Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Sisters of Charity dance in Calcutta
In July, to commemorate their Province Day - 2022, the Sisters of Charity in Calcutta decided to have a day of performances where the sisters and the novices danced.The performances consisted in Hindu dances and songs executed on stage by the nuns wearing Hindu apparel.
The older nuns justified the adoption of those pagan dances under the pretext of "searching for new ways to practice charity." They follow the orientation of Vatican II to adapt the Church to the modern world.
We see everywhere the great apostasy it produced... In the case of these nuns, their adaptation went as far as to place the mark of Shiva on their foreheads. Indeed below, in the ninth and tenth rows, we can distinguish the mark of Shiva on the forehead and hands of some of the nun-performers.
So, we are no longer witnessing just the adoption of local customs, but also an adhesion to Hindu sects that preach another doctrine about God and Creation.
In the last row, the nuns and novices in their daily new look, also adapted to the local religious customs...
Photos from this video

Posted August 28, 2022