Progressivism in the Church
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Francis wears chasubles with Tarapacá deity
In his visit to Chile in January 2018, Pope Francis wore chasubles of different colors but with the same design representing symbols of Chile. One of them was a figure of the Inca/Mapuche deity called Tarapacá or Tunupa.The figure was imprinted twice on the design of the papal chasuble under the figure of the Cross. For the Mass he said in Santiago (January 16) he wore a green chasuble; for the one in Temuco (Jan.17) he wore a red one, and for the Mass said in Iquique (Jan. 18) his chasuble was sand colored. All the Bishops present wore identical chasubles; the priests presents had vestments with the same motif between two ribbon stripes.
According to the local Indian legend, the giant deity Tarapacá left the Peruvian Titicaca Lake and walked to the north of Chile where it was adored by the Indians. The the Indians made an enormous geoglyph on the hill of Cerro Unita representing the giant, which became a pagan religious symbol of the area. Some consider this deity an extra-terrestrial.
By wearing such a symbol on his chasubles, Francis endorsed paganism and was not too far from endorsing Satanism, which inspired those idolatrous practices. The fact that the same vestments were used by all the Chilean Hierarchy and clergy present at those ceremonies extends the gravity of this sacrilege.
We see that the relatively small reaction to the Chilean Tarapacá chasubles in 2018 encouraged Francis to make an explicit and public act of idolatry in 2019 by paying open homage to the Pachamama at the Vatican.
Photos from the Internet

Posted May 15, 2022