady of Fatima instructed, who never speaks of the First Saturday devotion, who denied the Fatima message when he visited Fatima on May 12, 2017 and who denied the chastisement on his 2017 centennial visit. Did this anti-Fatima Pope make the consecration as Our Lady directed? He did not.
His formula reads: “Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine."
What is missing? NOT the consecration of Russia alone but the inclusion of Ukraine, the Church and all humanity; NOT made with all the Bishops of the world, but with some who chose to unite with him (7); NO Act of Reparation or mention of the First Saturdays.
If the other consecrations did not fulfill the requirements, how could this one do so? How were so many people fooled? I believe the cause could be a mixture of fear of a nuclear hecatomb, wishful thinking and a huge dose of naïveté.

Still waiting for the consecration to be made
- The First Saturdays' devotion consists in this: During the first Saturdays of five months in a row, to receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary, and keep Our Lady company for 15 minutes meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary. A confession is also required but it could be made on that Saturday, or 8 days before or after.
- The quotes used in this article are taken from The Whole Truth about Fatima: The Secret and the Church, Volume II, by Br. Michel de la Sainte Trinité, Immaculate Heart Pub., 1989, Chapters 6.
- "In order that Our and your prayers be more readily answered, and to give you an especial attestation of Our particular affection, therefore, just as not many years ago We consecrated the entire world to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mother of God, in a most special way, so now We dedicate and consecrate all the peoples of Russia to that same Immaculate Heart, in confident assurance that through the most powerful protection of the Virgin Mary there may, at the earliest moment, be happily realized the hopes and desires which We, together with you and with all those of upright intention, have for the attainment of true peace, of fraternal concord, and of rightful liberty for all." The texts of the cited consecrations can be found here.
- "Our Predecessor Pius XII of venerated memory, not without inspiration from on high, solemnly consecrated the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We hold it fitting to remember this act of consecration today in particular. We intend to entrust to our heavenly Mother the entire human family, with its problems, its anxieties, its legitimate aspirations and ardent hopes."
- "I am here, united with all the Pastors of the Church in that particular bond whereby we constitute a body and a college, just as Christ desired the Apostles to be in union with Peter. ... Embrace, with the love of the Mother and Handmaid, this human world of ours, which we entrust and consecrate to you, for we are full of disquiet for the earthly and eternal destiny of individuals and peoples. In a special way we entrust and consecrate to you those individuals and nations which particularly need to be entrusted and consecrated."
- "In remembrance of the Fiat uttered by her at the moment of the Annunciation, I will today entrust to her Immaculate Heart - in spiritual union with all the bishops of the world - all individuals and peoples, repeating in substance the act that I made at Fátima on May 13, 1982."
- The Catholic Church has 5,600 living Bishops. There is no precise data on how many actually united with Francis. I believe that the actual number was hardly half of the total.
Posted April 7, 2022
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