Theology of History
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The Judgment of Nations - XII
Bl. Francisco Palau: ‘The Empire of Evil Is in Motion & Is Unstoppable’
In this series on the Judgment of Nations, I am dedicating more attention to the prophecies of Blessed Francisco Palau y Quer for three reasons:
We left our Carmelite in Madrid under the protection of the formerly liberal Queen Isabella II, who gave him license to preach against the Revolution throughout Spain. Clearly, the revolutionaries would not long endure his great success in raising the people up against the Liberal government with his fiery sermons that defended the Catholic Church, the Monarchy and the old order of society.
In September 29, 1868, directed by Masonic forces the so-called ‘Glorious Revolution” exploded in Spain. Queen Isabel II was overthrown and exiled and a Republic was imposed by the revolutionaries, all events foreseen and predicted by Fr. Palau. Churches and convents were ransacked and torched. Revolutionary committees ruthlessly repressed any opposition. (3)
In exile in France, the Queen formally abdicated in 1870, paving the way for her son to become King as Alfonso XII in 1874 when the Spanish Monarchy would be restored.
In this climate of fear and oppression Fr. Palau conceived a bold idea. In the heart of that anti-Catholic storm which had fallen on Spain, the first issue of The Hermit (El Ermitaño) appeared on November 5, 1868, a weekly newsletter that analyzed religious, political and literary subjects, combating the Liberalism of his time.
Named after its anonymous signer, The Hermit was literary in its style, political in its immediate focus, and religious in its analysis of the moral dimensions of politics. In its pages, he revealed the facts behind the confused media stories and the Masonic political intrigues that disguised the radical goals of Revolution. Many of his prophecies were also published on its pages. The Hermit only ended with Palau's death on March 20, 1872.
The newsletter was highly polemic and was extremely popular among the people. Boldly The Hermit demanded from the revolutionaries and Carlists one fundamental thing: consistency in their principles.
The revolutionaries shouted "Liberty!" Palau responded: "And why do you not give liberty to the Church?” "Equality!" the communists demanded. "And why not grant the banned religious orders the freedom to exist like any other group?" he retorted.
As for the Carlists who had “God, Country, King and Religion” emblazoned on their banners, Palau pointed out that their leaders should keep the Commandments and insist on the practice of the Faith and good morals among their troops. He challenged them to know and oppose the real masterminds of the Revolution they were fighting, the forces of Hell and the Secret Forces controlled by the Freemasons and enemies of the Church. (4)
The train to Hell
Bl. Palau applied the knowledge he acquired through study and prayer in his isolated cave to the analysis of the pressing topics of the day. In particular, he was gifted to understand the process of the Revolution, how it had emerged as well as where it was heading.
He recognized that already in the late Middle Ages, a decadence had entered the Church and society to destroy the supremacy of the Catholic Religion. The Protestant Revolution ignited the process of destruction, followed by the French Revolution, which was fueled by the Industrial Revolution that had provoked the class conflicts and lured the multitudes of land workers to the cities where they grew restless and open to the anti-clerical agitators.
“Today's society,” he wrote, “led en masse by the powers of darkness and the political powers, has boarded a train. The engineers of this train are taking it to Hell. The station of departure is called Revolution, and the next stop is Social Catastrophe!”
The unthinking passengers on this train, the naive supporters of the revolutionary “progress,” were ignoring Bl. Palau’s frantic shouts, “Stop! Go back!” This voice of Catholicism, he warned, was drowned out by the noise of the train.
Then he paints a tragic scenario: A storm had washed away a bridge that the train would cross. Its passengers, oblivious to any danger, did not realize the bridge was gone because it was night. So the train fell into the abyss, and the waters below swallowed up the passengers.
“Their lack of belief in the danger did not save them, but rather destroyed them,” he wrote. “The engineers and conductors of the train of today's society are madmen, inebriated by their pride. Can you not see they have it wrong? Get off the train, then, if you can, and cast yourself into the arms of Holy Mother Church if you want to be saved.” (5)
Bl. Palau realized that the railroad tracks and electric cables, which were linking peoples together in a new way, were being utilized by the Revolution with the aim of establishing a one world order. The new means of communication, also fueled by the new technology, had already resulted in a massive confusion of ideas, which gave rise to revolutions everywhere that installed republics on the ruins of the monarchies they had toppled.

Palau was so bold as to conclude in one newsletter that he could safely affirm: “Human society reached its darkest hour on the day the steam engine and electricity were invented.” (6)
Palau insisted that the Revolution, fueled by modern "progress" and mass communication, was instigated by Satan whose aim was to establish a false world order, which he termed a “universal republic” that would ultimately worship him as the Revolution’s supreme representative.
At the same time, he emphasized the dictatorial aspect this new order would assume, ushering in a universal religion and persecuting any who refused to enter: “Officially, there will be no religion but that of the State. There will be one god and one religion.” (7)
Again he returned to metaphor of the train: “United by steam and electricity, riding in the same car, are the Christian, the Moslem, the Jew, the Protestant, the schismatic, the missionary, the nun, the friar, the prostitute.”
Would this unity bring peace? Far from it. It would only further turn father against son, neighbor against neighbor, town against town, and nation against nation: “It will put an end to any semblance of social order in the world.” (8)
The installation of this universal seducer would come as a surprise to superficial spirits, who would be unprepared for how suddenly it would appear. “The Antichrist will catch us by surprise,” he said. (9)
Who is this 'universal seducer?'
Palau explains: “The Antichrist is the triumph of the Devil and sin in the battle against Christ and His Church in the realm of politics and sheer force. It is the Devil incarnate and made visible through the communication of his power to men.” (10)
He believed that already in his time man could already see the body of the Antichrist, but not yet its head: “We also see that his empire is already formed.”
“The empire of evil is in motion.” Palau wrote in 1870. “The more it is weighed down by crime, the faster it goes. At this point, it is unstoppable.” (11)
Almost 50 years before Fatima he warned that if mankind did not convert and do penance, it would suffer the punishment prefigured by the train that fell into the abyss.
He did not know when this chastisement would come, but he foresaw that it would be great, more terrible than the Deluge. As mankind would draw near this catastrophe, there would be horrible convulsions in the earth and skies. But then it would be too late to put on the brakes and stop the train.
The arrogant engineers of that train would respond: “You are damned. You are coming with us to Hell! The voracious fire of your concupiscence produces the steam of your impious, obscene, impure and blasphemous doctrines. This filthy steam, which you yourselves breathe, powers this train. You must fall down into the abyss with us, you cursed race!” (12)
In the distance an era of peace
Palau could see further: to the defeat of the Revolution and a time in the future when the false earthly empire of the Antichrist would be annihilated and replaced by the Reign of Christ and His Church.
Looking into the distance with his keen gaze, he foretold: “One God, one King, one Religion, this is the motto that will be emblazoned on imperial standards one day around the world and thereafter give it peace and prosperity.”
He was speaking of that time of peace promised by Our Lady to man after a great chastisement and victory of her Immaculate Heart, a peace also prophesied in Scriptures.
And when will this day come? Palau replies: “This day will come after the universal collapse of society, which we feel is close indeed.” (13)
In the next article, we will look at the Great Chastisement he predicted that will end the Revolution and the role of the Restorer he foretold would come to restore all things in Christ.
- First, because they are so current and important but are lesser known than others, such as those of Anna Maria Taigi,
Bartholomew Holzhauser, etc.
- Second, because he specifically uses the term ‘the Revolution’ as encompassing all the revolutions since the first revolt of the Angels. He lists the three major attacks against the Church and Civilization – Islam, the Eastern Schism, Protestantism and the French Revolution (1) – and later predicts Communism will be the next to pummel the whole world.
Further he names Satan as the head of this massive work of destruction: “Satan is the father of the Revolution. This is his work, which started in Heaven and goes perpetuating itself among men from generation to generation. Now, for the first time after 6,000 years of Creation, he dares to proclaim before Heaven and earth its true Satanic name: Revolution!” (2) - Third, because the prophecies of Bl. Palau precisely fit the theme of this series, that there are two distinct historical periods or ages: the Latter Times and the End Times.
The Latter Times marks the end of the Revolution, which Blessed Palau foretells will close with a Great Chastisement from God that will include three days of darkness during which all the evil people will die.
After this, the last age begins, the era of peace prescribed by Scriptures, or the Reign of Mary. Only at the end of this last era will come a final apostasy and the end of the world, the day when “the sky will be rolled up like a scroll” (Apoc 6:14). This will be the End Times.

In Hell Satan plots the Revolution against Christ, the Church & Christendom
We left our Carmelite in Madrid under the protection of the formerly liberal Queen Isabella II, who gave him license to preach against the Revolution throughout Spain. Clearly, the revolutionaries would not long endure his great success in raising the people up against the Liberal government with his fiery sermons that defended the Catholic Church, the Monarchy and the old order of society.

For years Bl. Palau was hermit on the Vedra island
In this climate of fear and oppression Fr. Palau conceived a bold idea. In the heart of that anti-Catholic storm which had fallen on Spain, the first issue of The Hermit (El Ermitaño) appeared on November 5, 1868, a weekly newsletter that analyzed religious, political and literary subjects, combating the Liberalism of his time.

The Hermit, the weekly by Fr. Palau
The newsletter was highly polemic and was extremely popular among the people. Boldly The Hermit demanded from the revolutionaries and Carlists one fundamental thing: consistency in their principles.
The revolutionaries shouted "Liberty!" Palau responded: "And why do you not give liberty to the Church?” "Equality!" the communists demanded. "And why not grant the banned religious orders the freedom to exist like any other group?" he retorted.
As for the Carlists who had “God, Country, King and Religion” emblazoned on their banners, Palau pointed out that their leaders should keep the Commandments and insist on the practice of the Faith and good morals among their troops. He challenged them to know and oppose the real masterminds of the Revolution they were fighting, the forces of Hell and the Secret Forces controlled by the Freemasons and enemies of the Church. (4)
The train to Hell
Bl. Palau applied the knowledge he acquired through study and prayer in his isolated cave to the analysis of the pressing topics of the day. In particular, he was gifted to understand the process of the Revolution, how it had emerged as well as where it was heading.
He recognized that already in the late Middle Ages, a decadence had entered the Church and society to destroy the supremacy of the Catholic Religion. The Protestant Revolution ignited the process of destruction, followed by the French Revolution, which was fueled by the Industrial Revolution that had provoked the class conflicts and lured the multitudes of land workers to the cities where they grew restless and open to the anti-clerical agitators.

The train of the Revolution leads people to the abyss
The unthinking passengers on this train, the naive supporters of the revolutionary “progress,” were ignoring Bl. Palau’s frantic shouts, “Stop! Go back!” This voice of Catholicism, he warned, was drowned out by the noise of the train.
Then he paints a tragic scenario: A storm had washed away a bridge that the train would cross. Its passengers, oblivious to any danger, did not realize the bridge was gone because it was night. So the train fell into the abyss, and the waters below swallowed up the passengers.
“Their lack of belief in the danger did not save them, but rather destroyed them,” he wrote. “The engineers and conductors of the train of today's society are madmen, inebriated by their pride. Can you not see they have it wrong? Get off the train, then, if you can, and cast yourself into the arms of Holy Mother Church if you want to be saved.” (5)
Bl. Palau realized that the railroad tracks and electric cables, which were linking peoples together in a new way, were being utilized by the Revolution with the aim of establishing a one world order. The new means of communication, also fueled by the new technology, had already resulted in a massive confusion of ideas, which gave rise to revolutions everywhere that installed republics on the ruins of the monarchies they had toppled.

He predicted a universal religion; above JPII at Assisi trying to unite all the religions; below, at the U.N. sanctioning the Universal Republic

Palau insisted that the Revolution, fueled by modern "progress" and mass communication, was instigated by Satan whose aim was to establish a false world order, which he termed a “universal republic” that would ultimately worship him as the Revolution’s supreme representative.
At the same time, he emphasized the dictatorial aspect this new order would assume, ushering in a universal religion and persecuting any who refused to enter: “Officially, there will be no religion but that of the State. There will be one god and one religion.” (7)
Again he returned to metaphor of the train: “United by steam and electricity, riding in the same car, are the Christian, the Moslem, the Jew, the Protestant, the schismatic, the missionary, the nun, the friar, the prostitute.”
Would this unity bring peace? Far from it. It would only further turn father against son, neighbor against neighbor, town against town, and nation against nation: “It will put an end to any semblance of social order in the world.” (8)
The installation of this universal seducer would come as a surprise to superficial spirits, who would be unprepared for how suddenly it would appear. “The Antichrist will catch us by surprise,” he said. (9)
Who is this 'universal seducer?'
Palau explains: “The Antichrist is the triumph of the Devil and sin in the battle against Christ and His Church in the realm of politics and sheer force. It is the Devil incarnate and made visible through the communication of his power to men.” (10)
He believed that already in his time man could already see the body of the Antichrist, but not yet its head: “We also see that his empire is already formed.”

‘The empire of evil is in movement... It is unstoppable,’ Palau warned
Almost 50 years before Fatima he warned that if mankind did not convert and do penance, it would suffer the punishment prefigured by the train that fell into the abyss.
He did not know when this chastisement would come, but he foresaw that it would be great, more terrible than the Deluge. As mankind would draw near this catastrophe, there would be horrible convulsions in the earth and skies. But then it would be too late to put on the brakes and stop the train.
The arrogant engineers of that train would respond: “You are damned. You are coming with us to Hell! The voracious fire of your concupiscence produces the steam of your impious, obscene, impure and blasphemous doctrines. This filthy steam, which you yourselves breathe, powers this train. You must fall down into the abyss with us, you cursed race!” (12)
In the distance an era of peace
Palau could see further: to the defeat of the Revolution and a time in the future when the false earthly empire of the Antichrist would be annihilated and replaced by the Reign of Christ and His Church.

Our Lady will end the storm of the Revolution
He was speaking of that time of peace promised by Our Lady to man after a great chastisement and victory of her Immaculate Heart, a peace also prophesied in Scriptures.
And when will this day come? Palau replies: “This day will come after the universal collapse of society, which we feel is close indeed.” (13)
In the next article, we will look at the Great Chastisement he predicted that will end the Revolution and the role of the Restorer he foretold would come to restore all things in Christ.
- He explains in an issue of El Ermitaño: “In the sixth century Satan left his prison, and in full armor made battle against the Church: He founded the Moslem empire....“ Satan quickly offered battle again, but a different type. … within the very heart of the sanctuary he provoked a schism.... The East separated from the Latin Church, and on the ruins Satan raised an empire more dreadful than the first….
“Unrecognized in these two conflicts, Satan prepared a third attack, aimed at the heart of Catholic Europe. Luther was chosen....Thus Protestantism established a third empire of Satan in the bosom of Europe.... Victorious in these three battles, Satan prepared a fourth attack. Italy, Spain, and France had survived and Austria had not fallen. Catholicism was still firmly supported by these four columns. Satan mobilized all his legions and attacked. After the bloodiest struggle ever seen, he has won. Toward the end of the last century a banner appeared over the ruins of the Church in France. It is the very same flag that had fluttered over the revolutionary legions in Heaven. 'War on God! Revolution!' it read.” “Una ilusión funesta,” no. 156, 11/2/1871, in Luis Dufaur, Blessed Francisco Palau y Quer, O.C.D.: A Prophet from Yesterday, For Today, For Tomorrow, For the End Times. - Roma vista desde la cima del monte, El Ermitano, no. 58, 9-12-1869, see Father Tiago of Saint Joseph, The prophecies of Blessed Francisco Palau about the end of times
- Luis Dufaur, Blessed Francisco Palau y Quer, O.C.D.: A Prophet from Yesterday, For Today, For Tomorrow, For the End Times. I acknowledge here the debt owed to Mr. Dufaur who has published, perhaps for the first time, the prophecies made by Bl. Francisco Palau in his newsletter El Ermitaño.
- Ibid.
- “Catástrofe social,” El Ermitaño, no. 40, 8/5/1869, in ibid.
- “La cuestión del Oriente: Un imperio universal,” El Ermitaño, no. 11, 1/14/1869, in ibid
- “Incendio de barracas en Barcelona,” El Ermitaño, no. 170, 2/8/1872 in ibid.
- Ibid.
- “Roma,” El Ermitaño, no. 12, 1/21/1869, in ibid.
- El Anticristo,” El Ermitaño, no. 16, 2/18/1869, in ibid.
- “Fin del mundo: aparición de Elías Tesbites,” El Ermitaño, no. 120, 2/23/1871, in ibid.
- “¡Horrorosa Catástrofe!” El Ermitaño, no. 40, 8/5/1869, in ibid
- “La cuestión del Oriente: Un imperio universal,” in ibid.
Posted February 10, 2025

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