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Twenty-three nuns publish their lesbian stories
In December 2020 the book Love Tenderly - Sacred Stories of Lesbian and Queer Religious was launched by New Ways Ministry. The book, above, was assembled and edited by Sister Grace Surdovel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Congregation, and was co-authored by 23 nuns who identify themselves as lesbian and queer. Loreto Sister Jeannine Grammick, a notorious advocate for LGBT “rights,” wrote its foreword.The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas released an official eulogy of this book, which reads:
“The Mercy Community values, indeed cherishes, each member. It is in that spirit that we thank our four sisters who are contributors to the volume, Love Tenderly: Sacred Stories of Lesbian and Queer Religious. We hope that their stories will open hearts and enlighten minds to the sacredness and endless diversity of God’s creation. We appreciate this book that alerts us to the many ways we are blessed and that we need to learn to be more and more inclusive and welcoming.”
This book represents a new onslaught of feminine homosexuality in the Conciliar Church, second only to the 1985 release of the scandalous Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence, last row below.
It is not necessary to say that homosexuality has received encouragement in the Conciliar Church starting from the top. Besides the countless times that Pope Francis has granted his support to this or that homosexual, not long ago he invited members of New Ways Ministry to sit in the first row of one of his audiences.
If it is certain that God intervenes in History to punish sins against nature such as homosexuality, He is much more severe when it comes to this sin when it occurs inside His Church. All the more when it takes place among nuns, who are vowed to be virgin spouses of Jesus Christ.
It is good to ponder well the gravity of this affront so that we will not be surprised when the vengeance of God falls upon the Conciliar Church, which poses as the Catholic Church.
Below, first row, Sister Grace Surdovel; second row, Sister Jeannine Grammick; third row left, Grammick with Fr. James Martin, SJ, at right, with Arch. Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco.
The fourth and fifth rows show the photos of some of the 23 nuns who have publicly declared themselves to be lesbians.
Above, co-authors Sisters Jeanne Christensen, left, and
Mary Kay Dobrovolny,
both Sisters of Mercy of Americas
Above, co-authors Sisters Sue Becker of the Divine Compassion Congregation, left, and
Mary Kay Hunyady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Congregation
Photos from the Internet - click in the last image for more

Posted November 28, 2021