Response to Fr. Cizik's letter
Published in The Remnant February 28, 2000
Editor: The Remnant:
The Rev. Father criticizes my article “Handing Over the Symbolic Icon of Our Lady of Kazan,” published in The Remnant (January 31, 20001). Applying criteria different from mine in his analysis, he concludes that I am “slandering” the blue Army.
In my article, I affirm:
1. The so-called Orthodox Russian Church has not converted, but continues to spread the same errors and heresies denounced by St. Pius X in his letter Ex quo of December 26, 1910.
2.Communism has not died, but continues to exist with the same face in many countries, and with a different face in the countries of Eastern Europe.
3.There is a very serious crisis installed inside the Holy Church, which involves a radical change in moral and dogmatic principles.
In view of these three major facts, I conclude that the conditions placed by Our Lady at Fatima were not met, that the message divulged by Cardinals Ratzinger and Sodano is incomplete, and therefore, that I consider it shameful to hand over the Sacred Icon of Our Lady of Kazan to the Schismatics, as if Russian had converted and we were already living in the Reign of Mary. In his letter, Fr. Cizik does not refute the facts I presented on these three items, but separates my conclusion from the whole, and then presents his organization as being “slandered.”
I can guarantee the Rev. Father that I did not have any malicious intention of offending the organization that he directs. My conclusion that the public handing over of the Icon to the Schismatics is shameful is not defamation. It is only the logical conclusion, in the religious domain, drawn from the facts that I presented. If Fr. Cizik wants to deny my conclusion, I would ask him the favor of demonstrating publicly and clearly that the major facts that I presented are false. If his arguments are convincing, I will modify my conclusion with all good grace. Let me make here, then, my amiable invitation to him to engage in a written debate on the matter.
Cordially, In Maria,
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.

Other Articles in the Polemic
Handing Over the Symbolic Icon of Our Lady of Kazan Dr. Marian T. Horvat.
Soul Editor Contends The Remnant Slandered Blue Army Letter to the Editor by Fr. Ladis J. Cizik, director of The Blue Army and editor of Soul magazine
The Myth of a Converted Russia Exposed Dr. Marian Horvat
Will John Paul II Return the Icon of Kazan to an Unconverted Russia Dr. Marian Horvat
Kazan, The End of the Story Atila Sinke Guimarães
A Triple Betrayal of the Catholic Church Dr. Marian Horvat

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