Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Behold the new liturgical Mayan Rite
In the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas, better known as the Diocese of Chiapas, a new Mayan Rite for the Mass and the Sacraments has been in gestation for some time. The Conference of Mexican Bishops has already approved the Rite, and in May it will be sent to the Vatican to be edited and made official.Above, we see the Mayan "altar" at San Cristobal Seminary. It consists in a circle of fruits and flowers surrounded by candles. In the pagan Mayan cult, this constituted a homage to Mother Earth and the Cosmos in thanksgiving for the fruits and flowers received. It is divided into four parts to thank the gods of the wind, the fire, the air and the earth. The new Mayan Rite conserved the same elements, but introduced images of Jesus and Mary at the center of the "altar" to replace the pagan deities. It is obviously a syncretistic arrangement...
Below, first row, we see persons kneeling with their foreheads on the floor. This was a Mayan pagan way to adore the deities; the same posture was conserved in the new Mayan Rite of the Conciliar Church. One small detail, Catholics do not adore the Virgin Mary but reserve to her the cult of hyper-dulia. The Catholics of Chiapas are being led into error even in this most elementary point of theology.
In the second row, we see women dancing with burning bowls. The smoke of copal incense burned in these bowls was used in pagan rites to bless the altar and gifts and to beseech the protection of the god Tlaloc and the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, the deities of creation and fertility. The same ritual was conserved without too many problems in the name of conciliar "inculturation."
In the third row, we see those present shaking rattles or sonajas. Again, the rattle was a Mayan pagan symbol used to call the ancestors to come and communicate with the living. This part of the pagan ceremony was also maintained. The young man wearing a bandana is one of the seminarians who will be ordained a priest in the city church. This ceremony took place in the seminary as a farewell to the seminarian.
Below the next vignette showing a seminarian blowing a shell – also a pagan practice to call the ancestors – we see three rows with photos of the ordination.
In the first, there is a procession headed by seminarians holding shells and a woman carrying a smoking bowl of copal; in the second, a woman is admitted on the altar to bless the priest-to-be; in the third, a woman "blesses" the altar with the copal smoke.
After the second vignette, there are other characteristics of the coming Mayan Rite: in the first row, there is a priest kneeling close to the Mayan "altar," around which we can see small discs. They are symbols of the Mayan calendar representing the many deities they adored. They were conserved in the New Rite, as we can see. In the second row left, an episcopal procession with four Deacons processes to the altar with their wives; the introduction of many women in liturgical functions is another mark of the Mayan Rite; right, a Eucharistic minister distributes Communion in his Mayan apparel.
After the third vignette, we see Pope Francis celebrating Mass at Chiapas on February 15, 2016, pouring copal into the smoking bowls of two women. They accompany Francis as he burns incense to the Crucified Christ, second row. In the third row, he greets Cardinal Felipe Arizmendi and Bishop Rodrigo Aguilar, the religious authorities behind the new Mayan Rite.
Mayan Rite, African Rite, Amazonian Rite...
Francis is preparing a carnival of new "inculturated" rites that will overshadow the Novus Ordo Mass. We have also heard about a new Ecumenical Rite being prepared that will be said for all "Christians." At the same time, however, he forbids the Tridentine Mass.
How much more will it take for Catholics to realize that Francis is the worst possible enemy of the Catholic Religion?
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Posted March 26, 2023