Soul Editor Contends The Remnant Slandered Blue Army |
Fr. Ladis J. Cizik
Published in The Remnant February 28, 2001
Editor, The Remnant:
Peace be with you and The Remnant readers. I am writing in response to the article in your January 31, 2001 Remnant entitled “Handing Over the Symbolic Icon of Our Lady of Kazan,” by Marian T. Horvat. The article begins: “There was a time when the Blue Army was representative of the message of Fatima in all its integrity…” The article posits that there is a “crisis in the Church” since Pope John Paul II is believed to have plans to return the historic Icon of Our Lady of Kazan to the Russian people. The Blue Army is slandered for turning the Icon over to the Holy Father.
Let me assure you, the writer, and your readers that the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, contrary to the words of the article, has not “reneged on its mission” and “rolled up its banners.” We are, and continue to be, distinctive among most other Fatima apostolates in that we are officially approved and recognized as a “juridic person” in the Church. Our mission is to work in harmony with the Pope, and those bishops united with him, in promoting the Message of Fatima. We are proud of this fact and will stand up to those, such as the writer, who not only attack us, but the integrity of Pope John Paul II.
The official Vatican document, from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, entitled, “The Message Fatima,” makes reference to Pope John Paul II’s collegial consecration of March 25, 1984. It quotes Sister Lucia, the sole surviving seer of Fatima as saying: “Yes, it has been done just as Our Lady asked, on 25 March 1984.” The Vatican document notes: “Hence any further discussion or request is without basis.” The Remnant article continues this “discussion,” indicating that Our Lady did not keep her promise in regards to the “conversion of Russia.”
Our Lady keeps her promises. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the demolition of the Berlin Wall, among other evidences, it was time for the Blue Army to keep its promises. Arrangements were made with the Vatican for the return of the Icon of Kazan to the Russian people, as we had promised. The Blue Army did not publicize this move to give maximum flexibility to the Holy Father and avoid sensationalism that might jeopardize Catholic Church relations with the Russian Orthodox.
However, since the world press has now become aware of the Icon of Kazan being at the Vatican, numerous articles have begun to surface, often misrepresenting the facts or the motives of the Blue Army. It is time now for us to break our official silence. The miraculous Icon that belonged to the Russian people, was lost, was rescued by the Blue Army, was given refuge at our home in Fatima, Domus Pacis, and is now in the hands of the Vicar of Christ on earth, to do with as he sees fit.
The Blue Army believes in and lives the Fatima message, even to the extent of giving away its treasures, such as the Kazan Icon, for the good of the Church. We believe in and work in union with the Pope and those bishops united with him. This is the hallmark of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. We can do no more and will do no less. Using the words of the Remnant article, this is not our “shame,” but has been, and will continue to be, our “glory.”
With prayers and best wishes, I am sincerely yours in Jesus through Mary,
In Union with Blessed Padre Pio, Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco,
Father Ladis J. Cizik
Executive Director/Vice President
Editor of Soul Magazine

Other Articles in the Polemic
Handing Over the Symbolic Icon of Our Lady of Kazan Dr. Marian T. Horvat.
Dr. Horvat Explains Response to Fr. Cizik's letter
The Myth of a Converted Russia Exposed Dr. Marian Horvat
Will John Paul II Return the Icon of Kazan to an Unconverted Russia Dr. Marian Horvat
Kazan, The End of the Story Atila Sinke Guimarães
A Triple Betrayal of the Catholic Church Dr. Marian Horvat

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