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The Judgment of Nations - XIII

Bl. Palau: The Infiltration of the Church
& Coming of the Restorer

Margaret C. Galitzin
Blessed Palau predicted the infiltration of the Revolution into the very bosom of the Catholic Church and its defeat after a great Chastisement. Also, in the silence of his cave on the small barren island of Vedrá, the Angel of the Apocalypse visited the hermit and showed him a providential man that Bl. Palau called the Restorer – a new “Moses of the law of Grace” – who will direct the future Restoration and establish the Reign of Mary.

Infiltration of the Church

In the year 1864 an Angel appeared before him in his cave in Védra and told him he was the Angel who guarded the city of Rome and its pontificate. He told Bl. Palau:

Angel of Rome

The Angel of Rome: ‘I will abandon Rome, which will be severely punished’

“I will abandon Rome. I will raze the pontifical throne and the city will be delivered to the power of demons. It will no longer be the center of the religion of Jesus Christ. It will debase its priests and religious and once again will become the enemy of Christ and His Church. The throne of the Supreme Pontiff will not return to her because it will be transported to another place. …

“Rome will be severely punished, and that day is near, a day of mourning and grief, a day of blood and fire.”

Then the Angel invited him to climb a mountain where Palau would see the abomination of desolation introduced into the holy place, as predicted by the prophet Daniel.

Filled with terror and fear, Palau climbed the mountain and the Angel told him: “Look and observe well what is in the sanctuary. Observe, be silent keep secret: The mystery of iniquity is already effected and I am going to chastise the guilty, and the blood of the just will placate the ire of God.” (1)

Four years later in his newsletter El Ermitaño, Bl. Palau alerted Catholics: “Satan has dared to enter even into the Holy of Holies, commanding all the kings and political powers on earth in the battle against Christ." (2)


Palau: ‘You will see the Devil introduced into the Sacred Place;’ below, the goddess Pachamana is honored by Francis before the Altar of the Confession at St. Peter's Basilica

pachamama vatican
In another place, the hermit foresaw more that Catholics would witness: “You will see the Devil inside the sanctuary itself, defying the omnipotence of God with blasphemies made before its altars. You will see in the Catholic cult the abominations foretold by the prophet Daniel.

You will see anti-Christianity installed in power. You will see the Devil introduced into the sacred place: there he corrupts, perverts and destroys.” (3)

““Satan entered the sanctuary and filled it with abominations, supported by those who call themselves Catholic, and from inside the sanctuary itself they are making war against us, an atrocious war, the most dangerous the Church has ever had to face. For, this time, the enemy combats us from inside the fortress. Using the vestments and the name Catholic, the enemy presents itself with this façade in certain religious acts in order to fascinate the crowds and create confusion even to the heavens.” (4)

The Revolution would do everything in its power to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but it would fail: “It will disappear from public view, but it will go on in the catacombs, deserts and hidden places.” (5)

About Freemasonry he said: “The Devil-king is at the head of Freemasonry with the Grand Orient just as Christ is in the forefront of the whole Church. Pius IX is the visible head of the Church and Christ is the invisible head. The Grand Orient is the visible head of the empire of evil and the Devil-king is its head. There is not a sovereign on earth who has not been initiated in the secrets of Freemasonry.” (6)

The coming Chastisement

Palou prophet

The prophet foresaw a universal catastrophe in the social sphere to precede the chastisement

“I see,” Blessed Palau wrote in 1869, “the wrath of God hanging over our heads because of the crimes of men. The devils will not capitulate, for they are the rod with which God strikes the criminal nations and peoples. It almost seems as if God protects the devils and the Revolution they command, like a judge protects the instruments of his justice.” (7)

In the temporal sphere, he affirmed, a universal social catastrophe – the worst the world had ever seen – would precede the great Chastisement. The chaos would be so great that man would no longer be able to put things in order.

Palau, who was acquainted with the prophecies Bl. Ana Maria Taigi (1769-1837), also spoke of the three Days of Darkness. He was also shown “a darkness so dense that one can touch it which will cover the face of the earth.”

“They will be days of wrath and malediction,” he warned, “a time when death, with the Exterminator Angel and Hell in its wake, will visit the homes of the impious and unbelieving just as it visited Egypt when it killed its firstborn sons in one night.” (8)

Many will die of fright, as nature shakes and “casts out of its bosom those revolutionary angels and men of iniquity who upset its laws.” (9) It is only the candles of the just ones, he continues, that will burn. Those men should close their doors and windows and, recollected with their families in their oratories, pray and do penance before the Judge who chastises the evildoers who will perish in their impiety.

Just as in the past Moses stretched out hand toward Heaven and utter darkness fell over the land of Egypt for three days, so will the Restorer in the days to come call down from Heaven the three days of darkness. In the time of Moses, only where the sons of Israel dwelt did the light shine; in the coming Chastisement only in the homes of the faithful will a light burn.

The Restorer, an apostolic voice, is necessary for this mission, Palau declared: “So the impious cannot attribute these calamities to nature alone and so that people will believe in the omnipotence of the God of Catholics and the truth of the power of the Catholic Church.” (10)

Two hypothesis on the Elias to come

AAs they were coming down from the Mount Tabor, the Apostles asked their Master about the mission of Elias, and Jesus answered: “Elias must come and restore all things.” (Mt 17:11) In his cave on Vedra island, the Carmelite Francisco Palau was shown an Eliatic figure – an Elias in person or in spirit – who will come to end the Revolution and install the Reign of Mary. He will be the Restorer, the Moses of the Law of Grace, that is, the Moses of the New Testament.


Would Elias come in person or in spirit?

At times Bl. Palau posited whether Elias himself would come to destroy the Resolution and “restore all things” for the time of peace to follow: “Will it be the Thesbite himself or will it be his spirit and mission in a new Moses? We dare not conjecture.” (11)

At other times, he proposed that this Moses of the Law of Grace could be a prefigure of Elias, a man connected in some way with the Carmelite Order with a special mission from God, a mission to destroy the Revolution and form a apostolate to fight and preach in the Latter Days:

“This apostle when he appears will be Elias, the promised Elias, whatever his name – John, Moses, Peter – it matters little. For the mission of this Elias will be to restore human society, for God has ordained it in His Providence.” (12)

He foretold the Restorer would not be a King but an Apostle and Prophet who will reestablish the spiritual and temporal spheres on their true foundation: “Elias will restore ecclesiastical things to their proper order with a strong hand.” He “will cleanse the Temple of God of the abominations with which bad Catholics defile it.” (13)

He would also organize “all the Catholics who are still faithful to God.” These chosen faithful souls will gain “new life, virtue and strength” following his example. (13)

The elect will follow this Restorer, while the rest of the Catholics will aposticize, separating from each other. He will be unknown, persecuted, despised by Catholics whose names are not written in the book of life (14).

When would this happen? Bl. Palau could not say, but he believed it would be when the faithful remnant was disheartened by the powers of Satan that would seem to have triumphed.

Bl. Palau left this world without seeing that day. Nevertheless the closing words of his last published article repeat the act of faith he had renewed countless times: “God has given us His word, and His word tells us that he [Elias] will come and restituet omnia [restore all things].” (15)

With the keen eyes of a hawk
he saw the future

  1. Letter, August 1, 1866 to Padre Pascoal de Jesus Maria, see Fr. Tiago of St. Joseph, The Prophecies of Blessed Francisco Palau about the End of Time
  2. ““Roma vista desde la cima del monte,” El Ermitano, no. 58, 9-12-1869, in ibid (here )
  3. “El suicidio,” El Ermintaño, No 87, 7-7-1870, in ibid.
  4. “Campamento de epidemia em Vallcarca,” El Ermitano, no. 99, 9-29-1870), in ibid.
  5. “Incendio de barracas en Barcelona,” El Ermitaño, no. 170, 2/8/1872, in in Luis Dufaur, Blessed Francisco Palau y Quer, O.C.D.: A Prophet from Yesterday, For Today, For Tomorrow, For the End Times.
  6. Milagros del espiritismo, El Ermitaño, no. 138, 6-29-1871), in ibid.
  7. “Importancia del ministerio del exorcistado, El dogma católico,” El Ermitaño, no. 24, 4/15/1869, in ibid.
  8. “Tres días de tinieblas sobre el orbe entero,” El Ermitaño, no. 119, 2/16/1871, in ibid.
  9. Ibid.
  10. “La cruz,” El Ermitaño, no. 159, 11/23/1871, in ibid.
  11. “La Restauración,” El Ermitaño, no. 154, 10/19/1871, in ibid.
  12. “Anarquía social,” El Ermitaño, no. 113, 1/5/1871, in ibid.
  13. “La guerra imperio universal,” El Ermitaño, no. 102, 10/20/1870, in ibid.
  14. El Ermitano, no. 113, Janaury 5, 1871
  15. “Cálculos del Ermitaño,” El Ermitaño, no. 163, 12/21/1871, in ibid.

Posted February 21, 2025

Blason de Charlemagne
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