 |  | Photographic Studies Confirm Two Sister Lucys |
Atila Sinke Guimarães
Yesterday, October 14, 2013, TIA received two important photographic studies from a friendly website and a long time reader.
The Servants of the Holy Family hired a company that uses computer technology to make age progression and regression photos. The service is used to help others know how a person will look when they are older or how they would have been as children.
The Servants of the Holy Family gave this company a photo of Sister Lucy in the 1940s when she was a Dorothean nun in Tuy, and another of Sister Lucy in the 1960s, when she was a Carmelite nun in Coimbra. They asked for an age progression of the first photo to see how that person would look when she would be older; they also asked for an age regression of the second photo to see how she would look when she was a child. (here)
The results are set out below. In the first row left, is the original photo and, at right, is the progression the professionals made to show how that young nun would look when she was old. We added, in the second row, a known photo of Sister Lucy's mother, whose features have some similarities to the photo-hypothesis of the woman in the aged photo.
It seems to me that the photo-hypothesis has a faithful resemblance to the young Sister Lucy, since there is a harmonic transition in the facial features from the young nun to the aged one. We see the same oval face, the same half-moon shaped forehead, the same eyebrows that almost touch one another, the same horizontally set eyes, the same cheekbones, the same structure of the mouth and teeth, and also the same dimpled chin. Even the same seriousness of the youth's gaze and its sad sweetness is present in the
projection of the old nun.
The only point that does not seem probable to me is the curved line introduced on her nose and its tip, which makes her nose seem aquiline. I would say that her nose would be flat, like that of her mother. However, this does not mean that the projection is not accurate in its other lines.
The photo below left portrays the extroverted Sister Lucy of the 1960s, who began to appear at public events and to pose with Popes. At right is the projection of how she would look when she was a child, according to the age regression service.
I believe that the professionals worked with more photos than the one of Sister Lucy II provided here, above left, which is the one the Servants of the Holy Family posted on their website and sent to us.
Indeed, the features in the photo at left are not clear enough to delineate the protuberant shape of the chin and salient form of the cheeks as they appear in the girl. Also the open smile of the girl, with its short teeth planted in showy gums - which hardly appear in the photo at left - reveals that other photos were used. Thus, let us consider this hypothetical girl Lucy as a product of several photos of Sister Lucy II, such as the ones shown below in this article.
Notwithstanding these reservations, the final result seems to me quite satisfactory. The hypothetical girl shown above right has the same hexagonal form of face of the older nun, her eyebrows are equally separated from each other, her eyes in both photos are slightly downward set. In the eyes we find the same naughty gaze and the same
inquisitive, prying nose.
For this analysis to be complete, it is indispensable to compare the old Sister Lucy presented by the Vatican from the 1960s onward, below left, with the projection of how the Sister Lucy of the 1940s would look like at the end of her life, right.
Nothing in these two photos is similar. Everything is different: the shape of the face, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth, chin and general expression.
All the conclusions reached by Dr. Marian Horvat some time ago, comparing the young Sister Lucy of the Dorothean Convent with the old Sister Lucy of the Carmelite Convent, are spectacularly confirmed by this study. Considering photos of both Sister Lucys when they were young, some superficial resemblance can appear. With the increase of age, however, they vanish and a shocking dissimilarity is before our eyes.
Equally appalling is the comparison of the two girls. Below we can see the real Lucy and the hypothetical Lucy made in the age regression of the photos of Sister Lucy II, a friend of Paul VI and John Paul II.
Again, nothing is alike in these two photos. At left, we see a simple peasant, but with a rich personality. She is serious, profound, rock firm in her decisions, and acutely aware that she has a great mission to accomplish. There is no trace of vanity or worldly thoughts in her way of dress or demeanor.
At right, we see a sentimental girl, entirely turned toward pleasing others. Her weak personality makes her susceptible to do whatever she is instructed by her friends. She is vain, coquettish and mediocre. She enjoys intruding into other people's lives in order to discover trifling details and become involved in intrigues.
The last set of comparisons that remains to be made - taking into consideration the hypothetical age regression and progression projections we received - is to see how they correspond to the two Sister Lucys at different stages of life. This is what we will do next.
The three first photographs above are known pictures of Sister Lucy I. The first, at the time of the apparitions. the second, shortly afterwards, the third, at the Dorothean Convent of Tuy. The fourth is the hypothetical progression of the same person, aged. The four photos do not present any essential discrepancy among themselves. They look very much like photos of the same person.
An analogous consideration can be made regarding the four photos below. They also look like photos of the same person. Although some objections can be raised about the two first photos at left, as we did above, when compared with the next two photos at right, the regression of Sister Lucy II from an elderly nun to a girl seems quite accurate.
One thing, however, is not possible: One cannot affirm that these last two sets of photos portray the same person. They obviously picture two different nuns. The merit of these hypothetical age progression and regression photos is to make it crystal clear that there were, in fact, two Sister Lucys.
What about the true Sister Lucy, who was hidden completely from sight? Is she still alive with more than 100 years of age? Will she still have a say in future events, as Our Lady predicted she would? Or did she die? If so, how? When? Where? Everything is a mystery...
Posted October 15, 2013

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Photographic Studies Confirm Two Sister Lucys
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