Progressivism in the Church
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Francis: 'Sr. Gramick is a valiant woman'
On December 8, 2021, New Ways Ministry executive director Francis DeBernardo mentioned that he received two letters from Pope Francis praising the work of his pro-homosexual movement.According to DeBernardo, Francis referred to its co-founder, Loreto Sister Jeannine Gramick, as a "valiant woman" who had suffered much for her ministry. "Thank you for your neighborly work," Bergoglio wrote in his June 17 letter to De Bernardo.
By writing these letters Francis surpasses his own record of supporting homosexuality.
A reader who sent us the news report aptly commented: "Contrary to how the Saints performed acts that constantly led them to attain new apexes of holiness, today we have a Pope who constantly descends into new abysses of evil and horror."
Adding insult to the injury, the letters praising the pro-homo ministry were released on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Above and below first and second rows, Sr. Gramick in a "gay pride" parade in Prague, August 2015; third row, on a New Ways Ministry pilgrimage to Rome in 2012; fourth row, in Charlotte, Maryland, promoting Question 6, favoring homo marriages; fifth row, conversing with Card. Peter Turkson on his visit to the U.S in 2013 at a Peacebuilding conference at Catholic University; sixth row, with Bishop John Stowe pushing the LGBT agenda.
Photos from the Internet

Posted December 12, 2021