Bl. Palau: Apostles of the Latter Times & the Restoration - 14 They will perform great wonders that will seal the end of the Revolution
 | The Judgment of Nations
Part 1 -
The Latter Times & the Judgment of Nations Scripture distinguishes between Latter Times & End Times
Part 2 -
The Conversion of the Jews & Anguished Days God will punish nations for their infidelity
Part 3 -
Hildegard von Bingen’s Vision of the Latter Times Five epochs between the Middle Ages & the chastisement
Part 4 -
Anna Taigi: a Great Chastisement & Three Days of Darkness She sees the Latter Times in the ‘mystical’ sun ever before her eyes
Part 5 -
Ana Maria Taigi: Triumph of the Church & the Restorer Christ defeats His enemies in a ‘definitive day’
Part 6 -
Ven. Elizabeth Mora Sees the Latter Times Tribulations Convulsions, chaos, chastisement, followed by a full restoration
Part 7 -
Ven. Holzhauser: An Age of Tribulation & Heresy We are ending the Fifth Age of the Church History
Part 8 -
An Unexpected Intervention Surpassing Human Imagination Holzhauser predicts the end of the Revolution & the Reign of Mary
Part 9 -
Ven. Holzhauser: The Destiny of England in the Reign of Mary A fall into extreme misery, a slain King & then a glorious return
Part 10 -
Bl. Francisco Palau, The Counter-Revolutionary Prophet The polemical Carmelite Hermit-Preacher who foresaw our times
Part 11 -
‘I Go Where the Glory of God Calls Me’ Bl. Palau suffers, persecution & exile for attacking the Revolution
Part 12 -
Palau: 'The Empire of Evil Is in Motion & Is Unstoppable' The Revolution's plot for a universal religion & republic
Part 13 -
Palau: The Infiltration of the Church & Coming of the Restorer Rome will be destroyed & the Devil will enter the Sanctuary
St. John Bosco Sheds Light on the Cause of the Revolution The moderate stance: sympathy for the Revolution, hatred for the CR
Adveniat Regnum Tuum How the prayer of Our Lady changed History
 | ‘The Lord Possessed Me in the Beginning of His Ways’ What does this verse have to do with Our Lady?
St Louis de Montfort: Doctor, Prophet & Apostle for Today’s Crisis A modern Apostle because he preached Our Lady's victory in our days
Why the Dogma of Immaculate Conception Raised Hatred A storm of indignation rose among Catholics & non-Catholics alike
Was the Recent Aurora Borealis a Sign of World War III? Brilliant lights around the world on the night of November 4, 2023
Times of the Antichrist - 1 From the Apocalypse & revelations
Popes Opposed to the Message of Fatima - Times of the Antichrist - 2 Since St. Pius X, the Pontiffs have been weak
The Dragon, John XXIII & Paul VI - Times of the Antichrist - 3 Prefigures of the end times
Are JPI & JPII Predicted in the Apocalypse? - Times of the Antichrist - 4 The heresies of John Paul II & rebirth of Paganism
When Will the Antichrist Come? - Times of the Antichrist - 5 It could be in an epoch long before the Last Judgment
 | The Mystery of Christmas Why the Savior's birth is celebrated on December 25
 | La Plus Belle Aventure du Monde C'est la Notre The most beautiful adventure in the world is ours - the TIA motto
 | The Russia of Christ & the Russia of the Revolution A rich nation influenced by her Catholic past is waiting to re-emerge
 | Beware of the Breeze of Butterfly Wings Small initial symptoms lead to great disaster & victories for the Revolution
 | How God Uses the Dynamism of Individuals & Peoples
Part 1 - Discerning the Dynamism of Individuals & Peoples How God gives different vocations in History
Part 2 - Discerning the Historic Roles of Nations How some nations have a post life and role in History
Part 3 - Peoples who Disappear, Peoples who Remain How God calls peoples to History or let them die
Part 4 - How a People Fulfills its Vocation The good fruit that comes when man follows Plan A of God
Part 5 - How Ghosts & Myths Influence the Psychology of a People The influence of subtle factors that only a few persons discern
Part 6 - Reason & Myths How a disciplined mind favors the building of a Catholic society
 | The Two Advents of Our Lord Jesus Christ The reasons for the Nativity and the circumstances of the Final Judgment
 | The Certainty of the Reign of Mary Reasons why a new era should be expected
 | Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Tendencies, Ideas and Facts Describes the process of the gradual conquest of the West from within
 | The Fidelity of the Remnant throughout History The plan of God always continues through a small portion of faithful Catholics
 | The Immaculate Character of the Catholic Church In today's crisis we should admire her radiant substance throughout History
 | How a Few Faithful Catholics Can Represent the Ensemble of the Church An appeal for Catholics to help a great prisoner: Our Lady
 | The Fullness of Time
The fidelity of Our Lady represents the fullness of time, not the apogee of
 | Vocations of the European Peoples How those different peoples were called to love God and reflect His glory