Tradition In Action

Flashes on Theology of History

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catholic Bl. Palau: Apostles of the Latter Times & the Restoration - 14
They will perform great wonders that will seal the end of the Revolution

catholicThe Judgment of Nations

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -    The Latter Times & the Judgment of Nations
                   Scripture distinguishes between Latter Times & End Times

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -    The Conversion of the Jews & Anguished Days
                   God will punish nations for their infidelity

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -    Hildegard von Bingen’s Vision of the Latter Times
                   Five epochs between the Middle Ages & the chastisement

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -    Anna Taigi: a Great Chastisement & Three Days of Darkness
                   She sees the Latter Times in the ‘mystical’ sun ever before her eyes

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -    Ana Maria Taigi: Triumph of the Church & the Restorer
                   Christ defeats His enemies in a ‘definitive day’

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -    Ven. Elizabeth Mora Sees the Latter Times Tribulations
                   Convulsions, chaos, chastisement, followed by a full restoration

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -    Ven. Holzhauser: An Age of Tribulation & Heresy
                   We are ending the Fifth Age of the Church History

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 8 -    An Unexpected Intervention Surpassing Human Imagination
                  Holzhauser predicts the end of the Revolution & the Reign of Mary

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 9 -    Ven. Holzhauser: The Destiny of England in the Reign of Mary
                   A fall into extreme misery, a slain King & then a glorious return

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 10 -    Bl. Francisco Palau, The Counter-Revolutionary Prophet
                     The polemical Carmelite Hermit-Preacher who foresaw our times

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 11 -    ‘I Go Where the Glory of God Calls Me’
                     Bl. Palau suffers, persecution & exile for attacking the Revolution

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 12 -    Palau: 'The Empire of Evil Is in Motion & Is Unstoppable'
                     The Revolution's plot for a universal religion & republic

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 13 -    Palau: The Infiltration of the Church & Coming of the Restorer
                     Rome will be destroyed & the Devil will enter the Sanctuary

catholic St. John Bosco Sheds Light on the Cause of the Revolution
The moderate stance: sympathy for the Revolution, hatred for the CR

catholic Adveniat Regnum Tuum
How the prayer of Our Lady changed History

catholic‘The Lord Possessed Me in the Beginning of His Ways’
What does this verse have to do with Our Lady?

catholic St Louis de Montfort: Doctor, Prophet & Apostle for Today’s Crisis
A modern Apostle because he preached Our Lady's victory in our days

catholic Why the Dogma of Immaculate Conception Raised Hatred
A storm of indignation rose among Catholics & non-Catholics alike

catholic Was the Recent Aurora Borealis a Sign of World War III?
Brilliant lights around the world on the night of November 4, 2023

catholic Times of the Antichrist - 1
From the Apocalypse & revelations

catholic Popes Opposed to the Message of Fatima - Times of the Antichrist - 2
Since St. Pius X, the Pontiffs have been weak

catholic The Dragon, John XXIII & Paul VI  - Times of the Antichrist - 3
Prefigures of the end times

catholic Are JPI & JPII Predicted in the Apocalypse? - Times of the Antichrist - 4
The heresies of John Paul II & rebirth of Paganism

catholic When Will the Antichrist Come? - Times of the Antichrist - 5
It could be in an epoch long before the Last Judgment

catholicThe Mystery of Christmas
Why the Savior's birth is celebrated on December 25

catholicLa Plus Belle Aventure du Monde C'est la Notre
The most beautiful adventure in the world is ours - the TIA motto

catholicThe Russia of Christ & the Russia of the Revolution 
A rich nation influenced by her Catholic past is waiting to re-emerge

catholicBeware of the Breeze of Butterfly Wings
Small initial symptoms lead to great disaster & victories for the Revolution

catholicHow God Uses the Dynamism of Individuals & Peoples

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Discerning the Dynamism of Individuals & Peoples
                   How God gives different vocations in History

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Discerning the Historic Roles of Nations
                   How some nations have a post life and role in History

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Peoples who Disappear, Peoples who Remain
                   How God calls peoples to History or let them die

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   How a People Fulfills its Vocation
                   The good fruit that comes when man follows Plan A of God

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   How Ghosts & Myths Influence the Psychology of a People
                   The influence of subtle factors that only a few persons discern

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   Reason & Myths
                   How a disciplined mind favors the building of a Catholic society

catholicThe Two Advents of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The reasons for the Nativity and the circumstances of the Final Judgment

catholicThe Certainty of the Reign of Mary
Reasons why a new era should be expected

catholicRevolution and Counter-Revolution in the Tendencies, Ideas and Facts
Describes the process of the gradual conquest of the West from within

catholicThe Fidelity of the Remnant  throughout History
The plan of God always continues through a small portion of faithful Catholics

catholicThe Immaculate Character of the Catholic Church
In today's crisis we should admire her radiant substance throughout History

catholicHow a Few Faithful Catholics Can Represent the Ensemble of the Church
An appeal for Catholics to help a great prisoner: Our Lady

catholicThe Fullness of Time
The fidelity of Our Lady represents the fullness of time, not the apogee of empires

catholicVocations of the European Peoples
How those different peoples were called to love God and reflect His glory

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