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A Pagan God Enters a Marian Sanctuary
in Ceuta

The 15th century gothic carving of the Sorrowful Virgin with her Son in her lap in Ceuta's Sanctuary
A recent example of this tactic employed to further progressivist aims took place in the magnificent Sanctuary of Our Lady of Africa in Ceuta, a Spanish city on the north coast of Africa.
For the eighth year in a row, the Hindus of Ceuta ended their raucous 3-day street celebration of the pagan god Ganesh by carrying the statue from the Hindu temple to the Catholic Sanctuary dedicated to Sancta Maria of Africa, Patroness of the city. They leave a floral offering on the altar as part of an inter-religious ceremony.
This year this outrage was filmed and posted on the Internet, making the rest of the world familiar with the blasphemous action and causing backlash for the Diocese. Sad to say, up to now there had been no protests from the Bishop or the faithful of Ceuta, who have unabashedly welcomed this devil into their Sanctuary as part of Vatican II ecumenism.
A photo history of the blasphemy
The Hindus communities from the Spanish regions of Ceuta and Milila, which border Morocco, exited the temple with a bier bearing Ganesh on August 27, 2017. It was the last day of the three day Ganesh Chaturthi festival that pays worship to that elephant-headed deity, one of the many gods in the Hindu pantheon.
Carrying the deity out of the pagan temple for the last day of the festivities
Hindu women dancing in the street for the Ganesh festivities
Entering the Church of Santa Maria in the main plaza of Ceuta
The Vicar General waiting near the altar as the statue enters; below, the pagan deity enters the Church to face the altar with the statue of Our Lady and Our Lord above it
A Catholic choir serenades the demon-god with a popular song to Sancta Maria
Fr. Mateo Castro gives the Hindu representative a warm embrace of welcome
Fr. Mateo poses with Hindu reprentatives with the flower offering to Our Lady
A rousing farewell to the Hindu deity
The pagan statue stops in the street before a statue of Christ crucified
A Hindu woman 'takes a blessing' from Christ to transmit to the demon Ganesh, and then sends 'a prayer blessing' from Ganesh to Christ
As this year's blasphemous entrance of Ganesh into a Catholic Church became public criticism poured in from around the world. Even though the same ceremony has been performed for eight years, Bishop Rafael Zornoza Boy decided this year to issue a meek apology to the Catholic faithful, calling the event "regrettable" for possibly causing "pain, confusion or scandal in the Christian community."
Fr. Mateo duly tendered his resignation as Vicar General; he apparently received no punishment for his actions except for an "admonishment" for his "mistake to allow the entrance of these images." However, the Bishop went on to assure us, "he didn’t intend, at any moment, to venerate anything outside of our only and true God, for his intention was only to welcome the sign of respect that the Hindu community wanted to offer towards the Christian community and the Patroness of Ceuta."
In the note issued of the Diocese, it was stated that there was never a plan for making a joint inter-religious event and the only planned action was to leave a floral offering outside the Church of Santa Maria. I am not sure what is more scandalous: this supposed surprise of the Bishop that the statue was "spontaneously" invited to enter the Church - even though the same blasphemy has been openly perpetrated for years, or his added sincere apology to the Hindus that he meant no rebuke to their beliefs by his statement.
So then, what was the point of his statement? It was not really an apology, but an appeasement meant to placate everyone: the offended Catholics and the Hindu offenders. Certainly, there was no condemnation of paganism, no sorrow expressed for the profanation of the Church, no attempt to clarify Catholic teaching that there can be no mixing of Catholicism and paganism. And, I feel certain, even this meek apology would not have been made if the video had not raised the ire of those Catholics who still have a remnant of the sensus fidei.
Reactions of the people
We can see the 'two steps forward, one step back' tactic applied in this case. The scandalous and heretical ceremony takes place for eight years without any objection from Church officials (two steps forward). The Bishop is pressured by the people to react and issues a laconic apology (one step backward), accompanied by words of reassurance that the reprimand should not be interpreted as any remonstrance toward the Hindu people or their so-called "religion."
And how do the faithful react? Instead of supporting the Bishop for his admonishment of Fr. Mateos, he was harshly criticized by the Catholics in Ceuta. There was a general outpouring of support for the Vicar General.

People on the street react indignantly against the Bishop and support the inter-faith act of the priest
A young woman with red hair immodestly dressed in black said, "We are living in a multicultural society and the Hindus had the good intention to make an offering. So what the bishop did is fatal to the culture of our city." The only thing that matters now is good intentions, not doctrine or an offense to Our Lord and Our Lady.
An old man in his 60s or 70s, who should know better but is indifferent to the truth after 50 years of Vatican II ecumenism, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Nothing's wrong with what he (the priest) did. The Church has to be open to everyone." His wife, more energetic, interrupted to say emphatically, "We've been talking for years about ecumenism. That means we have to receive every religion in our religion. We have to be tolerant in this 21st century and respect all religions."
We can see how Progressivism has moved forward with a new doctrine to replace "extra Ecclesiam nulla salus" [outside the Church there is no salvation]. The general populace, even those who are old enough to have been taught differently, complaisantly accept that all religions are good and admit salvation is possible in all of them. They are prepared to pay respect to pagan gods alongside the one true God. There is no need to insist on conversion…
As for the Hindus, a representative of the Ceuta community was bold enough to announce they are holding a meeting to discuss the incident and plan their next step of support for the priest's actions. I will not be surprised to see Fr. Mateo reinstated as Vicar General or, more probably, moved up the ladder in his priestly career, perhaps to head a prestigious new Committee of Ecumenical Initiatives.
Photo credits: Screen captions/YouTube FatoTV Ceuta.